Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Eleven

 The Water Fairy's Waves

All took a moment as they looked around,  to have a moment of silence. There were only eleven now. It was shocking to see that. After all, the whole ship was filled to the brim of people, even after Cerpheres caused, under Captain Gerald's orders, the passengers to jump off board. Yet it seemed that there were plenty at the time, now there were only a few. All of them Bash and Chashgathrophogh knew the names of.

"Do you want to make a speech?" Cerpheres asked the Captain.

"No." He looked down then shook his head. "Actually, I think I will. Look lads 'n' three ladies, ye've done well, bu' there's a lo' more te go. We will continue temorra after aftar a good rest. Ye've all earn' i'! 'N' I don' care 'ow long i' takes, we will find all tha' treasure 'n' we will be the firs' since the days of the Prince Cap'in te collect all the Pieces o' Eigh'! 'N' tha'll make sure our crewmates deaths will no' be in vain!"

All but Bash and Chashathrophogh cheered, then Cerpheres clapped and the others joined in. He then looked over to them, his cheeks were red slightly and he too looked slightly exhausted. They both looked at each other and smiled as they too started clapping. Jeff and Jax clapped with tears streaming from their cheeks. Steel, Kia and Kir nodded to him. Phydoc too joined in,  but he looked aside as he soon broke down in tears.

Then Gurter walked over to them. She looked at Chashathrophogh in his eyes.

"Don't die." She said, with a sorrowful yet determined look in her eyes. "Please don't die. I don't care for the rest, but you, you can't die!"

"Then I will not!" He said,  slightly uncertain. "But-"

She then pulled him in and kissed him. His cheeks became red, yet he had an annoyed look in his eyes. Then Cerpheres laughed and clapped. He then let out a cheer. Then Chashathrophogh pushed her off him. She smiled as age bowed her head slightly.

"What was that for?"

"Just in case we don't make it."

He let out a huff as Cerpheres patted him on the shoulder.

"Good man!" He sang.

He frowned.

"What? Was that your first kiss?" He cooed.

He rolled his eyes.

"Go and torment someone else!"

"Alright!" He sang as he walked over to Kir.

"Oh no!" He said, punching him in the face.

Bash laughed slightly as she walked away and walked to her room. She was shortly followed by Steel and Gurter.

"Honestly! That man really is along for it!" Steel snapped. "Why hasn't that Captain Gerald killed him already?"

"I think he knows he'll like it if he tried, so he refrains from doing so."

"Oh, by the way, Cari, is it true that Borevers is Chashathrophogh and you are really Bounty Hunter Bash the Touchable?"

"Urm, why do you ask?"

"Because Cerpheres blurted it out and Borevers asked him how he knew." 

She nodded.

"Yes. So?" 

"How has he not killed you yet?" Steel asked.

She then told them the events that had happened since she set off to collect her uncle's bounty. By the time she was finished it was time for bed and they all slept. The following morning they all wrote up early. Then, as they passed the kitchens they saw Cerpheres and Chashathrophogh cooking. Bash walked in and Gurter looked at him awkwardly.

"Urm, Chash?"

"Chashathrophogh!" He corrected.

"Chashathrophogh, then,  I want you to know I don't care. I-I, urm, still love you."

He sighed as he rolled his eyes annoyed.

"I don't care either."

They soon had breakfast and after they noticed something on the horizon. There were small sparkling waves that seemed to light up like scattered little flames in them. Then as they came closer and closer they started to hear light whispering. She could hardly make out what they were saying. At first she thought that it was the wind playing tricks on them or they had been out at sea for far too long. But she soon noticed that the whispering came from the sea, then as she looked closer to the waves,  she saw that there were shining blue dots in the waves.

"What is it, child?" Asked Phydoc gently.

"I think that the sea might just be getting to me."

"How come?" He asked, as he placed his hand gently on her forehead. "You're not ill."

"That's strange, you're not the only ones reporting this. Bore-no Chashathrophogh and Cerpheres have too."

"So it can't be the sea?"

"Seems not. Do you think it might have something to do with magic?"

"Possibly. Though I can hardly say I am an expert on the field."

She nodded as the lights became closer and closer she heard the whispering becoming louder and louder. Then her gut told her that the soft waves were not normal. Acting upon this she ran to the edge and looked down to see a row of tiny hands pushing against the ship. Then the ship gently rocked to the side and then back. They pushed again and the ship gently rocked again.

"Do you see that!" She asked.

Phydoc looked down to where she was looking.

"If you are seeing tiny hands of fairies, then yes!" He shouted, his face pale as he turned to Captain Gerald. "Captain! We have water fairies on the hull!"


"Push on, go one, two, three, 

Top the ship thine will see!

Pull on one, two, three, four,

Show the crew death door!

Kick on one, two, three, four, five,

Make sure that none remain alive!

Bash heard as she listened to the silent voices. Upon hearing it she ran to Captain Gerald and she spotted Chashathrophogh running to him too.

