Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Nine

 Cersei's Circle

"There we go! You should be ready to set off now!" Phydoc sang after attending to Bash's and Chashathrophogh's wounds.

"Thank you."

"Will you be checking him out?"

"No. Cerpheres does not seem to have a scratch on him!"

They looked at him shocked.

"I know! In all my time working under Captain Herlock I never saw an injury on him once. But still I guess he's just one of those people blessed with great fortune, that is all!"

"Oi! Ye te ready?"

"Are you?"

"Should be!"

"See you later Jeff and Jax!" Coran shouted. "When I return, I will definitely beat you!"

"Then get a good poker face!"

They laughed as they all climbed into the boat with Coran, Chip, Kir, Cerpheres and Gurter as well as the rest of the nameless crew.

"Good work you three!" She sang.

"Thank you." Cerpheres purred. "Aren't you going to say thank you?"

"Why? It should be what she expects from us! Why should we be praised for that?" Snapped Chashathrophogh 

"What? Would you rather her be rude to you? Would you like her better that way?"

He let out a groan as his cheeks went red.

"Look, me and my niece have a job to do. I do not need to complicate my life even further with a bit of romance, have you got that?"

He chuckled.

"Maybe a little romance is what you need."

Chashathrophogh thought for a moment to punch him in the face but decided against it. Instead he turned to his rowing. They rowed on in silence until they came to a small island called Cersner. It had a flat surface with high white cliffs and purple grass. Which was surrounded by a grass green ocean.

They then looked at a map to see only one house in the center.

🖤 Careful of you are a man🖤

🖤Keep your eye on terror men of you are a woman 🖤

🖤Those who quest they bring more that one woman 🖤

🖤If you do not then this wool be your end 🖤

🖤Her next victim will be you 🖤

He looked up.

"I wonder what that means?" Coran asked.

"Looks like we will find out!" Cerpheres purred looking at him like an adorable puppy.

"Any 'ow! Gur'er, Chip, Coran, Cari, Cerph', Kir and Borevers? Ye reddi?"

"We should be!" Bast sighed as she stretched after getting off the boat.

They were approached by a woman. She was clothed in a light and bright green dress that was pinned up by two silver brooches in the shape of a pig's head. Sitting loosely around her waist was a silver chain ensuring to highlight her perfect hourglass frame. She had a pair of green straw dandies and her nails were painted pink. Her pale hands were thin and slender. She had long British Ranching green hair and serene light blue eyes and high cheekbones.

She walked towards them with grace and showed a sense of nobility.

"Good morning travellers." She spoke,  her voice was high and showed grace.

She took a glance as Bash and Gurter will contempt,  which she covered up.

"Good mornin' me lady!" Captain Gerald gasped as his cheeks became crimson.

"Please, call me Cirsei. And I am Cirsei of the old island Oflove."

"I take i' tha's one o' the islands in Olyma?"

She smiled in surprise.

"It is. You must be quite cultured to know that. What is the name of the man that has such rock knowledge of my culture?"

"Cap'ain Gerald." He said, taking his hat off and bowing.

She let out a light chuckle. She then tilted her head and shoulders as she gestured for him to stop.

"Please, you do not need to bow to me. I can see that you are all tired and look as if you could use some rest and food. Come, I will give you some nourishment and shelter."

"Am sorri' m'lady Cersei. Am 'ere for a par' o' a treasure called the Pieces O' Eigh'!"

Her face brightened.

"Oh I know where that is! Why do you not come over to my shelter and I will tell you all about it after lunch?"

"Sure I don' see why no'! C'mon lads and two lasses!" 

They all looked at him as she started to walk away. Chashathrophogh and Bash both shook their heads, cautiously.


"Remember what the map said. This woman is clearly an enchantress of some kind."

"Obviously! Bu' if she knows somethin' i's a good idea te ge' wha' she knows. 'N' if she tries somethin' we could easily kill 'er after all, we 'ave an enchantress 'n' two enchters of our own."

"Logical." They said as they nodded.

They then walked on after her. They walked up stairs made of black stones. Upon a further look they noticed that it was black diamond. They noticed that there was a pathway made of small grey stones and looking closer to them they soon found it was made of slate. This led to a small cottage made of pale pink coral with a white thatched roof and a pointed lilac door with a boar's head with a ring in its mouth. Above that was a triangle window of the back of a man with long emerald green locks and a long purple coat surrounded by pigs.

They were about to walk on when they heard a snort of a pig. They looked back to see that there was a pig resting his hoof on Cerpheres's boot. He shook his head as he had a lost look in his eyes,  yet there was a Nelly found hope in them. With a strange determination too. Bash and Chashathrophogh looked into the pigs eyes to see that there was a strange look in it. Almost as if he was warning him not to go on.

As they looked down she saw that there was one by her and it did not have the eyes of a normal pig. No, their pupils were too small, a normal pig had large pupils. She crouched and spotted inelegance in them and sorrow. She knew that, even though pigs could show sorrow, it was not the type that pigs could show. No, the sorrow that they would show was simple and primal,  meanwhile these eyes were like that of a human's eyes!

