The Sorrowful Rebel The Promising Rebel Part Seven

 The Force Station

Loc had barely been able to wake when she heard a loud bang. She barely was able to get out of bed when she felt something in her neck. Then she found that she could not move. Try as she might, she could not get anything to move, not even one inch. She felt fingertips close her eyes. 

What? What is going on? Why can't I move? Why is this happening? Have we been sold out if so then who? Who sold us out? Why, why did they sell us out? Are we not on the same team? If not then why? What could they have possibly offered that became so irresistible to take up?

She then felt a needle in her arm and soon her thoughts started to slip away. It was as if there was a mind numbing wall between her and her thoughts. She could do nothing but lie there and wait for them to do whatever it was that they had planned to do to her. Even if that was simply to take her away.

"Thank you, Broken Chain. You will be rewarded well for this." Said a voice.

"Do you think that she's harmless now?"


"But she's the-"

"Yes. I know. I read the report."

She felt herself being carried and soon the ice hit her like icy darts all over her. She would have shivered if she could move. She felt them rest her on her back as she felt other people underneath her. Yet she could not quite tell who they all were. Just that she was the last one that they needed to take. Then she felt the van go. She felt the heat wrap itself around her. Yet as the ride went on she felt like she was becoming hotter and hotter. In fact she knew that the ones beneath her would have started to overheat and, if they did not turn down the temperature, they would probably die of overheating. However she could feel her mind and the warmth dull her emotions. All she could do was enjoy the vibrations of the van. She felt herself getting tireder and tireder and she soon slipped back into sleep.

In the next moment she felt an ice cold splash of water shock her. Her eyes flicked open as her mind became as sharp as a blade. She looked around for anything that she could use to get her bearings. However upon seeing nothing but a seemingly endless void around her, she knew that would take quite some time. Then she felt there was something around her neck. Then she felt the dampness around her and soon panic set in as she realised that there was something covering her head!

"Where am I? Tell me, where am I?" She gasped as she could feel her lungs gasping for more and more air.

"A place called the Force Station." Said a man beside her ear.

"And why am I here?" She asked, already knowing just how stupid the question was.

They then burst out laughing.

Clearly that worked.

"What does-"

Suddenly she felt lightning run throughout her body. She could not think because the pain had overridden her ability to think. She felt herself scream and scream as she felt the pain increase and increase. Like she was being stabbed by needles all over her body and inside her body too. Yet as soon as it ended, she only had time to pant before she felt more and more of the pain. She found herself screaming and screaming at the top of her lungs. Then it became worse and worse. She could feel heat all around her. Then it stopped and she panted before she felt another tsunami of pain run throughout her body. Now it felt like all her body was being pierced by needles that were all red hot. Soon her throat became sore and even her screams started to torture her.

Then they stopped. The bag was removed. She would have been glad of the fresh air if her throat did not feel like they were on fire.

"We are here to make you pledge allegiance to our Nameless Emperor." She heard one say, but she was far too delirious to know who.

"Never! Not after all that I have seen!" She croaked as she could feel her voice failing her.

She then felt a needle enter her arms and she felt another two in her thighs and calves. Her body became limp and her mind became numb again. She felt more and more and her mind became lost to her and drool flowed down her chin like a slow moving waterfall. She then found herself losing track of time. She could no longer tell if it was day or night. Then she felt the pain but she could not cry out. Yet she felt tears run down her cheeks.

"There, there now." He said playing with her hair.

Yet, despite wanting nothing more than to give this man a punch, she felt subdued somehow. She knew that she should have snapped at him or done something, but she didn't have the energy. She felt less like a human of independence and more like a doll. All she could do was sit there as her tormentor played with and stroke her hair like she was his dog.

"Now, will you pledge your allegiance to the Nameless Emperor?"


He slapped her.

"Will you pledge your allegiance to the Nameless Emperor?"


Another slap, this time it was two.

"Will you pledge your allegiance to the Nameless Emperor?"


Three slaps.

"Will you pledge your allegiance to the Nameless Emperor?"


Then she felt the electric shock run throughout her body. She was soon blinded by the pain but she knew that she could not give in for one second. She had to ensure it, she had to push past the blinding pain no matter what. She could not allow herself to cry or give him any kind of satisfaction of knowing this was getting to her. No, she would have to do all she could to ensure it.

"No." She panted the moment it was over.

Then another shock ran throughout her body.


She felt another shock run throughout her body before she could even finish.


She felt it again. Yet she knew that it was worse this time. Yet she had to ensure it, even though her body was starting to twitch unfortunately.


Then all went black.

"Alright. Then I guess it looks like you will be heading to the Slave Base. There, you will be until you feel that you are ready to pledge your allegiance to the Nameless Emperor."

"Then I-I will be there for a long time." She taunted, barely able to hold onto her consciousness.

Then she felt another shock run throughout her body and all went black.


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