The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Four

 The Time In The Old Library

Loc woke up. Her body was in a pool. Her eyes looked up at the crimson night sky and the scarlet stars. She could feel herself floating and the next thing that she felt was the ice cold water. She heard the soothing sounds of the soft water and the light breeze.

She kept quiet, hoping that she could hear the sounds of the soldiers.

"Must have wanted to die rather than be brought back in."

"Don't blame her though!"

"What was she anyway?"

"One of Father Of Knowledge's experiments?"


She then listened to them as they left.

They think that I'm dead. Good. That should help keep me away from Wolf Raven as long as possible.

Now, time to get out of this body of water.

She spun over and started swimming. She looked up and saw a group of turquoise crystals and the shadow of a small land mass.

Looks like that's where I need to go.

She swam towards it. Soon she could see that there was an outline of an outline of some growth sticking up like a model of a mountain. As she continued to swim, she could see the burning red tiles. Then she saw the orange bricks below. As she swam further and further on she saw that it was a structure the shape of a cone. She saw that there were several windows gilg from the top to the bottom. At the front was a set of lilac  double doors with amber door knobs. 

What a strange building!

She then looked down to see a beach area with royal purple sand with bright orange and red grass behind. As she swam to it, she felt slightly nostalgic. She soon was able to walk into the sand. She took off her clothes and wrung the water out of them. She then cleaned herself and once the clothes were dry she put them on.

She looked around and spotted some firecrys in front of the building. She took it and looked up to see that there were words at the top of the double doors.


Looks like I'll be heading in there. She thought as she looked back.

She lit a fire and warmed herself up. She dried herself and looked back at the building. She, wanting shelter, put the fire out and walked in 

She saw that there was a spiral ramp going from the right side of the door to the roof with books on shelves at both ends. She then looked to the left to see a set of bookshelves going across the room. As she walked in further, she saw more and more books arranged in a circle. In the centre of the room was a stone table with a fishing rod on top. Yet to the side she spotted a fireplace.

Is someone here? She wondered as her eyes looked around. Then she ran along the whole library and found that there was no one else there. At the top of the spiral ramp she saw another stone table. On it was an envelope. She walked up to it.

Lora Cerberus 

Her eyes widened as she looked around only to look back to see the envelope was old and felt shock run throughout her body as her heart skipped a beat. She opened it with shaky hands.

To Lora Cerberus,

If you are here then that must mean that the end of

the Evil Emperor is near. Which also means that you

know his true identity. Good.

After I foresaw all that is about to happen in this

world at this time. Knowing what he was about to

do, I knew that I had to hide all these books.

You will need to read all of them before you are found.

You have at least a week at worst and a year at best.

However I am far from worried. Merthlings are one

of the fastest readers and strongest humans in all

the Multiverse, after all.

I left my fishing rod for you to use to catch some food.

There are enough firecrys to last a year, which you will

find in the cellar under the stone table on the ground

floor. Also a large group of vegetables that can be

grown underground.

May Fortune Shine Upon You

Philosteria Tenpool

Wait, as in the Philosteria Tenpool? One of the Third Age Legendears?

She looked at the books to her side with a smile on her face. 

Well if reading all these books before I'm found is your challenge, then it is one that I will accept.

She placed the letter down and took out the first book.

The Origin Of The

 N Universe And Nerth

She opened the book.

In the beginning was a Great Being. Even though he has a

name there were none to speak it. So he created nine 

thousand and one worlds and many humans to speak it.

Yet all the people corrupted themselves and he had to stop

the corruption so he did by sending a flood at the same point

of all the worlds. Even though he warned the least corrupted

of them all only fifty of the nine thousand and one heeded the


With eight thousand and one dead he removed them. Leaving

only fifty left.

She read to the end and then placed the book back. After she fished and caught two fish. She then looked underneath the stone table and saw a trap door. She pulled it up. She crawled into the hole and soon saw ladders. It was made of the same glowing crystal that was outside. Again she felt the taste of nostalgia as she climbed down.

On the left was the pile of firecrys and on the right was the overgrown vegetation. She picked some and then climbed up and ate the fish and vegetables. The vegetables tasted like bacon and cabbage. She then slept. When she woke up, she climbed up the ramp and read more and more books. None of them caught her attention. Before she had her next meal she kept an eye out for people. When she heard none, she cooked and ate her meal. Then she went back to sleep. She did this day after day. Reading book after book like a Wolf digging into their prey. She soon knew the history of the N Universe and Nerth. She lost track of time of the days that she spent there. She soon read the books on the ramp. Then moved upon the next row. She then learnt of the political history of the world. She moved onto the next and learnt about the history of both science and technology. She then moved onto the rest of the books. All gave her all that she needed to know about this world. She found herself enjoying reading all the books and the silence as she read. Yet she still kept her eye out day in and day out. She then came to the last book.

Wolf Raven

Now this is the one I want!

She opened the black leather book with purple writing and started reading.

Wolf Raven was born in Jellen of the high establish movement.

He was taken from his parents The Dark One and Sorrowful

Death and they were killed. He was raised as the next leader

of the rebel group. Upon learnt ng this he quickly became the

head of the group. Once he was of ate he learnt about the dark

powers of the denounced gods. The moment that he found out

that they were real, he used them on the group. 

He then soon took control of the rest of the planet Nerth. Which,

at the time, was not a difficult thing to do. The high establishment

movement already three quarters of the planet. So once he conquered

that that final quarter he had become the ruler of the world.

Yet he became attached to his power and Life. So he used the dark

powers to keep that life intact. 

She then put down the book. Then she heard voices outside. She looked out and saw the lights outside. She put the book in her pocket and slid into the cellar. She kept quiet as she waited there. Hoping that they did not have those nightmare hounds and that they did not look beneath the stone table. She looked up and saw the light and knew that one did.

She grabbed as much firecrys that she could. She then waited until one saw her. She lit the firecrys at them. He fired at her and she quickly dived out of the way. She then rushed to him and punched him in the face. Knowing that it would be only a matter of time until the others would notice that one of theirs was missing, she climbed the ladders. She crawled out from under the table. Then she felt a hut from the butt of a gun and all went black.


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