Lasta Coop The Conspiracy Arc Part Four

 The Evidence Of The Conspiracy

"You seem quiet!"

"I'm thinking."

"About what you have read?"

"Yeah…I wonder how deep this rabbit home goes."

"I hardly know."

"Wouldn't it be too much to find out?"

"No, it wouldn't, but what motive would I have to waste my time to find out?"

Lasta thought. She knew she would have to give an answer that would satisfy them both. One that would get the pair of them on board.

"Tell me,  what would the Tricenta do if they found out what their government was up to?"

A smile flickered on the fairies lips as her eyes slid to her.

"Good girl! So, what do you have in mind?"

She let out a sigh of relief, knowing that she had them hooked.

"Well, we need all the evidence that we can get and expose it to the people."

"Is that it?" Salynara asked, disappointed.

Suddenly Lasta was filled with the desire to impress her.

"No,  you're right. We need the people to take these tyrants down. Maybe get the Tricenta and the Kelito to work together if we have to."

"Good luck!" Otb chuckled.

"Oh? You think that is too much of a challenge?" She asked,  knowing that she would be paying for that line later.

"You think that I can't?"

"Dunno. I think that I'll have to see it to believe it!"

"You know we can see that you're playing us?"

Lasta shrugged.

"How else would I get what I want?"

"Well let's do this."

"Well done! It looks like we're all in agreement?"

They then looked at Otb.

"What? Oh, oh, ohh! I get it, you need me to get you the evidence!"

"That, and you know this planet way more than we do."


"The girl is right."

He nodded.

What am I doing?

"Then I know the perfect place to start."

They soon arrived at wherever Otb was leading them and were hiding among the crimson leaves of the trees. They were looking at a government building and she felt a pang of nostalgia. The last time she was here, she was uncovering the conspiracy that Otb had cooked up with the Kelito. Now she was here to gather evidence of another conspiracy. It would have been a good moment to appreciate the irony of it all.

"Now we need to get as many files as you girls can carry. Meanwhile, I will get as much data as I can."


"You look young."

Salynara smiled.

"Thank you! You are such a dear."

"How are we going to get in?" 

He turned to Salynara.

"Tell me, can you get us in there and out without any devices or traces?"

"Yes, I do, however, I can use it as much as I have magic energy."

Lasta made a note of this.

"In that case we need to eat." He said as he took out the blue cubes.

"What's this?"

"A plastic cube?"

"No, it's food. Take a bite."

She did. To her shock she liked the take. It takes like chocolate and jelly babies combined! Suddenly she felt awake and her energy was boosted more than she had ever experienced in her life! She took another now wanting more and she felt more alert than she knew that she had ever been. She took another and her mind became clearer than it had ever been. With another she found that her mind was working at a pace that she had never thought that it could work!

"What food was that?!" She gasped after finishing it.

"Peak cubes. They are designed to fill the stomach and make the body operate at its maximum potential."

"They can? Who designed it?"

"A creep that said that he was neither from our planet, like you, or from this world, unlike you. Now Salynara, are you finished?"

"Yes. Now let us get this over with. I would very much like to go home."

"So would I."

Salynara ignored this as she took hold of their hands. She closed her eyes and with a flash, they were in. She let out a slight groan as she fell down and breathed in and out, catching her breath.

"Right now we need to get on with it. We will not have much time to spare."

Lasta nodded. She rushed to the filing cabinets and looked at all the filled and then opened then. The moment that she saw something about her or Otb she then put it in a pile.

"Miss Salynara, do you have a bag?"


"Please may I use it?"

"Since you asked so nicely here."

"Thank you."

She then stuffed the files into the bag. She then dashed to and fro from the files to the bag. Meanwhile Otb was typing away as day as he could. She took a glance at the computer and realised that it had been a long time since she actually saw one. Yet she turned back to her work and went from draw to draw. She focused all her mind onto what she was doing and went as fast as she could, taking full advantage of what the peak cube had fine to her. Yet she could not help but feel nostalgic, thinking about school and home.

Once they had as much as they could take, they waited for Otb to finish what he was doing, keeping an ear out for any sound that could be seen as people coming to the room. Then he finished shortly after and pulled out a memory stick and then puked or a sting and put it around Lasta's neck and the bag went on her back.

