Doormaze Drage The Purple Artefacts Part One

 The Quest

Doormaze and the rest woke up. They looked up at the lavender clouds. Their hands touched the purple sand made of many gemstones. They pushed themselves up as their eyes met the transparent ocean that was so still it looked like glass.

“What a beautiful place!” Doormaze gasped.

If I had known that I would have such a beautiful place, I would have been more willing to take up Dark Curse’s quest within a heartbeat!

“Nah! I think that it’s a little girly for me!” Coalmine sang.

“Aren’t you-”

“I know! Now, we need to get a move on. After all, we need to find the evil stronghold here.”

“But can you honestly believe that such evil could exist in such a beautiful place?”

They looked back at the dark emerald grass with bright purple flowers and bluebells dotting around. They all walked to the field and walked around. The first sign of life that they had was the chirping of several small birds. This was followed by purple purple butterflies with red dots covering the outline of their wings. 

Doormaze was, for a moment, tempted to walk up to the butterfly and watch it. Yet she knew that she would spend hours and hours watching it and she knew that she did not have the time to do that. So she walked on. Then, as the trio walked on, they saw several blue bottles and dragonflies the size of their hands fly harmlessly in the air.

Yet they soon saw a purple castle in the distance. It was high with seventeen floors and five high towers, two in the front and three in the back. They were all so high that the steeple top was hidden behind by the clouds every time they moved through them.

As they walked close they saw the doors were high and narrow, in the shape of a broken fanned out seashell with tall stained glass windows. Depicting a picture of purple headed roses.

That’s where we will find our bearings.

They all approached the castle. Doormaze knocked on the door. Then a man answered. He had long lilac hair with lavender eyes. He had a strikingly handsome face with pale purple skin that looked almost white.


“Urm, who are you?”

“King Garnet of the Purple Lands. Well, I used to be.” He said with a slightly sorrowful tone to his voice.

“What’s wrong?” Doormaze asked.

“My people… their towns, villages and cities are gone.”

Doormaze frowned deeply.

“Gone? How?” Coalmine asked slowly.

He looked down.

“The Purple Monster…. It took them. I do not know where it came from or how it got here. All I know is that it made all my people vanish in one day. It told me that the only way to get them back is to find the lost Purple Artefacts made by none other than Phoraop Philosopher and use their power to defeat it in combat.”


“I could not find them. I then found out by the writings of another from another world that the Purple Artefacts will only be found by the ones that they were always to be found by. So, after searching and searching, I could never find them. So, after decades, I gave up. I expect my people to be dead by now. So leave me alone. I am a failure of a King!”

“Well, in that case, do you have anything on these artefacts?” Doormaze asked.

“Yes. I will get the map.” He said as he left them there. 

He did not return for quite some time. Then he gave them a map.

“Thank you.”

“What are you doing?”

“What do you think?”

“You can tag along if you like.”


“Burn’s right. This King Garnet knows this land better than any of us.”

“Fine. You get over here. And don’t make us wait too long.”


Thirty minutes later they all left the castle for the quest.


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