The Blue Rock And I Fortress Of The Red Rock Arc Part Seven

 The Escape

I was in a strange state of unconsciousness. Almost between sleep and awake. I tried to open my eyes but I could not. Yet I could hear everything that was being said. I felt so weak and exhausted that even lifting my eyelids was out of the question. I knew that I was being carried and I could tell, by the smell, that it was by Uncle Haru.

"How is she?" Cho asked.

Fine I'm fine!

"Hanging in there."

"By the way, what do you think that thing was?"

"Nothing from this planet."

"You mean that thing did not belong here?"

"No. Nor did it come from our planet."

"And what would make you an expert in this regard?"

"I don't know. I can sort of tell when someone is from this world. And that thing was anything but."

"Not to mention that it did not look as if it was like anything from our world. And nothing from mythology was like that!"

"You don't think that was an alien, do you?"

"Yes. It is quite possible."

"So is it truly out of the realm of possibility?"

"Well we are in an alien thought now!"

"What! Really?"


"Well that does explain that acid blood."

"I thought they'd be little green aliens."


"Then why do they call them 'green'?"

"Don't know."

"Well my father did look into those things and the supernatural."

"How come?"

"Because he actually believed all those things." He said as he let out a laugh.

"So should we wait until she wakes?"


"Do you think that they would leave a scar?"

"I don't know. Yet I don't think it would matter to her if it did."


"Cho, she's just like me and my brother. So no, I hardly think that a scar would bother her nearly as much as you. In fact, depending on how much alike she is, she'll be happy to have one."

"What! But how can any girl be okay having a scar like that?"

"Cho, do you think that she would have that white crop of hair if she did?"

"What do you mean?"

"She got those by getting into fights."

"Really, I thought that she got those white streaks due to the stress of experimentation."

"No. If that was the case then there would be more white in her hair."

"And how would you know that Alexander?"

"How do you think that my gaiter turned this colour?"

I tried to open my eyes as I felt them lift my body higher and higher. Yet I found it difficult. However I kept trying and soon I was able to open them. I looked at Uncle Haru and I noticed that my face was numb. I went to touch my face but I could not feel my fingers on my face. Then I felt my entire body ache. I then looked around as I was carried to the top of the stairs.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded, knowing that I was far too weak to say it.

"Key?"I whispered.

He nodded. He then looked down and grabbed my wrist and pulled it away.

"Don't do that. You will reopen the wounds."

"How bad?"

"I cannot say. Just keep still and we will find out."

I nodded. I was about to try to stand when Uncle Haru's grip stopped me. I looked down to see that my left calf was covered in blood.

"What happened?"

"We wanted you to be awake when we freed the others."


Cho took the keys and walked to the cages and unlocked 1354, then Eve Josephs and finally Johanna Rudolph. 

"About time!"

Alexander walked up to them.

"Are you all alright?'


"Urm…yes sir."

"Please call me Alexander." He said as he looked at Eve Josephs's arm.

"It was the number that they tattooed onto my arm. It was one of the many ways that dehumanised us."

"You don't need to worry about that now. Now Johanna, I know that you know the truth and you should accept it. It was never the Jews or those that my father thought were not pure human but my father's ideology that was the enemy of Germany. I hope that you will come to accept it."

She cooked her eyes and folded her arms.

"Hum!" She said, bobbing her head like a proud pony.

That was when we all felt a tremor run throughout the fortress. Then the roof tiles fell around us.

"We have to get out of here!"

Everyone went to run out of the room before any of us got crushed or trapped in the room but the door slammed in front of us. Then a gold plaque appeared with good waiting engraved into it.

To Open The Door Answer The Riddle

There are many of me

During the day you only see one

At night I scatter like the sea

As the blinding light is gone

"What is that all about?" Johanna snapped.

"I don't know!"

Then another roof tile fell where their cages were.

"Look, we have to think. What blinding light causes one of, whatever the answer is, to appear at night but disappear in the day?"

"It's a star!" Called 1354.

Then the door opened. They all ran through the door and fled down the stairs and Uncle Haru held me tightly and he ran down step after step. We soon came to the ground floor. We were able to get through the door and into the hallway where we were stopped by one of those creatures that we faced.

"Bring me my weapon!" Shouted Alexander.

He took out an arrow and fired at the creature. It hit him in the throat, but it still did nothing to stop it.  1354 took out an arrow and handed it to him and he fired. This hit it in the right eye and still it raced on. He took out another and gave it to him. He fired and this hit between the eyes. He fell over and he pulled out another.

"Brain!" He said.

Alexander nodded and hit the head again. 

"Cho, take Aqua." Said Uncle Haru.

She wrapped her arms around me and held me like a baby.

"Bring me my weapon!"


Then another creature fell from a roof tile and scrambled to its feet. He then fired at it in the head again and again and again before it even had the chance to get its bearings. 

We then ran on and then we saw another set of stairs. We ran down them only for the stairs beneath to fall into a pile of rubble.

"How are we going to get out of here?"

"Look around."

Alexander nodded and spotted the pile of rubble beside us. He then pulled a rock away and we were able to get through the hole to another corridor. We ran down as the stairs behind us completely collapsed. Then we ran down the corridor to be greeted by a door with four keyholes inside. Above them were four circles. I looked at the keys and the bracelets.

"Put me down." I said.


"I can stand."

She put me down.

"Uncle Haru, take a key. Cho, take a key and Alexander, take a key. I'll have the last." I said as I was given one.

I took off my bracelet and the others did the same. I stuck the key in and then put the bracelet in the circle. They did the same. We turned the key and the door opened. Then we ran out of the fortress as fast as we could. Meanwhile Uncle Haru pulled me up as we ran and ran then we saw the rocks rolling beside us. We looked back to see that the fortress was nothing but a pile of rubble.


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