The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Fourteen

 Clash Of Armies

It had been three days and they all had the weapons that they needed. Now they were ready. Loc looked at all the work in the armies here on the island. She made sure that she looked at the numbers which totalled to three hundred. She looked at her army which was only one hundred. She knew that they could do it. She also knew that, on the surface, it seemed that the odds were not in their favour but she knew that all needed to do was kill only three. Yet all of them would have to do it fast and that would lead to their victory. However her gut told her Thai this would not be easy. There would be other factors that would be in play. After all, she knew that she would have to weed out the cowardly. However, part of her wondered if that would affect their chances at victory. Either way ready or not they would have to get this done.

She joined Noble Wolf with the others. Then passed them to the stage.

"Now, all of you! Now that we have a good number we can be off. We are going to the slave camp on this island. There are three hundred in total there, guarding the prisoners that we need to free. So I will warm you, the battlefield is not a pretty place. So all of you who want to come, I would like for you to know, I have no use for cowards nor would I hold it against you if you are. There are other ways that you can aid our efforts, like attending to the wounded and ill or making the weapons that we need to free this world. Now enough of that! The time for talking is over. Now is time for walking. So who's with me?"

They all cheered. She walked back to Noble Wolf and they were soon on their way after telling them the plan. She looked all around. She could feel her heart in her ears. She could feel the discomfort in her stomach as nervousness started to rise in her chest. She took several long and deep breaths to calm herself. Yet for some reason she was shaking. She could not quite tell if it was nerves, fear or excitement. Either way she knew that she would have to find a way to stop. She had to keep calm. Now was not the time to be shaking.

They arrived a mile away from the place. There she ordered the army to circle the slave camp, keeping a mile away. Then once they were all in place. She sent the signal to all the others to slowly walk on and I'm. Soon they saw the army at the front. She soon saw the metal boxes. Wth cannons at the top. 

"What are they?"


She nodded.

"Do they have firecrys?"


"If a lit firecrys is underneath?" 

"Then it would explode."

"Taking the others down with it!" She exclaimed.


She nodded.

She called the back of the circle.

"Back group, get in but once I cause a distraction."

"What kind?"

She smiled.

"You'll know. When I do, this will draw the others away and focus to the entrance. Once inside, get as many of those collars off as you can."  

"Will do."


She turned to Noble Wolf.

"Stay here and wait."

She called the front left group.

"Once the explosions go off, wait for the soldiers to come at me then you fire at the side."


She then called the front right.

"Once the explosions go off and the front left stary picking off the soldiers, then you go in for the other side."

She then called the middle left of the group.

"I want you to, after the front left and right start picking off the sides, then go in to circle the back and fire at the back."

She then told the middle right group to do the same. Then she then pulled out some firecrys and ran to the side of the front tank and spotted that the cannon was trained upon her.

So it's like a ship's cannon. It seems to be focused on me.

So I need to make sure that it has no time to fire.

She ran and pulled off her glove and lit the firecrys and threw it under the tank. She then went to run away. She quickly put the glove back on. Then she was hit by the force and she flung away from the camp and her head the tree trunk hard, knocking her out 

Yet despite this the soldiers cand and went to fire at her but their ability to fire was stopped by a line of bullets firing at each of the outer side. The inner group went to fire at where the line of bullets came from. Only the right row to be taken out from the back. This caused them to look back and to be hit again and again. Then more came only to be taken out before they could even reach them.

Meanwhile, inside, the security officer was looking at this in awe. He knew that he should have been looking elsewhere, but he could not look away from what he was seeing. So he did not notice the group coming for the back. So this made it easy for them to get in without any hindrance.

"All of you. Go to the entrance, now!" He shouted.

All soldiers nodded and ran to the entrance, where they were easily taken out before they could do anything.

How? Who's leading them? How are they doing this? Where are they?

He had to close his eyes and rub them to make sure that he was not seeing things.

Soon he saw one run out and shot one. Then he heard a scream. The others fired at where the scream came from. Then there were more screams but then a line of bullets put an end to the army's only victory.

He looked down, realising that it was over. Then had killed one hundred and fifty, even though he knew that there were one hundred and fifty left, they were getting picked off like flies. So he made the call.


He looked down to see that fifty more were dead.

One hundred. How? Just how?

"All men final-"

He felt a cold against his skin. He looked aside.

"Tell them to surrender."

"Take the pill."

They all went pale and nodded. Then they all fell in the next moment


When Loc woke, victory was theirs. 


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