The Sorrowful Rebel The Promising Rebel Part Four


Loc finished her report before taking a shower. She then followed into her bed and was asleep before she knew it. She soon woke at a late hour in the morning, took a shower and put on a new set of clothes identical to the last. Then took the report to Light Bringer.

"What is next?"

"Well you like to keep busy, don't you?"

"I prefer to do work."

"Nah! Not today. You can take it easy and enjoy the day. It isn't good to overwork yourself."

He then placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Celebrate for all that you've done, you have earned it!"

She frowned and looked down.

"Tell me. Is there a way to get home? I mean break to my world?"

He frowned.

"I don't know, maybe…Just keep looking in those books! I'm sure that you may find what you're looking for."


"Do it after you've had something to eat and celebrated. Also have a bit of fun! It isn't good to dedicate yourself to something and forget to enjoy yourself."


He smiled as Wolf Raven came in.

"He's right. You need to live or you will become bitter. Believe me! Days will feel like weeks, weeks will feel like months and months will arm like years. Also it's good to have a good laugh. It helps ease the weight of fear and oppression on your chest."

She looked down.


He's right.

"I will."

She found herself in the dining hall and the moment that she did, all drinks were raised.

"To Loc!" They all chanted raising their glass.


Then she was greeted by people clapping. A game pulled her in before she could react. She felt arms wrap themselves around her. Done clapped her back and others shook her hands. One dragged her head in and rubbed her head with their knuckle.

"I can't believe that you are able to blow up two weapon's factories!"

"Yeah! You must be a genius!"

"Get that woman a drink! She deserves it!"

She felt a drink in her hand before she knew it.

"Come on! Drink up!"

She looked at it and took a sip. It had a strange taste to it, she could taste the sweetness but there was another, more mature taste to it. She did not know whether or not she liked it but after a few more drinks sure came to the conclusion that she did, even though she preferred a fruit tea. It was at this moment that she realised that she was a woman now. She was no longer a child, she had grown up.

"So you like it?"

"Yeah, but I guess that this is a taste that you just have to get used to before you end up loving it."

"I can't believe it! Someone finally put it into words!"

She let out a giggle. She realised that she had not let one of those out in a long time. In fact, she could not recall the last time she had laughed like that.

No. I'm going to take Light Bringer and Wolf Raven's advice and enjoy this moment.

She breathed in and out to calm herself. Then took a step forward and took a vibe and ate it as she then found herself talking to many random people. Some told her cheesy jokes that she did not get, meanwhile others wanted to know all about her world and how it differs from their own. She found herself talking to a point that she knew that she needed to take a break so she left in the middle of the afternoon.

She, wanting some quiet time, walked to the library. She opened the book op that she was on and tuned to the chapter after she had read.

The search for the one from another world has

led us to the famous Gajellidor Temple where

I discovered a shard of one of the reality spheres.

This, I hope will lead me to the one that is

destined to take me down. Wherever that person

is I hope fate will not let me down this time as

it has done before.

Her eyes widened.

The reality spheres! That will do it! That, I know, will take me home. Yet according to this the Evil Emperor has it!

Well in that case, all the more reason to take him down!


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