Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Three

 The Mermaid Ocean

"Is this really necessary?" Chashathrophogh and Bash asked.

Cerpheres chuckled as he put the cuffs on them both and on each of his wrists.

"Yes! After all, I have been put in charge of you. So I'm afraid that I'm going to have to keep a close eye on you two." He moaned whimsically.

They looked at the chain and him with concern.

"Oh and don't worry. It extends and shortens at will."

They tried to move back but he tended up his arms and the chain became shorter. They tried to will the chain to become longer but it kept getting shorter and shorter. Soon he grabbed their hands.

"That's my will."

Of course! They thought, rolling their eyes.

"Ye lo'! Ge' outer 'ere! We're ge'in' inta mermaid waters!"

"We are!" Crepheres sang with a strange excitement.

He soon gripped harder on their hands and ran to the captain. He held a bow and arrows in one hand. They were plain but they were well crafted in a well crater quiver. In the other was a spear that was well created and the head was sharp and smooth. It was clear that the blacksmith that crafted this one was an expert.

"I know ye like 'em." He said giving them to them.

They both looked at them as he handed Bash the bow and arrows and Chashathrophogh the spear. He swung it around several times before he pointed it at Cerpheres. His eyes widened with excitement as he raised his eyebrow. He then pointed to Bash. When he looked at her he saw there was a blade pointing to her abdomen. He then looked back at him and pulled the spear away. Cerpheres licked his lips as he became red in the face. Chashathrophogh shook his head in disgust.

"Good boy!"

"'Boy'? I am thirty two! You must be five years younger than me!"

He chucked at that.

He wanted to ask what was so funny, but he shook his head, preferring not to. He knew that he would not even want him to answer.

"Oh weary sailor hear our little song,

Listening is doing nothing wrong,

Come to us and see us dance,

Give our love one little chance!"

Then they heard the first splash. They looked to see one had jumped overboard. They ran to the edge and saw the first mermaid. She looked like a young and innocent woman but the vampire line fans told her a different story. She saw that she had already bitten the throat of the pirate and was about to go in for the next bite. She loaded her arrow and shot the mermaid before she could even see that she was there. She then heard another splash and another mermaid bit into another throat. She then fired at her. She then looked around to see another mermaid had wrapped her arms around another pirate and the moment that she bit into him the arrow was through her skull.

Then she saw the spear and dodged out of the way. She then spotted another appear coming at her,  she dodged out of the way. She then looked around to see another spear that she only just managed to dodge. She then spotted another spear and then the mermaid fell with a slash. She looked back at Chashathrophogh to see that he was running and grabbed a mermaid's spear and then as a mermaid flung herself down to her he preserved her in the gut and grabbed her spear as he flung her back into the water. He then grabbed another and shot another mermaid and caught her spear. 

He then threw it at a mermaid but he missed, yet before it hit the water it became horizontal and thrust itself into the mermaid's shoulder and chest. They then loomed at Cerpheres as the spear flew ahead and stabbed one mermaid in the heart then another in the head. A mermaid went to dodge by diving down but the spear became vertical and thrust itself down.

"Come little lady and let your heart sway,

Leery me take you as a wife and far away,

Let me make you my royal queen,

For your beauty deserves to be seen!

'Let our bodies be joined as one,

Please brave Princess bare my son,

Come and you will see the joy,

Of becoming my beautiful bride

Not being that man's new toy

In your heart let you love reside!"

Chashathrophogh then ran to the other side and threw a spear at the merman that was singing. He then pulled a bow and arrow off one of the pirates and then lit the tip and fired at another. He then loaded the arrow and fired at another. Bash was amazed looking at this, seeing him fire shot after shot. She could see it, she could imagine herself looking like him as an adult. Just with a more slender frame and breasts. 

"Get your head in the fight girl!"

She nodded and loaded her bow and set the tip on fire. She then fired at a merman. She then loaded another and fired. She then looked to see if the fire was still lit but seeing that there were none. She fired another with a lit tip. She then willed the fire to spread to the other mermen. Some were hit and others she missed. 

She was about to drive the flames to the ones that she missed until they looked in between the two and screamed. They then shouted something and this was followed by the mermaids's screams and they swam away as fast as they could. When she looked to where they were looking she noticed that they were looking at Cerpheres. Who had an aggressive smile on his lips with wide eyes.

"What was that all about?" She asked.

His face relaxed.

"No idea! Maybe they liked what they saw?"

"That was fear, not arousal."

"Maybe they don't like me, or could sense my creepiness from afar?"

Can't believe he admitted it!

"You can't really be that creepy." She said in order for him to think that she had dropped her guard,  hoping that would encourage him to do the same.

He let out a laugh and draped his arms around their shoulders.

"You have no idea." He sang. 

"Oh! Looks like we're here!" He purred as they saw the island.


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