Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Six

 Syren Sea

It was not until early morning until they set off. Bash woke up from a surprisingly good night of sleep. When she changed into the clothes Gurter gave her Gurter woke up. She too changed into her clothes. Once they were ready they joined Chashathrophogh and Cerpheres. Bash could tell by the look of him that he too had a good night's sleep.

Upon seeing him Gurter's cheeks went red and she hid behind Bash and grinned shyly. Spring this Chashathrophogh rolled his eyes.

"Will you ever calm down?" He snapped.

"No, no! Don't ask it like that!" Cerpheres purred.

Chashathrophogh huffed and growled slightly. At this Cerpheres chuckled.

"Please, do try to be polite. She likes you, you know!" He purred with a mischievous wink.

"Course you'd see that! But stop it!" Gurter snapped with even redder cheeks.

"Anyway, I have to go now. You three take care now! And do try not to misbehave. I might just have to discipline you!" He sang blowing them a kiss.

He then sprinted beneath the deck. Chashathrophogh and Bash shook their heads in disgust.

"Come on! We need to give you a proper tour as Jeff 'n' Jax are giving Coran a tour!" She said, looping their arms in hers. 

Chashathrophogh curled his lip as he looked down at her. She was in between their heights. Then she looked up at Chashathrophogh.

"And maybe…we…urm…could…"

"Come on! Get it out woman!"


He rolled his eyes.

"Are we not talking now?"

"Yeah but…not this way. I just want to get to know you, that's all!"

"No. You don't." He said as they walked to a different door and she opened it. She then led them down. This led to a series of doors and she opened one to reveal a bucket and next to it was a bowl and there was a bar of soap next to it. Next to the bucket on the other end was another bucket and from it was a stick and above the bucket was a window.

"These are the changes to the toilets. There's clean water in the cupboard. There's a sponge on a stick in the corner to wipe off the mess." She said, taking a few glances at Chashathrophogh.

He rolled his eyes.

"Come on!" 

They then walked on and down the narrow corridor and turned the corner. 

"These are the changes to the kitchen."

They then took their plates and started cooking. Once they had finished they had cod and potatoes.

"Now there is only one code that those who join this crew live by. That is, remember your crew."

"Like I need to know that!" They said at the same time.

Her eyebrows raised.

"You ought to hang around with Jeff 'n' Jax!"

"Shut up!" He said.


"I hear singing!"


"Just be quiet! Are we not surprised to be arriving in Syren Sea?

"Yes, why?"

"I think that we have arrived."

"The one that observes in lust,

Will never be the one to trust,

As you continue on your quest,

You will pass every single test,

Soon of one will get board,

He will pluck death's chord!

"He will guide one to their grave,

The deadly truth they will crave,

When you get to the place with water sky,

He would have caused two captains to die,

When he will reveal his face,

Putting two destinies in place!

"Oh come, oh first captain,

Let our voices entertain,

By our voices be guided and entranced

Take the leap of faith that you chanced

Let the end of your short strife,

Be the end of your strange life!"

Suddenly Bash dropped everything as she realised what was going on. She then ran out of the door and down the corridor. Then the ship started to sway side by side faster. Soon she lost balance and she banged into the wall to the right. She had to push herself forward as she forced herself to get used to the rocking of the ship. She just about hit her arm on the corner that led to the stairs. She then gripped the corner and thrust herself up. She then forced her foot on the first step and then ran as fast as she could up the stairs. 

She gripped the knob and tried to open it but she felt something jam. She tried again to the same result. She tried a third time and this confirmed it. She crouched down to see that the door was locked!

"What is it girl?"

"It's locked!"



"Never mind. Why do you need to get out there?"

"Captain Herlock is in danger!"

Gurter laughed.

"Why would you think that?"

"Listen to their words!"

At this Chashathrophogh's eyes widened as he placed his hand to the keyhole. He soon heard a click. They soon ran on board only to see Captain Herlock take the jump. They all ran over to him only to see that he was already in the water and just as Bash let a ball of fire release from her hand he was in the arms of the syren. The ball hit one but not the one that held the Captain in her arms. She was about to let another for at one until Chashathrophogh pushed them down. When she looked at where she was she saw a spear hit a pirate and he fell overboard. Soon she heard a series of screams. Once age was back on her feet she knew that Captain Herlocvk was dead.

