Doormaze Drage The Purple Artefacts Part Three

 The Purple Flower

They, because it was late when they reached the top chamber, decided to take a break. They lit a fire and, after cooking a small stew, started to eat.

“Now, tomorrow, where to next?”

“Well, Doormaze, we must travel over the Flower Bridge. It used tobe a small village on a large plot of land that the other mouth of the cave leads to. The houses were too and far between. It was mainly covered in many different purple flowers.”

“And that’s why it’s called Flower Bridge?”

“Well, that is because of the plot of land that joins the East Mountain, which we are in, and West Mountain, which is where the Purple Flower is in, is naturally formed.”

“And there is nothing underneath it.”


“Well,” She said, finishing her meal. “That’s something to sleep on.”

After they all ate their meal,they went to sleep. Doormaze dreamed of Natalie again. She opened her, now dragon, eyes. She walked over to the dragons. They were sound asleep. She smiled as she turned away from them. She walks over to Kai. She saw that bit he and Cardmorgue were in chains. She looked at him as he glared at her.

“They’re going to kill her!” She whisper-sang to him. “They’re gonna burn her! She’s gonna die in fire! I know!”

“What do you want?”

“Tell me, do you really think that they’re gonna let her go?”


“Maybe I could help out.”

“No, you can’t.”

“Oh? Are you sure? I am gonna be a dragonz after all!”

“And what can you do?’

“Nothing! Unless…you kiss me!”

“No!& He shouted.

Her eyebrow cocked.

“What is going on? Did I not tell you girl? You are not to go near him!”

“What? I’m only talking to him about what you’re gonna do with his girlfriend and he should start thinking about getting a new one!” She sighed.

“Alright, wellz that may not be the case. After all, what Doormaze’s fate is, is up to her. If she completes the Reality Sphere and wants to leave us alone, then she will be free to do that. I am honestly hoping that she does, maybe Kai will encourage her to do just that.” Dark Destiny said, looking at him.

“Do you want that? To live happily ever after with Doormaze?”

He looked down and nodded.

“Then encourage her to want to live happily ever after with you. That is what you can do to save her. Do you understand, son?”

He nodded.


Her eyes opened. She thought about her dream. She never, ever thought that the dragons would let her go like that. She never even thought that they would never actually let them be together. She felt her finger tips touche her lips. She thought about their kiss and she realised that some part of her did want that but then she thought about the Basilisks eye

Would he still want me if he knows about that? How could I ever be able to look into his eyes? Could I ever dare to? I don’t want to kill him accidentally! I want him to be alive. But am I the best person for him to live happily ever after with?

Her eyes closed for a moment as she opened them for a moment as she looked at Coalmine and Burn. Then she looked up at the sky. It was morning. She got up and shook them all awake. They soon had their breakfast and then walked out of the other mouth of the cave. They saw the large plot of land  at either side of them. They noticed that there was a large lake going under the land below. She could see that it was only recently that this lake appeared. They saw the West mountain ahead of them which looked like it was closer than it was. After all, it took an entire day to get to West Mountain! They set up camp and the following morning they came to the door that covered the mouth of the cave.

Once they came to the doors they went to touch it then the whole land shook! Then Doormaze was hit. She flew to the did and she reached out and pulled herself down to the ground. She collided with the ground and rolled and rolled and she finally stopped just short from the edge. She looked down at the lake far, far below. She could tell that they were so high up that a group of dragons could fly underneath it easily.

Then she looked back to see a large humanoid creature with green skin and the stench of mould coming from it. She then spotted the wood armour and the black eyes that were like tiny beads.

“What is that?!”

“It was the guardian of the Purple Flower, that is until the Purple Monster corrupted him.”

She nodded. Her eyes turned to the former guardian as it ran to her at full speed. She rolled out of the way. She then ran back to the door. She noticed that there was no door handle or knob. She looked at the pattern on the door. It looked like a puzzle box of some kind rather than a door made up of different wooden beams.

“Do you know any puzzle boxes?” She asked.


She nodded as she looked back at the door. She looked at each part closely and carefully. She then pressed her ear to the wood and knoched and heard where the loose parts were. She then moved one to the side. This slotted into the wall. She then pushed one down and that one came down. Then she spotted one just above her and she pulled it back to the other end. Soon the doors opened.

Before her was a purple crystal rose-like flower. That spread out.

“Is that it?”


They walked up to it. Yet upon looking at it closer, suddenly they noticed the beauty of it and it took their breath away.


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