The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Three

 On The Run

She ran and ran. She did all that she could do to run in zigzags as fast as she could. She did this to make sure that they would not be able to predict her actions. She could hear them behind her. She could hear that they were getting closer and closer as she ran on and on. Then she felt the bullet in her leg.

She fell and she was soon surrounded by thirteen soldiers. Knowing that she would only be taken back and if she left one alive the others would kill them she knew what she should do. She ran to one as he fired at her chest. Ignoring the pain, she threw out a punch as she bent over. She plucked the bullet from her chest as she felt a bullet in her back. She soon felt bullet after bullet. She noticed that one was already dead.

She dived at him and plucked the gun Dr m the ground and fired at one, but missed. Then they fired at her again. She then continued to fire at the one that she missed. She then hit. She then went to fire at another but she started coughing as she fired at another. She took out one after the other. She knew that she had to do this quickly. She then dived to the left vin order to avoid another round of bullets. She could feel her mind almost being overwhelmed by the pain. She had noticed that they had not shot anything serious.

She then fired at the other two. She picked up some dirt and threw it at the others. This blinded only five. She fired at one and then another. She was hit by one that was not blinded. She then was hit in the arm and then the leg. She dropped the gun. Then another hit the gun and it exploded. She spotted that the bullets were made of firecrys.

Quickly she grabbed the bullets. She lit them and fired at one and as he was distracted by the firecrys she ran and hit him. She picked up his gun and fired at him. She then fired at another and another.

This left only three remaining. She was shot again. She dropped the gun and then it was fired at. She then ran to one, pushing past the pain, and hit him. She then took his gun and quickly fired at the other two. Finally she hit the last. 

Knowing that she did not have time to hang around as more would be on their way, she ran. She ran and ran. She did not want to stop for one second. She pushed past as much of the pain as she could. She could feel her legs start to hurt as she ran for over an hour. She wanted to get as much distance between the dead soldiers and her as she could.

She felt her lungs cry painfully for more air. She could feel her throat becoming colder and colder. She could feel her heart racing faster and faster. Her mind was sharp as her brain started to hurt. Yet soon it longed for sleep. She could feel her tiredness sinking deeper and deeper. She started to feel nauseous. Yet despite it all, she continued to run and run. She did not give into her body's plea for her to stop. No, not when she had to put a distance between where she was and where she was running.

She, once she knew that her body could no longer take it, reached out to a tree and pulled herself up. She pulled herself up further and further up the tree. She forced herself to get higher and higher. She has to push past the throbbing pain in her thighs and calves. When she was finally hidden in the trees, she sat on a branch and there she slept.

The next moment she woke up feeling very hungry and thirsty. She was cold and yet was sore and throbbing. She knew that she needed to get down, but when her body would not let her.

Stay. Sleep more.

She was about to fall back to sleep when she heard the sound of voices in the distance. She looked down to see a group of creatures with maroon horns and had bright yellow glowing eyes. She saw the long silver teeth and long canniness with sharp claws, scratching at the tree beneath her.

Her eyes widened. 

They have hounds? Why didn't I think of that?

She then saw the group beneath her feet. She noticed that they were looking up.

They're going to find me.

She quickly pulled her feet up. She, knowing that she was going to be discovered at any time, pulled her body up. She then looked at the tree opposite. She readied herself. She ran along the branch and jumped. She then reached out but she had misjudged and fell.

She landed in front of the soldiers. She ran on before she had the time to look back. She felt the stabs of bullets in her back. She could also feel that they were not going anywhere near her vitals.

Why are they missing them? Is it hard aiming upon those parts? Or is it that they want to take me alive? If that is the case then there could be a chance that they don't know that I'm immortal.

So she kept running and running. She had to do all that she could to keep running. She felt more and more bullets. Yet she kept pushing on and on. Then she felt the bite. She looked down to see that one of the hounds was on her hand. She punched the hound and ran on. Then another dived at her and bit into her shoulder. She punched it in the gut.

Knowing that she has to fight, she stopped running. She looked back to see another hound diving at her. She ducked and she felt one chomping down on her lower jaw. She was yanked down. She then felt one in her hip and calves. 

She then saw one of the hounds and punched it as hard as she could. She then dug the elbow into the eye that was digging into her hip. She looked up and spotted another coming at her. She thrust her head into the snout. She spun her body around and punched another in the jaw before it could even hurt her.

She got to her feet. Then bullets hit the hounds. She looked up. Knowing that she was not in the shape to fight, she turned and limped as she ran. She ran and ran, but she hurt every time she pushed herself on. She could do nothing, not even stop to scratch the healing wounds. She ran and ran, yet she fell.

She looked back to see the trail of blood behind her. She then looked on ahead. She almost crawled as she ran on. She moved on and on. She could feel that she was on the brink.

Then she heard voices coming closer and closer. She could do nothing to put any distance between her and them. She then looked back to see that they were there.

"You have nowhere to run!"

She looked back to see that there was a cliff behind her. She knew that they would have been right. So she moved further and further back. She looked down, seeing nothing but darkness below. She could not hear anything coming from beneath. 

This is going to hurt.

Her lip curled as she looked back. She then jumped off and into the darkness.


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