Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Five

 The First Spoils

Captain Gerald gave them a chest and they rowed to Jeff, Jax and Coran and they took the chest to the boat and put it in. They then returned to correct another chest and were on their way to the boat. They then returned and collected another and another then with the final one on board the boat they rowed back to the ship. It was early in the evening when they finally had finished getting all the treasure on board the ship. They soon set foot back on board the ship.

"Cerph'! Go 'n' ge' 'im somethin' to wear 'n' from now on ye te share a room!"

Chashathrophogh rolled his eyes and curled his lip as Cerpheres smiled and licked his lips.

"Sure Captain. Come on! As we are similar sizes it should be quite simple finding you something to wear." He sang.

"As long as it's not too embarrassing to wear, I'll be fine!"

"If it is?"

"Then I will have to add you to the list of bastards that I have killed over the years."

He let out a chuckle. As his smile widened.

"I like the sound of that!"

He let out a huff and turned to Captain Gerald.

"Can I not share with another?"

He bellowed.

"Nah! Everyone else's full 'n' none wanna share with 'im! So swallow ye poison and ge' on with i'!"

"Fine! Just would I be allowed to punch him at least?"

"Sure! Just don' kill 'im!"


Cerpheres then was about to go when Gurtur unlocked Bash and looped her arm with hers.

"Alright then you'll be coming with me girl. Time for me to make sure that you'll be dressing like a lady tonight!" She said.

"Hold on, the Captain put me in charge of her."

"I know but she is still a girl even if she doesn't dress like one. So I don't want a creep like you in the same room as her!"

"Okay! I get it, you want to learn-"

Her face went scarlet.

"Shut up. Come on! You'll be sharing with me."

She took her below deck and in a room at the back. The room was small with a hammock to the left and a large bowl in the center with several glass bottles with a bath beside them. Beside the door was a narrow wardrobe and chest.

She then picked up a large bottle of water and poured it into the bath. She then put a stone in and the water started to heat up. She put her hand in it to check the temperature and pulled the stone out and dried it.

"It's hot coral, it's from the Larva Archipelago near the Sand Planes." She explained as she stripped. "Come on! Strip and let's get in!"

She then stripped and climbed into the bath. She curled up in a ball.

"Nice scars! And is that one of those X curse marks?"

She nodded as she placed a hand on her stomach.

"They look good on you!"

She rolled her eyes as she took out a bottle of what looked like purple slime. She put it in her hair and smothered her hair with it. She then passed it to her. She looked down and frowned.

"Put it in your hair. It'll make it cleaner."

She nodded and poured some out. She passed it back to her. It felt strange on her hand and it smelt pleasant, almost like roses and blueberries. She then smothered her hair with it and then cleaned it out. Her hair felt like silk and smelt better. She noticed that it squeaked as she ran the water out of her hair.

"Man! It's going to be fun to have another girl on board!" She exclaimed.

"But isn't-"

"As in, part of the team."

She opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes, I know! You're not here by choice but I'm pretty sure that you will once you start enjoying it! Believe me! I didn't think I'd stay and be a pirate either. In fact I thought that I would be a handmaiden to a beautiful princess and married to a lovely manservant that I worked with." She boasted.

She raised her eyebrow.

Interesting…So that's why she was so adamant on taking me.

"Do you ever shut up about things like that?"

"Do you ever talk about things like that?"

"Depends on if I can get a word in"

"Alright then! Tell me about you!"

She paused at that moment.

I can't believe she called my bluff! Looks like I am going to have to follow through. But that do I say? Do I tell her the truth? Or should I tell her a lie? Well I hardly think that I should. If I do that then Chashathrophogh would have a hard time certifying and confirming everything that I say. Yet I don't know that would be a thing that he would do.

She smiled knowing what she should do.

"Maybe I will tell you when I'm ready."

Her jaw dropped.

"C'mon! Quit being all mysterious! I know that you're a royal born out of wedlock by your accent,  curse mark and magic."

She rolled her eyes.

Is it that obvious?

