Deaths' Servant part Five (Final Part)


Many years past and Bellamort and Death grew anxious. That was when the war broke out between Boras' troops and Deaths' Grim Reapers and Shinigami. The first battle was just as him as it was brutal. There were far too many deaths on the first day and on both sides forcing Bellamort and the other forces of Death to reap the souls of both friend and foe alike. Some found themselves getting emotionally drained like all of the hourglasses that represented their lives.
     Then one year into the commotion Bora then ordered a group of his men to capture Bellamort alive. They then set out to do so. They split up into three individual groups one group was to help keep Death detracted long enough for him not to notice what they were doing until it was too late, the second was dedicated to taking down the ones that guarded the woman and the third was dedicated to the capture of the woman.
     When they arrived they spotted that Bellamort was beside Death as she almost always was. Then the group that was to distract Death ran up to him and separated the two. Then her guards surrounded her which the second group quickly took care of then there was her. She drew a long and crooked knife and attacked one while the other fired a dart at her which she almost dodged but she remained conscious enough to kill at lest one of them before she collapsed into one of them and was taken away.
     When she woke she was lying in a bed in a decent sized room with a window just as big as the wall. She spotted that the bed was one of those fancy beds she had seen when she was reaping the souls of the rich. The dedding was made of silk roses.
     "Finally awake sleeping beauty!" said a deep voice she recognised as the lips that belonged to the voice kissed hers and the arms wrapped around her like snakes. "Don't worry this war will soon be over and then we can be together."
     Bellamort tried to escape his coiling arms.
     "Except we won't for I would rather die and so would you if you were me." she said as she felt him tightening his grip on her as she slowly shivered as the combination of the hot and cold was informing her of her nakedness.
     "And why is that Bella?" he asked wrapping his legs around her ankles
     "Because if you kill Death then I will become the next Death!" she shouted as her sense of clustroohobia crept in as her heartbeat increased.
     "No you won't for I'll free you from him. You'll see." he said but before she could reply he gave her another kiss that lasted longer. Then Bellamort decided to wait until he was asleep until she unwrapped the man off her and climbed out of bed and put his clothes on and cut her hair so that she would fool those who would try to get in her way.
     She then knew what to do. She wrote a letter and left.
     When Nora woke he spotted a letter on the pillow beside him. He picked it up and read it.

          To Bora
I am sorry for how this all turned out. I just want you to know
that I did love you, but now that has changed. I can not love a man
that wishes for the dearth of my master for he has been good
to me. This is why I can no longer love you.

Belkamort Resurrect

P.S. I will try to arrange a duel between you and my Master Death.
So when we meet again it will be on the battlefield.

     When Bora read the letter he felt as if something sounded familiar. He had heard of a Resurrect in his family before and there was a legend of a resurrection in the family before. He had heard that one of his ancestors had an older sister named Bellamort Resurrect, they could not be one and the same, could they? Then again he had heard that after the young infant was born his parents did die at the same time. He had to reevaluate those last words before he felt something snap and whatever it was nothing but pure rage erupted from beneath it like a volcano.
     Regardless of his rage he remained externally calm and felt an odd sense of gratitude for what Bellamort had done, if not was going to do. This gave him the chance to take vengeance for his ancestors and free his beloved. Then they would brewed and live together and live happily ever after.
     When Bellamort told Death about what had happened to her he too became furious and was just as grateful as Bora was. At least now there would be no more wasted lives lost on the battle field. This way they could end the fight and whichever way that it did end there would be no more fighting after it was done.
     So, when they met on the battle field their minds were almost mirror images of each other. Death and his scythe and Bora and his axe. They both looked at each other in the eye both were evaluating the other, searching for possible weaknesses that they could exploit. The air was still and quiet for a time before they let out their battle cry and ran towards each other and axe and scythe met.
     Immediately each weapon retracted and both flew back because of the impact sending their weapons flying out of their hands. They raced to their weapons and scrambled to their feet. They then charged at each other again and Death swung his scythe which was blocked by Boras' axe. Bora then used this to his advantage and twisted his axe and grinded the top of it against the wooden handle to slice Death but Death this coming ands dived aside entrapping Bora in the process. Bora was about to die but he blocked the blade of the scythe by hitting the side causing Death to lose his grip and the scythe flew away and landed next to Bellamort.
     Bellamort took hold of the scythe and the moment her fingertips touched the handle she instantly felt the power of Death course into her and in that moment she knew what it meant to be Death. Trembling of awe she picked it up and looked Death in the eye. He nodded and she charged in and struck Bora down.
     "Was that your plan all along Bellamort?" Death asked. Bellamort looked at him, this was the first time he had used her name. She started to have a bad feeling at the pit of her stomach.
     "Yes, he was my mistake." she said as she felt something coming up from her throat and used her mouth like a flame thrower but something with a grim taste substituted for fire. She looked at her vomit and looked at Death already knowing what it meant. It sunk in what this meant and what it meant was the reason why Death has used her name.
     "He did it! He actually did it." she spat.
     "Unwittingly, yes he did what he set out to do. You are free." Death said with a smile on his face as he placed a hand on her stomach. "Take care of her and as a thank you I will protect the pare of you.'
     "Thank you my-old master." she said as she left him and the battle field behind.
     Nine months past and Bellamort gave birth to a small baby girl she named Bellabora Rose Resurrect. As the years went by she found work as a history teacher and writer. Then when it came time for her life to end Death took her to her family.


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