The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Seven

 The Three Houses

It had been hours and hours and Loc ran and ran, putting more and more distance between her and the river. She soon came to a house. She was feeling tired and hungry. She looked up at the clouds in the sky. She was about to run on when two hands grabbed her. The next moment she was dragged into the house.

She saw a young couple. The woman had dark pink and purple eyes and lavender horns. The man had dark blue skin and white eyes and black horns. They were looking at her, shocked.

"What on Nerth were you doing out there at this time?"

She frowned.


They pointed outside as it started raining. She, to her shock, saw the leaves of the trees were smoking and holes were appearing in them. She soon saw the trees were burning and the grass was smoking.


"Yeah. The boiling rain always falls here at this time. So keep out of it."

"Urm… Thank you…Urm?"

" To Slither." Said the man.

"All Giftt." Said the woman.

She nodded as he shook their hands.

"Loc." She said as her stomach growled.



"It's alright. We have enough for more. Come on."

She was soon dragged into the kitchen.

"So what is your story?"

"We have been set aside as soldier surrogates."

"'Soldier surrogates?'"

The man's lip curled.

"It means that all our children we have will be given over to the Emperor as part of his armies. We have had three children taken off the moment that they were born."

"And did you have a choice in this matter?"

"No." To Slither said as he took out the plates.

All Gift took out a box of blue cubes and put them on the plates. She then took out a group of orange cubes. They sat at the table and they started to eat.

"Tell me. What would happen if you started to fight back?"

Their faces became pale. She sighed as she shrugged.

"Just a thought experiment."

They soon relaxed.

"All our children will be killed and we will become sterilised. See, the Emperor believes that if one rebel appears in the bloodline, then all of the family must have a rebellious gene. Which he would want to cull." All Gift explained.

That was when she remembered the two old couples. Both were not allowed to have children. Now she knew that the second couple must have been rebels. Then they were sterilised for what they did and had their memories taken from them. Then she thought about the first couple. They must have had a relative that was a rebel and forced to endure what they did to ensure that they would never have given birth to another rebel. 

She looked down.

"Which is why we can't afford to do anything that is against the Emperor." She said as she placed a hand on her stomach.

"After all, I am pregnant with another soldier."

That was when her stomach dri. She could feel her mind getting foggy. Then her limbs dropped and all went black.

When she woke, she saw the soldiers and she was in a vehicle.  She could feel her arms and ankles being bound again. She soon broke them and punched the nearest one. She soon grabbed the nearest gun. Then she fired at one after the other. She did not let them have any time to react. She shot at the one in the shotgun and the driver.

She then opened the door and the bodies rolled out. She jumped out and collected gun after gun. She found one of the soldiers was her size and she took off her clothes and put his clothes on. She soon set it all alight before she marched away. 

She soon came to another house. The door was opened to reveal a single woman. She had yellow skin and pale yellow horns and baby blue eyes.

She soon felt that she needed the loo.

"Come on."

"Why? Also is it alright if I used your loo?"


She walked in and soon did her business. She soon washed her hand and, no longer trusting stranger's food or drink, she drank the water from the tap. The water helped her throat and gav her strength and refreshed herself.

"Yes. She's there." She heard the woman say.

"Alright, thank you."

So she's betrayed my trust too.. She thought, taking out her gun.

She slammed her back against the wall and waited patiently. Then the door barged open. The moment that she saw the soldier, she shot. She then moved him in as another walked in. She shot and moved in. Then one ran in and went to shoot but she shot first. Then another ran in and she shot. She did this again and again and again. She did not let her mind focus on anything else. As she continued she noticed that the bodies were getting so many that there were too many to pull in.

She dared to look out to see that there were more in the hallway in a row. She shot once and the entire row fell down. She then ran to the door. 

I don't remember them being this incompetent.

She shot each and every one before they came in. Then she heard a clock of a gun next to her head. She looked back at the woman.

"Get out of here, you freak." She spat.

"What's your name?" 

"Little Heart."

"What's your story?" 

"I don't want to be infected by your illness. "

"What illness?"

"It's been reported that you only look the way that you do because of an illness that Father Of Knowledge created."

"Am I coughing? Do I look as if I am ill?"

"You look pale as death and you don't look the way we do, so yes."

She nodded.

Stupid question.

"I'll leave. Only if you tell me your story. What did the Evil Emperor do to you?"

"Me?" She asked, questioningly.

Her eyes widened as she broke out in a smile.

"He told me that one day, he will give me a husband when the right time comes."

"Oh? Do you have a relative that was a rebel?"

She groaned.

"Yes. My brother!"

"Then I'm sorry. He will never give you that husband."

"What! That's a lie!"

"No I'm not. He will not. After all, he does want to breed out rebellious genes. By the way, are you still fertile?"

"Oh yes. Of course I am! Although, my periods have slowed down."

"Did this happen before or after you came here?"


"Talk to your neighbours. I'm certain that they'll have a tale or two for you." She said, leaving the house.

She spotted a truck. She climbed in and remembered what Life taught her and started dating up the road. It was strange driving on the road. She felt nostalgic for her old group and the team that she lost. She did not give Life the credit that she deserved. She noticed that she was wobbling on the road. She turned the wheel and accelerated the truck too fast and sharp. She had to play on the gears before she almost got it. Yet as she looked up, she noticed that she accidentally drove into a mountain face. Then she crashed. 

She dived out of it and then it exploded. She ran away but then the ground shook. She hit the ground and she was about to get to her feet when she saw a large rock land right in front of her. She looked up to see more of them rain down upon her. She scrambled on her feet and ran, and ran. She found a tunnel and ran under it. She ran and ran and then spotted that the mouth became completely blocked.

So much for that.

She then turned and ran and ran down the tunnel. She felt like she had been running for miles and miles and hours and hours until she came to the end of the tunnel. Then once she was out a hand took her aside. She was then pulled into another home.

"Are you from another world?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"Noble Guard. Here." He said, giving her a book.

She looked down to see it was a book of mask making.

"You need to have one. I can tell by looking at you that you're not of this world."


He then hit her.

"No. Take this more seriously. You need to keep your identity hidden. You also need to get a move on and get a rebellion in place. After all, I can tell that if you don't do it no one will. So take it more seriously, girl!"

She nodded.

"I will."

"Then make your plan. Also you will need to get this." He said, giving her a backpack."It has all that you need and a phone that can not be tracked."

"Thank you!"

"Now go!"

"By the way, why are you doing this?"

"Because they killed my family and violated my younger sister."

"Did she have yellow skin and pale yellow horns and baby blue eyes?"

"No, she had pink eyes, green skin and white horns. Why?"

"There's a woman with that description on the other side of the mountain. Her name is Little Heart. Go and find hey. She's looking for love. So would you look for her and tell her your story? Then find anyone else on this island and tell them your story. Find a way to open their eyes and rebel."

He saluted.

"Will do."

She smiled and ran as far and as fast as she could.


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