"Alright, you're right about that, but that's all you will be getting." She joked.

That is until I have spoken to Chashathrophogh.

They finished cleaning and dried themselves.

"There that's much better! Don't you always feel better after a nice clean?" She said pulling out a white blouse and purple waist coat with a butterfly pattern down with lilac thread. She quickly put it on. Before putting on a pair of black leather trousers.

"Yeah. I guess I haven't put much thought into it. By the way you don't have anything in black do you?" She admitted as she was thrown an identical blouse but with a black corset. 


Gurter then slid it into her and then fastened her buttons.

"You know I can do that on my own?"

"Yes, but at least this way I can fulfill a childhood dream." She said putting the corset on. She then pulled at the lace behind and pulled a pair of black jeans on her. She then wrapped a belt on her with a silver buckle. Before putting on her own.

They then put on a page of black boots held together by a silver buckle.

"It's lucky that we're smaller sizes."

Then they walked back on the deck.

Bash looked at Chashathrophogh. He wore a black blouse with blue leather trousers and green belt with a gold buckle. He had brown boots with golden buckles and a red long coat with gold embroidery and a yellow rose in the breast pocket. Around his Beck was a lilac scarf threefold together by a green apple broach made from coral. He had a very angry look on his face.

Upon seeing this Bash tried to refrain from laughing, however Gurter's eyes worked as her face became as red as his coat.

"What are you-"

"Shut up girl! Cerpheres had nothing soly in black. Then stuck me with this!"

"Urm…it's not too bad!" Gurter said. "At least he did not hand you the pink coat."

"Why does it not surprise me that he has one of those?"

"Speaking of which, where is he?"

"Over there! Playing the violin."

Then they heard clapping from the Captain. They looked towards him, as she did she took a glimpse of Jax, who was wearing black leather trousers with a red blouse and a crimson coat and his twin brother was wearing the exact same outfit with the reds and the blacks reversed. In between them was Coran who, to her surprise, was not wearing any cuffs and was wearing a smaller outfit to Jeff and Jax's.

When did they become friends?

"Alrigh' lead 'n' two leases! Time to split the spoils!" He spotted as he took out two small harps in his hands.

"Borevers 'n' Cari! Over 'ere! These're yours!" He barked.

Before they could do anything they felt Cerpheres's hanhs around their shoulders. Gently, he pushed them to the front. Where they revived their barrels.

"Good work ye two!" He said, shaking their hands and patting them on the shoulder.

"Yo! Gurt' ye wan' a room ma'e?"

"I would love that!"

"Then, Cari ye'll be shairin' with Gur'er 'n' Borevers! Ye'll be sharin' with Cerpheres!"

"Lovely!" They both said sarcastically.

"Good 'n' enjoy the food 'n' drink. Oh, before I forge', I hear tha' Jeff 'n' Jax ye go' news for us?"


"But I think that you."

"Should hear it from."

"The cat's mouth!"

"'N' tha' is?"

"Jeff and Jax convinced me to join your crew!"

"Alrigh'! Let's 'ave a cheer for tha'!"

All the crew cheered and some patted him on the back.

"In tha' case!" He then threw three small barrels to them. "Sorry Cerph', next time ye'll ge' double next time!"

"It's alright! I already have my treasure." He purred.

They then curled their lips.

"Now in five minutes we'll all celebrate!"

They all returned to their rooms. Gurter pulled out another hammock.

"We're gonna have so much fun!"

By the Demon Realm no!

She soon grabbed her by the hand.

"Cone on! You have to introduce me to your uncle!"

"You already have been!"

Her face became red again.

"Not like that! I mean properly."

She rolled her eyes as they left and returned to the decks. She then returned to her uncle and let out a sigh.

"Uncle Borevers, this is-"

"I know. Why bring it up, niece?"

"She wanted me to do it!"



She let out a scof.

"Never mind. Tell me, could you ask him to dance with me?" She whispered.

"Ask him yourself!"

"Come on! As a roomie?"

"Ask me what?"

