
Showing posts from January, 2023

Bounty Hunter Bash Roqaur Lock Part Two

  The King's Mission The king turned around to face them. He had harsh deep blue eyes with long black curly shoulder length hair. His skin was reddened with over exposure to the sun and salty air. He had a long and well cut and groomed beard with twin plats going at each end of his moustache. "You are here. Good. Please, sit." He spoke in a North East continent accent. They did and noticed that he wore a black leather shirt that was covered with chainmail. He had a well built frame and had his muscles on display. "What is this all about?" Chashathrophogh asked. "Eat. I will tell you." They looked at the food suspiciously. "Thank you!" Cerpheres purred as he started to dig in. They waited for a moment until he smiled as he ate. "You need not worry. Not poisoned." They then dug in, all kept their manners even though Bash and Chashathrophogh ate lightly. "I am King Vlacula, of Trilaccia, yet I find myself here. Father married me o

Bounty Hunter Bash Roqaur Lock Part One

  Taken By The King After a week they finally arrived at the doc, three days of which were spent on finally leaving Deathby Sea. They all shared the treasure with the residents of Jones Lock leaving them alone as they all left the shop well off. None of them had any notice to follow them or find out what will happen to them. Yet they all knew that they would most likely travel throughout the world. Yet because they did not want to follow them they would never know what happened to them. They packed their treasure and Bash looked back along with the Chashathrophogh and Cerpheres. They all reached out their hands and set the ship alight. Then they left the ship with the flames spreading. The ship may have been beautiful and useful, but it was nothing but death. Even though Bash and Chashathrophogh had fun, it was time to leave the ship and the memories behind. They both could sense that Cerpheres had the same sentiment. Yet they did not want to focus on that. No. It was time to get back

The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Final Part

Where To Next They arrived at noon the following day. Loc was hungry and was ready for something to eat, even if it tasted like paper. No, even if it was paper. Yet she wished that she had something to record all that she had learnt on, so that she could remember it for later. She soon left the bus and everyone gathered in some hall. She was about to follow her group until Life and Light Bringer separated hey from the group. They led her to a small room. "Loc, we're about to start your initiation ceremony. So, do you wish to do this privately or publicly?" He asked. Loc thought about it for a moment. Part of her did not want any attention brought to her, but also she knew that publicly would make it official and declare to everyone that she was here, a girl from another world. Yet they're was another reason why she wanted to do this publicly, she knew that this would have been what To Break Son Of Peter would have wanted her to do. "Public. I want to make a publ

The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Part Six

  First Dawn When they escaped, the first thing that they noticed was that it was night. However, they knew that they could not stop. No, if they did that then they would be caught and any hope of the taste of freedom would be completely crushed. No, they had to continue. As they did, it seemed that Life knew where they were going. Whatever it was, that they were being led to, they knew that they would have to trust her. They soon came to a street and she turned to the left. She saw a flash of the house that she stayed in and the rebel that died there. In that moment she made a silent vow to herself that no matter what, she would honour his death and the fact that he totaled it all, just to look after her. Yes, she too would become a rebel, the rebel that he knew that she would become. She owed him that much. The moment passed quickly as they turned corner after corner and then ran down the last street. They soon came to an open road, where a bus was parked. Life ran into the door and

The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Part Five

Riot Loc did not know how long she had been there. Was it days, wood or even a month? She knew that she could not have been there for a year, even though it felt like it. She had several white rings around her arms, legs, toes and fingers. She flinched every time the door opened. She felt dear stroke her every time she saw Father Of Knowledge cone in. He looked at her and smiled. She did not budge as he walked over to her. She climbed to her feet, knowing that there was no other way around it. She followed him to wherever he was leading her like an obedient dog.  They turned a corner that they had not turned before. She did not ask why. She just kept her mouth shut and followed. He opened a door. He held it out for her. She walked in and she walked for him. He led her down a black and dark corridor. She kept an eye on him to know where to go. "Tell me, how long have you been here?" "Can't tell." He nodded. "Have a guess." "Can't be more than a