Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Thirteen

 Sea Serpent Sea

Bash looked at her, Gurter and Steel's room. She longer at the pendants with a triangle at the end. She noticed that none of them had holes at the top and seemed to be seals to the chain by magic. She also noticed that several of the pieces fit together,  like pieces of a puzzle. Maybe they were pieces of a puzzle. Maybe it led to more treasure or the final piece of treasure at the end.

She then looked at Steel and Gurter.

"What do you think you will do after this is done?" She asked.

Gurter and Steel looked at them, slightly confused.

"I'll be staying. Can't see myself going back to what I was doing, nor can I see myself doing anything else than what I'm doing now. What about you Gurter?"

She looked down and looked aside.

"I want to go with Bash and Chashathrophogh. After all, I can't see myself staying here. No, I think I will go with you and your uncle,  after all I know that it'll be dangerous but at least you will have someone to help you carry your load." She said.

Bash looked down.

"Alright, but I think that is something me and my uncle should discuss." She said, sliding out of her hammock. 

They all walked to the deck to see just how empty the ship was. They were down to nine now. She knew once her,  Chashathrophogh, Cerpheres and Gurter left it would be emptier. She looked at Kia and Kir speaking among each other. She was about to walk up to them when Captain Gerald walked in front of her.

"Ye go' a good aim?"


"Good 'cause we'll be en'erin' Sea Serpen' Sea. So we'll be needin' ye 'n' ye uncle 'n' all the people we can te ge' through this'n."

"Yes Sir."

She was about to get into action when she heard the cry of the first sea serpent. She saw its head rise from the water. She then flicked her hand out and sent a small ball of fire at it. Yet it ducked. She then ran beneath the deck and took her bow and arrow. She then took one for all hands on deck. She then noticed Chashathrophogh and Cerpheres in the library.

"Come on you two."

They then put their books away and ran to the deck. They then ran back on board the ship. There Bash loaded her bow and fired at the first sea serpent that rose its head above the waves. She used magic to enhance the strength and speed of the arrow and it hit, causing a small and thin hole into the skull. Its head fell and three more rose above the waves. She fired one along with Cerpheres and Chashathrophogh. She then used her magic to enhance the speed and strength of her and their arrows and they too fell beneath the waves. She then spotted four and then repeated the act. Then the more fell beneath the waves and she sent a ball of fire at the last. 

She then noticed that they were getting closer and closer, soon they felt something bash against the right side of the hull of the ship. She then ran to it to see that there was a sea serpent there. She then willed the sea serpent away from the ship. Yet as it was forced away she could feel that there it was pushing back against it. So she forced it away harder. She could see the sea serpent being pushed further and further away. She then felt another jerk and her head hit the edge. 

She quickly got to her feet, only to be staring into the eyes of the sea serpent. Quickly she sent a blast into its eyes. It then roared out in pain and as it opened its mouth to her she sent another fireball right into its mouth. Setting the head completely alight. She then willed the fire to increase until the throat was on fire. It roared and roared as she willed the fire to become hotter and hotter. Then she fell aside as there was another jerk to the side. 

She flipped onto her feet and looked to her side. There she saw three more above the ship. Their mouths open as their necks arcked back. She knew that they were about to pounce. She sent the fireballs at them into their mouths before they could do anything. She then willed the fire to spread and get hotter and hotter until their heads were eclipsed by fire. They then swayed their heads side to die like a pendulum. 

Then Chashathrophogh used his magic to plush them back as their heads became nothing but a skull. He then loaded his arrow and fired at one and then set the arrow alight and willed the arrow to force itself through the skull and it fell back. He then sent another to another and then repeated this act. He then willed one to die but this did not work and he sent a ball of black fire to one and this caused its head to quickly combust. He then willed the head to move to another sea serpent and that too quickly combusted.

They felt another knock on the ship. He then ran to the back and up the stairs and spotted another sliding at the back. He then willed the water to become hotter and hotter. He then continued to raise the temperature of the water to boiling point. Soon the area serpent stopped and swam out of the boiling water and the moment the head was up he fired, striking it down dead.

He then looked around and spotted a sea serpent aiming itself towards Bash and he died a ball of black fire at it and pushed away causing it to collide against the sea serpent behind. This set both of them completely alight. 

He then looked down at the sea, as he noticed another sea serpent rose beneath the waves, he spotted Cerpheres fire a small shard of ice at it and it was followed by another and the sea serpent was forced back. He continued to send more and more at it until the scales beneath the jaw was non-existent and he finally hit the brain and the sea serpent sank beneath the waves. He was smiling aggressively as he licked his lips.

Cerpheres could sense that someone was looking at him. He looked up to see, to his delight, it was Chashathrophogh. His smile widened as he gave him a wink, knowing it would annoy him. He let out a chuckle as he saw him curl his lip. 

That boy needs to loosen up!

He then looked for more sea serpents and found one. It almost blasted out of the ocean and he willed it top strap in place. He then forced its head to move further and further back. He then continued until its head was slowly ripped off and both near and body sank beneath the waves.

He then spotted another and shot an arrow into its skull and then willed the head to combust quickly which caused the head to explode and the rest of the body flung back and into under waves. He then spotted another one shot its head up. Quickly he flicked out several more shards of ice to the head before it even reached above the sails.

Then they flew up above the waves and Cerpheres jumped up and caught a rope and swing and looked down to see a large head beneath the ship, lifting it above the waves. He then sent two shards of ice into one eye and then two into the other. It opened its mouth in pain before he fired five small balls of fire into the back of its throat. It coughed and the ship was soon back into the ocean.

He then landed back on the ship to see a sea serpents head the size of the whole ship. It rose higher and higher revealing a large and thick body the length of a castle. He then looked back to see that the other sea serpents looked up and dived away.

He then turned around and ran to Chgashathrophogh and Bash and grabbed them by their hands.

"Alright, fire as many arrows at the neck as you can." He said.


They loaded their bows and the three of them fired shot after shot at it. They noticed that they might as well have been throwing needles into it as they were tiny compared to the rest of the body. Yet Cerpheres smirked.

"Now, use your magic on the arrows to set on fire as fast as you can." 

They moved as he touched the violin to his chin and the moment he started playing they willed the arrows top set on fire as fast as they could and BANG! There was a large chunk blown out from the sea serpent. They then willed the fire to spread as fast as it could. Then Chashathrophogh willed the fire to become black and the fire spread faster. It climbed higher and higher up the sea serpent and soon reached the head. Then they focused their will to force the sea serpent back and it flung back into the water where it died.

Then they were out of Sea Serpent Sea and they collapsed.

"Next time, enhance our magic from the start." Both uncle and niece said before passing out.

He looked at them and smiled, preditorieally. He licked his lips as he appeared like a sleepy drink again. He steadied his breath as Phydoc rushed to attend to their injuries. He looked at all the crew except Cerpheres, who had none.


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