"Tell me there aren't any spells that can cause an involuntary shape shift?" 

They all looked at the girl in shock.

"Yes, yes there are!"

She looked down and the pig nodded. They all looked at the plugs, feeling very ill. Yet Coran and the other nameless pirates were already too far to hear what had been said. They all looked back as if to ask if they were coming. They gave them a warning look but nodded.

Cerpheres crouched down and stroked his head.

"I'm so sorry for what happend to you. But you can not return to the way you were." He moaned.

A tear fell as he slit the pig's throat. The other pigs looked at him and then ran away, snorting and weeping. Then one looked at then as if to say,  avenge us or ensure we are the last.

"We should Bette put them out of their misery." Chashathrophogh said.

"Agreed. But once we have the treasure." Chip said.

"Those pigs…. If you could call them that…they seemed to know you."

Cerpheres loomed at him with an innocent smile with a false dumb look on his face.

"They did?" He sang 

They spoon their heads and walked on. They soon arrived at the doorway. Cerpheres knocked and Cercei opened the door for them to come in. They walked in and noticed that the room was split into two rooms. One long room that had a long light wooden table with light wooden stools going around the edge of the table. Some of them were occupied. On the walls were beautiful paintings of many different islands on the walls and the long windows flooding the room with light. The second was the storage and kitchen area. There was a single ladder leading to a loft area where Cercei's bedroom was.

"Please sit! I shall bring you some wine, or rum if you prefer."

"Sure, and thank ye m'lady Cerseii." 

She bowed her head as she giggled. Soon the rest joined the rest of the crew. Then Gurter looked at Cersei.

"Would you like some help with that Lady Cersei?"

She gave a bright smile and waved her hand down.

"Oh no. I shall be fine."

"If you say so,  however, if you need any help I will let you know that I am a trained maid."

"I shall keep that in mind you sweet child."

So she doesn't want anyone to watch her then…looks like I will not be eating or drinking anything.

Once she had poured the wine and rum and placed the gold jugs on the table Cerpheres turned to her. He placed a gentle hand on the back of hers and started to stroke.

"Tell me, where is the treasure?" He purred.

She looked at him and her cheeks became rosey. He kept stroking her.


He then gently took her hand and started to caress it as delicately as if he was holding glass. She started to relax as her mind seemed to fall into some type of trance.

"Is that all you're going to say?" He purred seductively as he leaned forward and kissed the back of her hand.

"Suuurree…drink up." She muttered,  almost lost within his eyes.

Then Coran and the rest of the nameless pirates did. However the others said nothing to stop then for they were too busy looking at Cerpheres and Cersei. He rose to his feet and she put her hand on his hip, lost within him. He pulled her in and she gave no protest. He leaned in his lips next to her ear.

"Tell me, then." He whispered as if to a lover.

She looked at him, clearly smitten.

"Kiss me then!" She whispered like someone who had lost all control of her emotions.

He placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in. He kissed her and their lips pressed gently together. He leaned in and held her in place. She drank it in as she pulled him in closer. Her knees became weak. Then he pulled away. She looked at him with a deep lustful hunger that could only be described as haunting. She wanted more and he knew it. 

"Do you want more, my Lady Cersei?"

"Yes!" She whispered as she leaned in. 

He placed a finger on her lips.

"Tell me where the treasure is first."

She then leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"The cellar in the kitchen. Please! I am dying for another. Maybe late we could-"

He placed his lips over her month before she could say more. They had a long kiss. Their lips were gently pressed together and she leaned into him and he learned into her. Her hunger grew and grew as her skin became paler and paler. Soon her lips became more and more aggressive and her head sank into his. He did the same in rerun. They pressed their bodies together and her arms became weaker and weaker. Then her arm dropped and her head fell back. He let go and her corpse fell.

"Ye go' the location."

"Yeees I did." He purred.

They were about to get the treasure until Coran and the other nameless pirates started to shake and convulse. They looked back to see that they started to scream and scream as they looked at the wine. Then their screams turned to snorts, first it sounded like snoring, but the pitch became higher and higher. Their noses flicked upwards and started to bleed as their bones snapped and broke and their fingers broke and the flesh between the fingers grew and the bones broke. Their finger and toe nails fell off and where their weak and little finger and ring and index were two hooked pushed themselves out of the flesh. Their backs arched and their bodies became smaller and smaller. Then they all threw up a mess of blood and guts as their bodys expelled the excess tissue and bones that it no longer could contain. Then they were looking at a group of pigs.

"I told you the grim rapper would clans you eventually!"

Seeing that they could do nothing to help them they killed them all. They soon found the treasure and Cerpheres pulled out another box. He three it to Chashathrophogh who pushed the pigs head in and it revealed another triangle. After they had put the treasure on board the ship they set the entire island on fire. They did not dare to stay and hear the squealing of the pigs that used to be men…


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