The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Vampire Versus Arc Part Two

 Energy Drain

After dinner, Melinda walked back to her room Matilda and Danté met up with her there, Jaden followed her too.

"Tell me Danté, why does that brother of yours have such interest in my sister?" She snapped.

He let out a sigh.

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do."

They looked at her puzzled which made her let out a huff.

"Do you honestly think that I'm stupid? I know that you have targeted Mel as your food source!" She snapped.

Melinda looked aside in shame.

"But I am willing to turn a blind eye to that after all, I can't do anything to stop you. However all I care for is her safety, and Matilda too. So tell me, is that the reason why?" She snapped.

Danté nodded.

"Maybe, but I would not put my money on that. No, though he does like to isolate me and sabotage any and all relationships, be that platonic or romantic." At this he glanced at Jaden but diverted it. "So that might be it. In fact, I think that he might have been behind Farmour Derek killing himself."

She nodded.

"So when you said that his death had nothing to do with you, you were being honest?"


"And is that what he's planning to do with Mel?"

His eyes tensed up slightly.

"No. I don't. In fact I think that she has piqued his interest so I think that he's planning something special for her."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think that he would-"

"No. That's not his style. In fact he prefers to make people beg for it. Which is usually after a long time of torment that lasts for years. It's his way to ensure that the person has a great amount of endurance before he turns them." 

"Do you think that is his plan? To make me one of you?"


"Then why-"

"Because he's a matter hypnotist, in fact he used to do it to me as a child."

"Then I would like for you to stand guard tonight."



She huffed.

"Look,  I am scared but I think that what he was trying to tell me this evening is that he not only is he coming for me but none can stop him. So what's the point?"

"More than you think Mel. Plus, I've lost my patency and I am not about to lose you too, not after just getting to know you!" She cried.

"Jaden Narcissa, Melinda's right. But I will stand guard tonight."

She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Alright, you just keep her safe but after your brother's dead you are not to feed on her."


"Again Mel?"

"Yes, we made a deal, now I know that if you want me to be as safe as I can then this is the best way."

"Mel!" She said warningly.

"Look,  if it will ease your mind how about this; another deal. Danté, my blood is yours as long as you keep me, my sister and my niece safe. Does this sound line a good deal?" She asked, outstretching her hand.

"Mel, no."

"Jaden, there are more dangerous out there other than Vytuatas." She said. "And you above all know it."

This took her back. She nodded slightly subdued.


With that they shook.

Later that night Melinda was soundly asleep, Danté sat on her windowsill. In her dream found herself walking down a long dark Gothic corridor. She was walking slowly. She did not know why she was there or where she was going. She turned to a dark brown door and opened. Now, she knew where she was going. She did not know how, but she did. She walked inside the room with a man with silver hair,  sat at a desk, writing and by the sound of the scratching he was using a feathered quill.

She heard the for close behind her as she walked close to the man. To her horror it was Vytuatas! She turned to run away but he caught her by the wrist. She tried to wake up but she could not. She tried to pull herself free, but she could not. She pulled and pulled. She could not even make his hand move an inch!

"Help! Help!" She shouted, hoping that she would be able to reach Danté.

He then chucked. Seeing that that was not working she turned and started punching him again and again but that too was not working. He then smirked and he let go of her. She woke up safely in her bed covered in an ice cold sweat. She felt colder than she had in a long time, yet she knew that the swear had nothing to do with it. She tried to get up but she felt weak and tied. She felt nauseous too. She closed her eyes again.

She woke up the next day, feeling better but she was exhausted throughout the day. Danté took the girls to school and she felt herself getting weaker and weaker as the day wore on but she pushed on. They then were picked up by Danté and they were home safely. She gave him a drink of her blood. Them at the table they ate together. It was strange having Danté there at the table. 

She was soon back in her bed. She closed her overly exhausted eyes. She was back in the corridor. She walked down it again. Yet as she knew what was going on she felt her heart drum in her ear. She did not want to go where she knew she was going. She felt all the hairs on her body stand on end as she came to the door. She opened it and she could not stop herself as she walked in. He turned to her. He then pulled up to her. He then reached out his hand. She reached out and took it. She then stayed where she was. She was nothing but a servant to his will and she could do nothing to stop it. After a while he let her go. She then stepped back, wondering why she was not waking up yet.

Knowing that he was not done she turned and rushed to the door. She turned the doorknob. She twisted it but to her shock it would not budge. She tried to push the door open, hoping that she could break it open but she could not. She then kicked the door and the door opened with a crash. She then ran out of the door. She ran and ran. She dared not stop for one second. She looked back as Vytuatas walked out into the corridor. She turned a corner to see that he was right in front of her! She turned back only to see that he was there too! The next moment he was next to her.

She saw a window next to her and she dived out of it and landed in some water. She swam as far away as she could. She then felt herself being raised up and out of the water as the claws of a giant white golden crowned flying fox! She reached out and gripped it as she looked down seeing that she was far too high up than what was comfortable!

She was slammed against the roof. She soon saw that the giant white golden crowned flying fox turn into to Vytuatas as he landed! She tried to get up but she could not! He walked up to her slowly and gripped her hand when he reached her. He pulled her up as he did.

"Stop it! Just stop it!"

He smiled and held it for a long time. He then let go and she woke feeling so exhausted that she could not move. She closed her eyes again and was woken up no less than three hours later. She got out of the bed almost like the world was in slow motion. She managed to get to the kitchen but just as she reached the bowl, she fainted.

"Melinda!" Jaden shouted as her head reached the floor.


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