Deaths' Servant Part Two

The Immortal Child

Once in Germany there was an unusual child that was taken into the concentration campus. She had black hair like a ravens' feathers and eyes the colour of grave stones.She had pail almost gray skin and iron nails in her earlobes that seemed to appear in them every time that they pulled them out. They ladled her 1346 and tattooed it onto her arm.
     They worked her hard she showed no sign of tiredness and even-though they starved her she showed no sign of it. Throughout her time there she remained as strong and healthy as she did when she had arrived, and that seemed to be stronger than the average man. It was as if the child was, somehow, getting everything that they were trying to deprive her of. The question was, how and by who?
     The head woman spotted that the girl was by far more beautifuler than her. She could not have been more jealous of the girls' seemingly unnatural beauty even if she tried. She was also equally outraged when she spotted that the girl would retrained everything that she had, even-though she had started to overwork the girl. She was also iterated by her look as if she was mocking her as she seemed to age slower than she did. Which meant that this girl would be able to enjoy her beauty longer than she could and the head woman would not allow that. She was determined to kill this child,even if it was the last thing that she did.
     The first time she attempted this was the old fashioned way by gassing the girl. She left her there for a day in an overcrowded gas chamber. When it came time to collect the bodies, to the head womans' horror the girl just sat there in the corner cross legged looking at her as if to ask if that was the best that she could do.
     This arrogant look infuriated the woman so she took the girl and chained her up and threw her into a deep pool. 1346 just looked up at her as if she was board and it seemed as if the water was nothing. In fact it seemed as if she was neater going to drown or die. So just for good measure they left her there for two days. When she returned the girl was very still. For a moment the woman thought that she was dead until she looked up causing her to jump out of her skin.
     She then pulled out her pistol and fired four shots at her and yet the girl still looked up at her mockingly as the blood from her head and chest flowed upwards like smoke. She seemed unaffected by what had just happened like she had not been shot, with only her body waving like pendulum as the only effect of her actions. This angered her more, she had not worked so hard on killing a person and it was nothing but a girl!
    She then had the girl brought back up where she was beaten. She was then led in front of the whole concentration camp where she was stripped and had a whole bucket of oil poured all over her! Then the head woman lit a cigar with a match and threw the match at her setting her whole body alight! The head woman thought that would have been more than enough to kill the girl. Only for the 1346 to cross her arms and sit down cross legged waiting for the flames to die down and still she was like she was before the flames even touched her and not even a scar or burn to show for it.
     The final time she tried to kill the girl she tied her to a bomb and set it off. She then returned for the girl and spotted only rubble and a message on one of the walls in white.

My time here is over but I will see you again when my master comes for you.

     Mean while the war had ended and Adolph Hitler was running through the woods to his secret base where he was stopped by a girl with hair like raven feathers ands eyes the colour of grave stone and nails in her ears. Her flesh was so pail that it looked gray and she looked at him in a way that made him feel as if someone had stepped over his grave. He suddenly felt afraid as she drew near to him and he felt as if his breath had been stolen. He found himself paralyzed with fear as the girl removed his glove.
    She then slipped her hand in his and then he began to age. He fell weak in the knees and dropped to the dirt below. She did not let go he felt as if he was feeling death come over him but yet he remained in hits body. She did not let go as he felt his body swell up and gases release. He suddenly realised that he was going to feel his entire body decompose completely and turn to dust before he, thought he would pass on to heaven, but no, he had caused people to dire and he had, himself killed, so he was going to have a worse fate than that.
     The last thing he saw with his own eyes was what he thought was a Grim Reaper behind the girl, but he was wrong, for who he really saw was Death himself! The girl, was none other than Bellamort Resurrect, Deaths' Servant...


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