Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Two

 Decoding The Maps

Bash was dreaming, in her dream she was taller than she was. She encountered Cerpheres. She looked for Chashathrophogh but he was not there. He leaned on close and she could feel him whisper something in her ear. She could not hear what but whatever it was led her away. Then everything went black and soon she was in a room full of books. She saw the names of many of the Merthen gods and goddesses. Then she saw a woman. She had black hair and an ice cold beauty with crimson eyes that had an odd glow to them. She felt something in her chest then the next moment she was looking at her body, it seemed to be her as an adult. Yet she was looking out of a cage. Then her eyes opened.

She then found herself looking at each of the maps as she tried to get her dream out of her head. Yet for some reason she could not. She could not get the woman out of her head. She looked familiar somehow. She knew that she had seen a woman that looked like that before but her sleepy brain would not allow her to remember.

She rubbed her eyes then looked up to see Cerpheres, he looked identical to the version of him she had seen in her dream. Yet he was fast asleep in his chair. Her eyes went over to Chashathrophogh. He was sleeping too on his wooden bed. Then her eyes slid to Cerpheres. Yet as she looked closer at him a strange and uncomfortable thought slipped into her mind. One that regardless of how true it was, disgusted her nevertheless.

He's quite handsome.

Ugh! Where did that come from?

She shook her head. She groaned as she wiped the last of her sleep from her eyes.

"You're up early!"

She looked up at him in spiteful anger.

"What do you want?"

He licked his lips.

"Tell me, were you thinking about killing me?" He purred.

She rolled her eyes.

"No! And I don't think that it would be proper for a man your age to act that way towards a girl my age."

His eyes widened for a moment.

"Oh? And what do you mean by that?" He purred in a low and dangerous tone.

"I turned fifteen last week and you,  you are clearly in your mid to late twenties! And don't say back when you were born the martial age was fourteen, because now it's sixteen."

He relaxed as he chuckled lightly.

"It's alright! Although, I am curious, what were you thinking of?"

She had to hide her face.

"Never you mind!"

He let out another giggle.

"Wool you stop that!"

"You're adorable when you look like that! So are you going to wake the uncle? I'm certain that you don't want to be alone any longer!"

"Too late! The uncle's already awake! And will you keep away from my niece?"

"Oh you know I can't do that!" He purred. "I am in charge of you after all!"

He let out a low growl running the last of his sleep.

"Let's just look at the maps! Don't wanna do something that I'll regret."

"You talk differently when you're sleepy, it's cute!"

He huffed as he gave him the evil eye. They both sat at the table Capitalism Gerald had provided.

"Remember! The Prince Captain writes backwards!"

"Yes we know!" They snapped at the same time.

Bash and Chashathrophogh looked at a map each. She noticed that all the writing on the map was well written, almost like it was from someone highborn. 

🖤 Emoc niaga reev tsae 

Ym lamina sgnir ni thgin seimine

Ni emos bnal bna ton enod 🖤

She looked up and spotted Cerpheres looking at them with an excited look. She took out a piece of paper and a feather quill.

Right, let's write this down backwards.

Done not and land in

Enemies night in

Suddenly she felt some breath tickling the back of her neck.

"Cerpheres, could you back off!" She snapped.

"Just ignore me, okay!"

"Sorry, but I can't!"

He paced a hand on her shoulder.

"Learn to! You'll be fine."

She huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Are you going to get off me?"


She shook her head as she returned to work.

Enemies night in rings animal my

East veer again come

No, that does not make sense, noir does it seem right.

She closed her eyes as she traced the words in her mind. She rubbed her eyes.

Wait,  why is east underlined?

Maybe that's a clue! 

No. Maybe I should write this in a different order. Hold on, remember what Cerepheres said he wires backwards, maybe that also includes sentences too!

Yes, that's it!

In some land and not done

My animal rings in night enemies

Come again veer east

Makes more sense. Now let's get the rest done. First let's go over the initials,  I M C, Imc…No, no island I know of is called that. Maybe it's the first letter of each line? Let's see




Then she looked back at the words and soon got it.

Marine Island East Cave

"Wow! You figure it out before Borevers!" Cerpheres exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

"Relax, that's only one."

"Maybe, but perhaps all the maps share the same code?"

"Oh? And how would you know?"

"Because I decoded them a long time ago!"

"And you didn't tell Captain Gerald because?"

He let out a sound between a moan and a sigh.

"I wanted to see if Captain Gerald could solve it! However,  he wasn't as smart as I thought." He whined like a dog, disappointed. Yet his eyes lit up as he looked at both her and Chashathrophogh. "But you two are. In fact, I can see that you two are more interesting to follow."

She huffed as she moved onto the next map and he did the same. They decoded map after map and soon they finished their work before nine. Cerpheres raised his eyebrow and smiled excitedly.

"Good work! I knew it!" He exclaimed as he pulled them in and kissed them both. 

They then could not hold back any longer and punched him. He fell back and chuckled. Their lips curled as they noticed that he enjoyed that way too much. He then jumped to his feet.

They turned back to the maps not even wanting to look at him. They laid them all out on the table and soon noticed that they were all islands in the center of Deathby Sea.

Then Gurter and Jax walked to their cell. Gurter looked at Chashathrophogh and smiled shyly as she looked away.

"Here, we brought you some breakfast." She said, presenting three gold plates of cheese and crackers. They took them and started munching.

"How far have you come?" Jax asked.

"All done!" Cerpheres sang.

"All of them?!" Gurter exclaimed.


"So soon?"

"Yes. Now I think that we ought to report to the Captain. But after eating." Chashathrophogh said.

Once they were finished they were brought to Captain Gerald.

"Good work! Ye really can work fast can' ye!"

"Well we thought that if we worked fast then we could get this over with and be on our way."

Captain Gerald burst out laughing as he clapped his hands together.

"Ye go' spunk kid! I'll give ye tha'! Bu' ye no' gonna be leavin' so soon. No' 'til we go' our treasure! After ye! Ye, ye ya can! 'N' if ye continue bein' good ye'll enjoy i' 'ere more. 'N' Cerpheres! Seeing as ye like 'em so much maybe ye can take 'em under ye wing!"

He smiled excitedly.

"Yes Captain!"


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