She then fired another fireball at one. Then she spotted that one was about to open her mouth to sing and she shot another fireball at her before she could let out a note.

"Gurter, get us some bows and arrows!" Bash called.

"Right! Then both of you be careful! She said as she ran, leaving them to it.

They looked back at the syrens and then summoned another fireball and hit two of them. She then spotted a spear racing to Chashathrophogh and fired a fireball at it. Only for her arm to be hit by one. She looked back and ran to the spear and pulled it out of the deck and she willed the spear to heat up. She made it hotter and hotter until the tip glowed white and threw it back. Then when it hit the others tried to pick it up only for how hand at get scalded. She looked up angrily as her uncle flew a fireball at her.

She then heard the sound of singing coming from the other side of the ship. She looked back to see that there were pirates already splashing into the sea. She ran over to stop them but it was already too late and they had already taken the plunge. She then was about to fire a ball at them when she just about spotted a spear almost upon her. She dived back to dodge out of the way. She looked up to see more racing towards her forcing her to jump back further. She then looked up and spotted that she had her opening.

Then she heard the song come from a male syren.

"Girl of fire,

Girl of flame,

To admire,

Of great fame,

She who by one word,

Be led to deaths heard,

Careful not,

To let your greatness be shown,

Or let it rot,

But the secret will be known,

"Born to be born twice more,

Change you will not, 

You shall be same as before,

In darkness you will trot!"

Suddenly she felt her body move as if it had a will of its own. She found herself walking to the edge of the ship. Her hand was on the railing. She could feel that her leg was about to make the jump when a hand pulled her out of the way. She snapped out of it. She looked back to see that it was Cerpheres!

"No, no, no, that just will not do!" He sang.

He then looked down at the syrens. They looked up at him. Immediately fear entered their faces. He smirked as he pulled out his violin and started playing. Soon a scaly webbed hand rose up and then struck another syren clearing his way through his throat. Then the others dove at him and their teeth and claws ripped him apart. Then, soon his blood rose. Then another bit into the throat of the syren near her and then she clawed another in her throat. Then the others dived at her just like the male. Soon he controlled another to do the same.

She looked at this display with nothing but horror. She was so shocked by what she was seeing that she could not process anything else nor could she utter a word. She saw syren after syren devour each other. Soon they could not distinguish between who was being controlled and who was not. This caused more to kill their fellow syrens.

"Cari! Your bow!"

Focusing her mind to focus she grabbed her bow and arrow.

"Thank you Gurter."

She then looked down and fitted at a syren and it hit two as they were now piling upon each other like a hill. This made it easier to kill them. She then pulled out another arrow and fired, hitting three in the head. She loaded another and fired. She did this again and again until the bodies slipped away. Revealing the mess underneath. She then fired only the times before the hills sank.

She then ran to Chashathrophogh's side as one dove out of the water and strate for Cerpheres! She struck that one down. Then another shot out of the water strate for him. Chashathrophogh shot an arrow at him and threw the syren back into the sea. Then another dove up at him and she shot her down.

She then took a worried glance as Cerpheres.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" He sang, pulling out a white bladed sword. 

Then one dove at him and she was split. Soon both halves fell on board. He then gave her a wink.

"Focus on the fight girl! We do not have time to spend on  him, especially him!"

"Ooh so cold!"

He rolled his eyes as another dove at him. He then fired an arrow at him before he could even reach the edge of the ship. She then walked in front of Cerphered and loaded her arrow and side by side fired at one syren after the other. They then spotted that they started to go higher and then they were able to get a good shot.

"Cerph' do what you did on the other end!"


He then started playing and soon some of the syrens were attacking each other as uncle and niece fired shot after shot at them. Then, when they knew that they did not have to worry about their singing,  both focused their magic to boil the water and soon they were all dead.

"Good work!"

"Now the question is who will tell the dear Captain what happened?" Chashathrophogh asked.

"An' wha' did 'appen?"

"Captain Herlock is dead." Carpheres purred. 

"But who freed him?" Coran asked.

"He must have escaped." Jax concluded.

"'Ow! I checked the bars! They were-"

"Captain, you do realize that was before the quest. He must have been focusing on his escape from day one. I don't blame him, although he did escape at the wrong moment." Cerpheres purred as his eyes tensed.

"And what will happen with the rest of his crew?" Jeff asked.

"They'll be joinin' mine. After all, we do need 'em."


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