"She wants to dance with you!" Cerpheres purred. "Maybe you should! Don't worry I'll keep your niece company!"

He rolled his eyes.

"It's your company that men's that I cannot!"

"Oh! What's wrong, don't you know how to dance?"

"Of course I know how to dance! I am a prince after all!"

"Then go! Show her how it's done, dragon!"

"Fine! And Bash, if he does anything!"

"Knee him where it hurts?"

He chuckled.

"Good girl!"

"Thank you uncle."

He took Gurter by the hand and walked to the dancing crowd.

Cerpheres's eyes dropped to Bash.

"Oh no!"

He gently took her hand.

"Don't worry, it's just a dance! It's not like I'm asking you to marry me or anything!"

"No.. It's not that…"

She suddenly felt awkward.

"Oh? You don't know how to dance, do you?"

"I used to sneak off to the archery field when those types of lessons came up."

"Well then, my lady!" He said pulling her in and resting his hand on her hip. "Let me teach you!"

"Oh I will kill you!"

He chuckled.

"I would like to see you try."

"Do I have a choice in this?"


He then guided her to the dances. He did this both gracefully and, to her shock and confusion,  gently. He placed her hand on his collarbone as she was too short for him and he was taller than everyone on the ship. He then placed a hand on her hip. She instinctively moved away, feeling uncomfortable.

"No, move your hip back."

She did and he placed his hand back on it. He smiled and she suddenly felt a strange vulnerability that made her feel slightly naked. He then held her hand in the other as delectately as a flower. She belt herself became stiff as he pushed her forward.

"Relax, let me guide you."he whispered. "Listen to the music."

She listened to the low and slow tune. He then took a step forward and then a step back. The motion felt like a gentle rocking motion, like rocking a baby to sleep. They repeated this action again and again until he knew that she had moved along with the rhythm of the dance and the music.

"Good, you're good! You're a natural! I can yell that you are like a glass sculpture. Beautiful to look at, but lethal when broken." He sang. "I saw that from day one. Now spin!"

He then raised their connected hands and drew the other hand out, almost ready to catch her if she fell. She spun stiffly and he put his hand back to her hip.

"Do try to be more graceful next time." He said.

He spun her again and she let him guide her body and she spun around and around, trying to show grace in her spin. He then rocked her back and placed a hand on the curve of her back.

"Better, much better. In fact I quite liked that. I look forward to seeing more." He purred, pulling her up.

She looked at him to see that his cheeks were red. Yet she ignored this, trying not to focus on her disgust. As he spun her out and drew his hand back she took the cue and did the same. He then drew her back in and they swayed.

"See? Now I think that we can go a bit faster." He said.

He spun her around and around faster and faster. He did this again and again when she felt slightly dizzy she rested her hand on his collar. He then moved her forward and back again and again, getting faster and faster. He then stepped sidewards and back again and again, again getting faster and faster with each step. He then spun her out like a whip. She drew her hand or and up but then pulled it back in as he pulled her back in. She pressed her hand against his chest only to be flung back out. She drew her hand back and then back in, pressed her hand against his chest. Meanwhile he spun as he flicked her out and in, out and in until she had moved in a circle. He drew her in and placed his hands on her hip.

"Now for your first lift, I want you to spread your arms out like a bird when I lift you up."

She nodded. He then thrust her up and she flung her arms out and, almost instinctively, drew the feet up and together. He spun her anticlockwise before gently pulling her back form and she landed.

"That was superb. So did you like that?"

"I don't know…"

He chuckled warmly.

"It's alright,  you need time to get used to it. Although you are improving your grace, and quickly might I add!"

He then took a glance at Chashathrophogh, who was giving him a warning look. He smiled to himself and looked back at her.

"I have decided, once this little quest is over I will be coming with you two. So, do take care not to bore me!" He cooed as they broke.

"Don't worry. I won't."

She then walked to the food area as she was hungry. When it was bedtime Gurter smiled to herself.

"Thank you Cari! You have made my dream come true tonight!"

She let out a chuckle.

"Don't mention it!"


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