Deaths' Servant part Four

Bella And Bora

Soon the time came when Bellamort would have to fulfill her mission Death had put to her on the day that she reunited with that ex-nazi woman. At first she followed him, feeling slightly reluctant to approach him for some reason. She found it almost bizarre as she observed his movements, which she hoped would let slip the reason why he wanted to kill her master. Which unfortunately seemed to bare no fruit. This led her to conclude that she would have to set up a meeting with him.
     She let out a dreaded sigh as she leaned against a rosebush letting the thorns pain her arms to calm herself down as she looked over at the boy that she now looked the age of. At first she hesitated but quickly getting hold of herself she called out his name. He looked at her almost startled and had a shade of red on his cheeks that Bellamort knew very well was not any form of makeup. Then what was it?
     "How do you know my name beautiful?" he asked as if he was flattered by something.
     "I have been observing you for some time." she replied. "Tell me, would you kill Death?"
     "And be immortal? No I don't wish to do that. I'd get lonely." he replied.
     With that she made her excuses and left, she had her answer. So when she told Death he looked at her slightly concerned and thought that Bora had lied to her, just to show off. With this in mind he told her to go back and get close to the boy. Bellamort nodded out of obeisance.
     Over the next couple of months she spent time with Bora getting close to him. Letting him open up about his life and his education at his school, which she never had. They played anywhere and everywhere. He taught her many things like, football, rugby, cricket which she found herself enjoying more than she thought. She even played against his friends. In those bizarre moments she felt like she was a normal person without an ounce of responsibility. She had even spent thine at his house, where she had spent time getting to know his parents.
     This all changed when it was his turn to lean on the rosebush. He looked at her as if he was looking at her for the first time with an odd goofy grin glued onto his face.
     "I don't think I've noticed this before, but I think you look beautiful...and..." he giggled nervously. "...I think that I'm in love with you Bella."
     Startled by this she did not even know what to say.
     "Why would you kill Death?" she asked almost as a defect to avert his attention.
     "To spend eternity with you." he said as he picked a rose and picked off its thorns. He then tucked it in her hair.
     "Excuse me for a moment I think that I need time to think." she said almost breathlessly. She ran to Death and wasted not a single breath explaining what had just happened. Wandering more than ever what to do.
     "Go to him, I can see that you are very close now. I believe that if you were to go back to him he will give you the reason, in fact I am sure of it." he said as he gestured for her to go back. So this led her spending more time with Bora and getting closer and she too found that she had feelings for him too. They then went on to date for year until one day they met by the rosebush like they always had, but there was something different about Bora. He looked nervous than ever.
     He plucked a black rose from the rosebush and sniffed it. He leaned sidewards hurting his left arm in the process as he picked off the rose like he usually did. He tucked it into Bellas' hair and picked another one and repeated the process and tucked this one in the other side and again repeated the motion but this time he tucked it in his clearly borrowed suit. He then slipped his hand deep into the rosebush and pulled out a small black box. He knelt down on one knee and opened the box revealing an expensive silver ring with a ruby rose on the top.
     "Marry me." he asked. Bellamort took a step back as she was taken back by what was happening. Did he really just say that? Even-though she did want to marry and live happily ever after with him she was also torn between her loyalty to her master Death.
     "Even-though I do love you and I want to say yes, believe me, I do! I cannot." she explained choosing her words carefully.
     "Whyever not? I mean we're of age now." he said.
     "I have to have permission from my master Death, or I will be condemned to see you age, die and turn to dust." she explained.
     "Then I shall kill him if that means that we can be together." he vowed as he leaned in and kissed her shocked lips. The horror if what she had done was quickly sinking in. She pulled away and ran from him wandering how she could have been so foolishly blind to what was staring right at her the whole time. When she reached Death she collapsed.
     "I know the reason why he will try to kill you my master!" she exclaimed.
     "And what is it?" he asked.
     "Please forgive me, but it is because he loves me and gee wants to free me by killing you!" she explained finding it difficult to catch her breath. He looked at her with suppressed horror and tried to look understanding.
     "It is alright, you did nothing wrong. The fault lies with me for not training you to properly control your hormones and pushing you to him being fully aware of the changes that are taking place in your body. Please, do not let this wigh on you, if he should kill me then that fate rests on my head, and mine alone. I will be responsible for both my death and the worse one that I have set upon you." he explained hugging the girl tightly.
     "What do you mean?" she asked as he pulled away.
     "Let me start by stating that as my servant you have become my apprentice, and as my apprentice, Bora Immortal will not free you when he kills me, but he will condemn you to become the new Death!"


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