Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Ten

 The Nymphs Cave

Jeff and Jax were feeling depressed as the test of the crew enjoyed a full day of smooth sailing. They felt a lunch of guilt after hearing what had happened to Coran as they were the ones that convinced him to join their pirate crew. If only they went along with them instead, maybe they could have stopped him.

"Do not blame yourselves!" Chashathrophogh said.

"Why not?" Cerpheres purred.

"Don't get me started on you! Look, you could not have known what was going to happen on that island so none of this was your fault. So do yourselves a favour and don't make yourselves ill blaming yourselves for something that you had no control over. Believe me! I have a friend that, when I was the apprentice of a Dark Lady, would be beaten and sometimes be tortured by her and no matter what I did I could do nothing, I was just too weak. Yet even though I knew better I still blamed myself for not being able to protect him. Even worse was the fact that he had an enemy inside him too. Yet the moment that he had his opportunity he was able to escape and shortly after he killed his brother and his wife. Though I do hear rumours that he is currently traveling with a little girl which is rumoured to be the child of that brother."

They nodded.

"Thank you." They said sullenly.

They soon arrived at the island.

"Oi! Borevers, Cerph' ge' over' 'ere!" 

"Oh! Looks like our dear Captain awaits!" 

They departed with Chip, Kibbit, Gurter and the usual Bash, Cerpheres, Chashathrophogh and Captain Gerald. Bash found it eerie seeing just how empty the ship looked now. They all noticed this but said nothing as the boat was lowered into the ocean. They kept quiet as they rowed. Bash and Gurter looked around, wondering what would happen on this island and if everyone would make it back this time. The only leverty was the shooting sound of Cerpheres's violin. This kept their nerves calm as they rowed in time like the beat of the tune. They could feel their heartbeats become steady and they soon made it across to the shore. 

Once they had pulled the boat onto the beach they spotted an old man. He was clothed in rags that would have been a marvel to look at if they had been well preserved. His hard skin was both burnt and tanned by the sun, barely clung to his bones. He had tears in earlobes and his grey partially blind eyes were so sunken into his skull that it made him look like a skeleton.

"H-hello?" He whispered.

"Hello, who are you?"

"Nebuoin. I was once a member of the Prince Captain's crew."

"Nebuoin, was i'?"

"Yes, who is that?"

"Cap'in Gerald. Could ye tell me wha' this Prince Cap'in looks like?"

"Well he-he has emerald hair and-and amber eyes. Why?"

"No reason. Now could ye tell us where the treasure is?"

"No. But I can tell you that the Sea Death God told me that he told me to guard the treasure for my captain but-but I was overpowered by a group of ladies, nymphs. After they had taken me prisoner they would come into my shelter torment me and use me for their pleasures both as a man and as their plaything. They blinded me when I tried to escape but then they dragged me back after they all took my strength away by kissing me. Then they whipped my thighs and back until there was nothing left just to dominate and own me. Oh I wish my captain was here! He would heal me and make me new!" He cried.

Gurter put a hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you tell us where the treasure is?"

"No! I can't let you young lady, they'll-"

That was when Bash put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, do you want revenge?" She asked.

"Yes! Yes I do!"

"Then if you tell us where the treasure is now, then we will take that revenge for you. I'm certain that there are those here that have killed worse and more dangerous creatures other than nymphs… myself and my uncle included. So let us take that revenge and as payment we have the treasure." She said.

Cerpheres looked at her and smiled as he locked the chutney of his mouth. Hunger was in both his and the old man's eyes.

"Alright. It's in the cave of the nymphs." He said.

"Thank you." She said as they went to go.

The old man caught her by the scruff of her collar.

"You kill them will you? You kill every single last one of them! Don't leave a single one alive, do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear."

"How many are you?"

"Seven. But there are more on board."

He bowed his head and shook it.

"There are thirteen jumps and they all have magic. You do not stand a chance!"

"That's alright!" Gurter said.

"Ye! We 'ave three o' our own!"

"And we have a physician on board. Phydoc will look at you and you will be up and about in hardly any time at all!"

Still unconvinced Cerpheres put his arm around the man and whispered something in his ear. His eyes brightened up as he hugged him. Then Cerpheres pulled out his dagger and before anyone could stop him or comprehend what was happening plundered it right into his heart. His face turned to meet Cerpheres with a look of anguish upon his face as he leaned back and died.

"Why did you do that?" Bash snapped.

"He had no user anymore." He purred as he came in close to her. "Also you saw him. You knew deep down he was on the verge of death. So why give him any kind of false hope? Isn't it a bit cruel?"

She looked aside, knowing that he was right but yet not wanting to admit it. That was when Bash took a shovel out of the boat and started digging. They stood there as she buried the old man and paid their respects before they moved on.

They followed the map to the cave of the nymphs. They entered the cave and tried to move as silently as they could. Then they heard the sound of a hysterical lyrical laughter that was strangely easy and welcoming on the ears. They followed the sound of the laughter that, as they walked in further and further into the cave, started to echo throughout the chambers. Making it harder and harder to figure out where the laughter was coming from, but Chashathrophogh and Bash had no trouble. After all, both were hunters and had trained their ears to detect even the most subtle of differences between echo and the echo's source. 

They soon walked to the mouth of a chamber where they could hear splashing. As they put their beaks to the mouth they saw what looked like thirteen women that had such stunning beauty that it would male any man's heart race. They had long brunette locks with a blue shine whenever the light touched it. Their eyes were shades of blue and turquoise. They had their hands joined as they sang and danced around a pool of glowing water. 

