The Nine Dragons The Dragon Of Death Part Four
Loc opened her eyes. Her hunger was so bad that it was torture. She could hear the rumbling of her stomach echoing throughout the room that she was in. Yet she looked down to see that the floor and walls were made of stone. She looked back to see a door made up of metal bars. Behind that were a set of torches which was the only source of light..
The next thing that she saw was a claw made of bone. Then she saw a leg made of bone. The next thing that she saw was a skeleton of a dragon. It was the size of two houses and the length of a street. It’s head moved down to her, revealing a pair of eyes that were like fire.
“Hello, child.” He spoke with an air of authority.
She looked up as her stomach rumbled.
“Are you hungry?”
She remained silent.
He left out a chuckle.
“Alright. How about this, I ask you questions, you answer them and you will have some food.”
She nodded, keeping up her guard.
“Tell me your name.”
He nodded.
“Why do you have a male’s name?”
“It’s short for Lora Cerberus.”
“Ahhh! So it is a pet name! Although it is adorable that you use it, you should have used your name and not your pet name.”
She nodded.
“Is it true that you have killed my weaker brothers and sisters?”
“To stop you from harming the people here.”
He nodded.
“Alright. Now tell me, after seeing me, do you honestly think that you have a chance?”
He would have raised his eyebrow if he had one.
“I am Mort Draco. The dragon of death.”
He let out a chuckle. Yet this turned into a full blown laugh. He whacked his hand down on the ground again and again and again and again, making the ground shake. She fell down. Then his head zoomed to her. She looked at him without fear.
“You have spirit and for that, I will give you some food. After that I will get my last army to break you. Honestly, I am looking forward to that. Once you do, then you will pledge your loyalty to me!” He spoke as he turned around and left.
It was not long after when they arrived with the food in a skull. The food had a liquid that was milky white with carrots and chunks of pork in. She was given a spoon made from an arm’s bone. Ordinarily, she would be disgusted, but she was far too hungry. So she lapped it all up. She had not tasted such food since she was in the academy. The carrots were rich and sweet. The pork had just the right taste, like a beacon. The milk was warm and creamy, however, she was finished before she knew it.
Once that was done, she felt the slowly went away but she was still not as strong as she needed to be. Then she saw Mort Draco. He looked at her and smiled.
“Compliments of Paradtopia.”
“Is that the next dragon?”
He nodded.
“She is the dragon of life. Now will you pledge your loyalty to me?”
“Is that so?” He purred, all too happy about it.
Then he opened his mouth and a blast of black fire hit her. She was pushed back and her body was to the wall as she felt a heat that was as powerful and hot as an extraordinarily hot volcano! She found that she could not breathe. Then she hit the ground. She noticed her clothes were all burnt! Yet, even in that moment the fire did not repent. Soon she felt the heat dog deep into her very pours reaching deep into her muscle and biting into the bone. Then it ended. Mort Draco looked at her, panting slightly.
“Will you do it now?”
“No.” She said, looking him in the eye as she curled up to hide her nakedness.
“Ahh! Guards, give her a treat and have a session with her!”
Soon they came in with a knife and rags. Which they clumsily put on her. They soon started sewing all of the dragons that she had killed so far into them! She bit her lip to stop herself from shivering. Yet then they moved to another larger room. She found that her body could not fight back as, for some reason, she just could not fight back. It was like her whole body had become severely drained of energy and her head had started to feel light. Then she reached the back and then the fire came she screamed and screamed until her body was all black.
“Did you like that?”
Oh, it’s the dragon.
Alright, time to close your eyes.
That was when she saw the bowl next to her. All pain ended. Then the soldiers left and locked the door behind. Suddenly she felt relief flood her body. Soo. She ate and then they came back. That was when one took out a large knife.
“Are you-”
She felt a stab in her side.
Another stab.
She felt another stab and another and another. Yet still she did not submit. They did not stop until she passed out of blood loss.
When she woke up next, she felt cold and slightly tired. She did not know how long she spent unconscious bit sbe knew that it was enough to renew her blood supply
She first saw the food and quickly lapped it down. She looked up as she finished.
She soon saw them come in. Somehow they had a tub of water. One grabbed her by the cut of her rags and threw her into it and she noticed that it was too deep for her foot to reach the bottom. So she had to trod on the water. Then she spotted they had put a lid over it. She had to swim and swim and swim.
“You are not getting out of there unless you do what we want you to do.”
“Or die!”
She rolled her eyes as she kept trodding on the water again and again. She did this again and again and again as long as her weak muscles could keep her afloat. She then pushed herself on and on and on. She wanted to hold on as far as she could. She felt her muscles were crying out for her to stop but her self-preservation told them to shut up and continue. Soon she became exhausted and she knew that she was getting far too tired. She tried to hold on as long as she could, but her legs and arms were shaking by that point. Her eyelids were dropping. Soon her head dunked. She was back up. However it ducked back down. It came back up. It fell back and all went black.
When she woke up next, the first thing she did was do some push ups and sit ups. She then did some squats until she felt her body was ready.
Then she saw the guards come in. She dived to the one to the one to the right only to be hit in the back by the left. She hit the left with her foot. She did this again and again and again only for the right to grab her by the throat and thrust her in the wall. He punched her in the gut again and again and again. She then hit them in the head. She did this again and again and again and again. Then it let go. She thrust her leg into the pelvis bone. They then collided with one behind them. She then set them all alight and she walked out of the room.
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