"Now,  get us out of here."

"I will do. However I shall need a good sleep after this." She days as she extended her hand. "But first,  we need to cover our tracks."

Soon a fire rose and she grabbed their hands and with a flash they were back on board the ship. Then they heard an explosion and saw the smoke on the horizon. Salynara collapsed beside her. Together they carried her to a chair and strapped her in before they took off. Lasta comforted her hoping that it would help stop her from being killed by her later. She then pulled a blanket over the fairy and then put her shoulder around her to use her arm as a pillow. She too took this time to take a nap of her own. She was woken up an hour and a half later from a nightmare. She did all that she could to calm herself and to ensure that Otb did not see but by the smirk on his face that he did.

"Did we have a nightmare?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Do you want me to go over there and give you a hug? After all you can't go to mummy and daddy can you?"

She closed her eyes trying not to cry and keep quiet so that her voice would not betray her.

"Aww! Kerplunk quiet are we? What are you afraid of? You can tell me!"

As if I'm that stupid!

"I-I'll be looking at the files."

She took a file out and started to rear it.

For those who turn traitor, we will expose you.

As we have your name, you should agree to this.

Sign here.

Grand Elder Goron Nebor

Governess Gralenna Glinglass

   (Mother of Otb)

The moment that she read this she felt chills run down her spine as she looked up. Thinking about the women that Otb killed and remembered that they did look alike. She felt sick too, that his own mother tried to use get to kill him.

"Otb. What did you say your mother's name was?"

"I didn't. I wasn't even told who she was let alone her name."

"Then you ought to read this."

She gave him the file that she had just read. He suddenly looked pale and more vulnerable than she had ever seen him. Then again she could hardly blame him. Yet even though she knew that she had the perfect moment to give him a taste of his own medicine, she knew that he would hurt her for doing it. So she dropped the thought.

"It's sick and I'm sorry."

She then turned back to reading more of the files, yet she suddenly knew that she would have to get stronger. So she put the file down and started to do some squats. She had to get stronger and she did not want to be completely powerless in this situation. After all, if she was able to get stronger,  she would at least have some power, not a lot but still some nevertheless.

Yet her mind thought about what she had just read. She just could not get it out of her head. The Governess Gralenna, the one that Otb killed was his mother. A mother that, in her final moments, tried to ensure that Lasta would remain Otb's enemy! This was what had gotten to her the most. That was when another thing came to her. They had had the perfect and undeniable evidence right under their nodes the entire time!

She then stood straight.

"Otb, Governess Gralenna is your mother!"

"Yes I just read. What of it?" He asked, annoyed. "Hold on, if this is pouring salt onto the open wound, forget it!"

"No! Don't you get it? As she is your mother,  her blood runs through yours! Her DNA is in you! That makes your very blood evidence connecting her to you!"

He looked at her shocked as he realised what she was getting at. He then let out a chuckle as he realised what this meant.

"You're right!"

She let a slight smile appear on her face. Yet she quickly wiped it off her face knowing that it was not a good idea keeping it on. Yet she knew that he had seen it. He gave her a strange look, one that she could not quite tell if it was mocking or sympathetic. Yet she knew better than to ask about it.

"Now all we need is someone to reveal this."


"Simple,  we need both the Tricenta and Kelito to believe the truth. So what we need to do is get a scientist that has no affiliation with either of us and great status that is not on that list."


"So that the people can take these tyrants down."

He raised his eyebrow.

"Also we need to do this at a safe distance. No need to get us hurt by this."


Doctor Terys was a great scientist. He had made great feats in science in the Tricenta scientific field. He had just finished making a great weapon that, he knew, would end the war for good. He had always dreamed of peace and stability. Now that it was at his fingertips he could hardly believe it! He even started to hum which he had not done since his last weapon was destroyed by the Kelito the years ago.

The moment he left the lab he stopped. He felt pain then he fell and was soon in dreamland. When he opened his eyes he was looking in the eyes of Otb. His heart races in fear.

"W-what are you planning on doing to me?"

"Nothing, but tell you that the war the you have been fighting is nothing but a proxy war dedicated to ensuring that the Tricenta government becomes the only force on our planet?"

"Prove it!"

"Gladly!" He said rolling up his arm.


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