"They are planning to push the skip into the ocean!" They shouted.

The Captain beloved out into a laugh.

"They can'! They're te small"

"Buuut, they are strong for their size!" Purred Cerpheres.

"If yer worried Thane care o' i'! Seriously ye sound like Herlock 'n' Phydoc!" He laughed as the waves became faster.

Then the ship swayed too far to the right as they heard banning against the hull. They ran to the ship's edge. They saw the waves were getting higher and higher and Bash saw that the water fairies were in them. One licked his lips as he pushed against the hull. She noticed that there were more hands on the hull and there were more fairies coming. 

Bash was about to race to get her bow and arrows but Chashathrophogh gripped her arm.

"No, that will not work. Focus on ripping their arms off!"

"Why not make the water boiling hot?"

"Water fairies can survive any temperature of water. I should know." Cerpheres purred.

"Well Cerpheres, I think you ought to go to the other side and see if there are any there if there are do as I say. I will defend the ship if any fly above the waves."


"Noo! I don't want to!"

"Do you want to die?" He snapped.

Cerpheres smiled mockingly at him. Yet this smile relaxed.

"Point proven!" He sang as he started to walk away. "Chash'!"

He let out a slight growl.

"It's Chashathro-"

"Ignore him, deer uncle. He's only trying to wind you up."

He rolled his eyes.

"Urm, is there anything that we can do?" Gurter and Phydoc asked.

"Yes, get everyone downstairs and keep them calm."

Gurter smiled as they walked to the rest and gestured for them to follow them down stairs.

Cerpheres blushed as he looked at both niece and uncle. He then looked down to see a set of tiny hands that he willed to be ripped off. They all screamed as he ripped off more and more. Then licked his lips as he looked back at the two with a sly look.

Bash closed her eyes and willed the arms to be ripped off. She found it easy to do but then she heard their screams and felt a pinch of guilt for a moment. Yet she had to remind herself that they were trying to drown and kill them. So she willed more of their tiny arms to be willed off. She heard more screaming, yet she had to push through as she saw more coming. She willed more off and she had to bite the bottom of her lip and she had to remind herself that there were not tiny children but adult water fairies. She then saw more and ripped them off.

She then looked up as she knew that she nieces a break. Then she saw a water fairy in front of her. It looked at her and chuckled mischievously. She punched it. Then another flew at her and she punched that. She saw another two coming at her and she punched one after the other. She then saw a flash and then she felt a burning pain. 

She looked up to see a fairy with a tiny bubbling ball of water in his hand and it had steam rising from it. It flung it at her and she dived out of the way. Only to just set another coming right at get. She only just managed to dodge. Then as she dodged she felt a scalding pain in her cheek. Then she saw a wall of the boiling water balls coming right at her.

She saw them flying and getting closer and closer to her. She only just managed to freeze them and sent them back at the fairies that stopped them, giving her the chance to fire a fireball at a small group of them. She then lit another and fired it at another group. Then she sent another at them and then another. 

She did this until she had cleared most of them before she looked to Chashathrophogh, who was busy fighting his own set of them. She then looked to where Cerpheres was and he too was dealing with his own group. Yet she knew that did not have to worry about them as their fairies dropped like flies.

Then she noticed that there was nothing but blue begging Cerpheres. She thought that was quite strange until she looked closer. Then her stomach dropped as she saw the wall of water rising higher and higher until it was above the tallest part of the ship. She then noticed the water fairies inside.

She closed her eyes, outstretched her arms and pushed it back. She then felt the water fairies magic and will push against hers. She forced herself to push back even harder. She put her whole will into it. Yet then she felt their will and magic become stronger and stronger. Yet she did well to meet them and put more power into it as they did. Yet she knew that she could feel the strain build within her. She did all that she could to not let go and keep at it. 

The water trembled and shook as their powers met. Some of them tower to send more of the boiling water calls at her,  yet she forced herself to ignore the pain as she pushed on. Then the wave was pushed back and the tip was pushed back. Seeing this they sent more and more at her, but she still forced the wave back. 

Yet the strain inside was becoming almost as unbearable as the pain that they were putting her through, she knew that she was on the lay legs. In her desperation she forced the wave back and willed it to turn into fire and the water burst into flame and she flopped down and the fire collided with the water behind. Then the other fairies saw this and fled.

Then she passed out. Chashathrophogh rushed to her and picked her up. She was pale and covered in blood.

"Bash! Bash!" He shouted.

Then Phydoc rushed to her. He looked at her. He let out a sigh of relief.

"It's alright. She's just exhausted. She will be fine in a couple of days."

"She better!"

"Wow! She pushed back a fairy freak wave. Then turned the water to fire…that must have taken-that must have taken some great amount of power!" Cerpheres purred.

Suddenly he smiled wickedly declaring his teeth. He licked his teeth slowly as he started to breathe slowly and shakily. His cheeks became red and he looked like a sleepy drunk. He looked at his hand.

"Oh! That good, good girl!"


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