Then some broke off and danced to a man that was almost as thin as Nebuoin. They climbed upon his knees and kissed him. They moved their arms up and down his arms. As they did they noticed that their grip became harder as their nails dug into his skin. One of their tongues was inside his mouth, preventing him from screaming as the others kissed his neck clawing their way into his chest. 

Once they pulled away his eyes were filled with years and they saw his eyes fill with staff as the next lot danced over to him and repeated the action. Then some of them licked the open wounds as the others kissed him. Their cheeks were crimson as they continued. Then one of them looked up and at them. She nodded to the others who moaned as they bit into him. Causing him to scream as they took bite after bite. Bash drew her bow and put the poor man out of his misery. The others screamed as they pulled away and looked at her shocked.

"Hello travelers." Said the one that looked the oldest.

"Come dance with us."

"We will make you merry." Said one that walked to the group.

"No!" Chashathrophogh snapped.

She placed a hand around his neck.

"Come on, do not be like that!" Said another as she wrapped her arms around Kibbit.

As she pressed her body against his, he fell into a trance. He started to be led off. Another took Chip by his hand and another took Captain Gerald.

"Why do you not join your friends?" Asked the one holding Chashathrophogh.

He felt his mind becoming dulled, but he raised as he felt his people become sweaty and his cheeks became red. He felt another wave of the dullness as she pressed her body against his. He son his head, trying to clear it. Then her lips went to part. Remembering what Nebouin said he gripped her by the neck  He then pushed her back as Gurter stabbed her in the heart with rage and upset in her eyes.

The others looked and scratched, soon Kibbit and Chip snapped out of their trances but before they could back away they bit into their throats. The nymph that had Captain Gerald was about to bite into his throat when Cerpheres threw a small, five pointed star at her, slitting her throat. His eyes were dangerous.

"Nobody is allowed to kill the Captain!" He growled dangerously.

"You have made a grave mistake!"

Bash fired an arrow at her and she caught it. She fired another and she caught that too. She then fired another and this was caught. She fired another and this was caught too. She fired another and another. Soon her hands were full. Then she dropped the arrows.

She drew a sword and she moved out of the way as she dodged the slash from left to right. Then she dodged another slash from right to left. The nymph then went to stab her but she was able to jump up and gripped the mouth of the chamber and kicked her in the chest. She staggered back.

Then as Bash landed she saw a blast of water shoot towards her and dived down and as she looked back to see that there was a new hole in the wall. She looked back to see another blast coming her way. She dived to the left and the water blasted through the side of the mouth. She then dodged another one that hit the other side. Then one came down right at her and she jumped. She drew her bow and fired at the nymph's head and struck.

Then another sent a blast at her and she rolled forward as she dodged. Then another blast flew to her that she dodged by rolling diagonally. She then spotted another blast at her and she sent a fireball at her and the water blasted out. She ran on and saw another rush towards her. She dodged and took her arrows off the ground. Then sent another fireball at her, used the covert of the water vapor to load her arrow and fired. This hit.

She looked to the others as Gruter sliced a nymphs head off and Chashathrophogh slit another. Then threw a bagger into another. Then she saw one shoot a blast of water at him and he jumped and threw a fireball at her and soon she was screaming in the flames. She ran to the water,  only to be met by Gurter and Cerpheres. He pushed her back into the wall as Gurter ran to Chashathrophogh as a nymph went to stab his side she drove her sword into her head. He was just about to thank her when he saw a blast coming to her. He pulled her up and sent a blast of fire to her. She defended with a wall of water as Cerpheres slit her throat.

He then looked up as Captain Gerald had fallen back under their spell. There were three surrounding him. The other two surrounded Cerpheres and gripped his arms as tightly as they could.

"Ooh! That's adorable!" He purred as he pulled his arms in and hit them both in the face.

He spun and flicked out his legs, hitting then into the wall. They got up and he ran to them. He licked his lip as he punched the one to the left with his report and the one to the trochee with his left. He then dug his fists into their abdomen and elbows their heads down. They hit their heads and spun back. He knelt and groped both of them by their throat. He smiled as his cheeks turned scarlet,  cruising their windpipe as slowly as he could. They scrambled to stop it but with a crack of their neck they died. He then looked up as he released a sigh. 

The nymphs were too shocked to do anything as Chashathrophogh and Bash loaded an arrow in their bows and hit two, leaving Gurter to jump and the last's head rolled. They then saw a small door ahead of them and Captain Gerald came to his senses.

"Are ye alrigh'?" He asked.

"Should be!" He panted.

He soon crawled to his feet. His back hunched as he plucked the legs and picked the lock. Soon they saw a large chamber of the treasure. He took out a tube box and threw it to Captain Gerald. He looked at it.

"Can' do this'n! 'Ere! One o' ye do i'!" He called and Chashathrophogh took the tube box.

He noticed that the box was made of steel and had a small steel ball at the top and a hole at the other end. He noticed that the tube was made up of small disks. He then noticed that there were random segments cut out of each disk.

This one is straight forward. He thought as he tilted the box. He twisted one anticlockwise and the ball dropped. He twisted the other and continued until the ball was at the bottom and sank into the hole. Then they heard a click and a handle popped out at the bottom and he pulled,  nothing happened,  he then twisted then pulled. Then the lid came off and another pendant with a triangle fell out.

They then buried the dead and spent a day and a half transferring all the treasure into the ship before they sailed off.


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