Lasta Coop Fay Bound Arc Part Four

 The Demand Of Lasta Coop

"Well, well, well, you took your time!" Said Salynara.


"Ahh! It seems that you are hardly surprised to see me! I wonder why that is?"

"I was told that you came back from the dead. And as for how,  I don't know and I don't care. Yet I am glad that you're back!"

"Oh? But how would you like to know how I did it?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Noone's stopping you! Plus I'm not going anywhere!"

"Well,  before I died I plucked a stand of hair from my head. I put a spell on it so that if I ever died then not only would my curse be on you but I was able to come back."

"Yeah,  speckling of which, I would really like it if you broke that for me thank you very much!" She said as she took out her sword.

She looked at it with a mocking smirk.

"How about you deadbeat me and I will. After all,  I suppose that you really miss home."

Lasta saw a flash of her mother and father and twin brother. She nodded as the hope of seeing them again and sleeping in her own bed again rose within her. Only this time they will know the truth and she will be able to be honest with them. She would love a hug from all of them.

"Yes. More than you can ever know." She took hold of herself and pointed the sword at her. "Which I will do all to break that curse. Then I will bring you to King Elric and Queen Elrica in chains!"

She laughed as she put something in her pocket. She then ran to her, Lasta dodged out of the way and brought the sword down to get but she blocked it with a knife. She then kicked the girl in the stomach. This forced her back and as she did she swung her sword to her. She used her magic to force her back. She then hit her and she landed on a pile of coins. Ordinarily, she would have been bothered by the pain,  but she was far too angry. So she got up and ran back to the fairy and swung the base down, but she was forced back again. As she spun she thrust the blade out to her which collided with her back. This caused Salynara to fly with her. She dug her dagger into her and then kicked away and they both hit a pile of coins opposite each other.

She quickly got to her feet and picked up her sword. She then ran down and up at her as she did she picked up a few coins. She threw them at her then she swung her blade to her, yet she blocked it and as she got to her feet she drew her sword up. She then heard a clunk, however she had no time to think about that. She then threw a punch at her yet she flicked her wrist away as if it was nothing. She then hit her away and she spun away. She lost her footing on the uneven pile and she fell and rolled down to the bottom of the pile.

She hit her wrist and it hurt more than it ought to have. She shook her head as she picked herself up, she felt something around her wrist. She shook her head. She had no time to think about what may or may not be on her wrist. She then turned back to her as she was above her; she thrust her blade up but she blocked her sword with her dagger. She then whacked her sword right out of her hand!

She drew in and was soon in her cold embrace as she drew her knife into her. She spun and thrust her hands out as the blade came close to her. She pushed against it yet she was far stronger than her. She could not hold her away for long as she was far too weak. Seeing that there was no other way she dug her elbow into her side. The dagger dropped and she staggered back. She picked her danger up and drew it to the fairies' throat.

"Now break your curse now!"

She looked at it and smiled. She then let out a broken laugh. This led to a chuckle and then an ear torturing cackle. Angrily and hit her temple with the weight of the blade. 

"I said break your curse now!"

She continued to laugh.

"Stop laughing!"

She then drove her base right to the throat with the full intention of killing her, but before she could strike the killing blow she felt an electric shock spread throughout her body. She dropped the blade as the hand drew to the source of the electric shock. Which was around her wrist. She felt a thick metal bracelet around her wrist. She looked at it and then her mind went over the battle and noticed that it was when she heard that clunking noise. Then she felt the cold of the bracelet. She looked at it as she saw that it had twin red rings on the outside and an inner thick black ring with a yin yang symbol in the centre.

"What-what is this?"

"Ahh! Finally you noticed." She sang.

"What is this?"

She chuckled.

"A very special bracelet." She said as she raised her wrist to reveal that she was wearing a similar bracelet, however hers had a thick red ring where the black was and where the twin red rings were, were twin black rings. "See it binds the two that wear these together. Yes, now you get it!"

She looked at her shocked.

"So that fight…"

"Was a distraction for me to put one of these bracelets on you."

"But… Was that… Was that what you put in your pocket?"

"No, I put in a third in my pocket. One that was forged in the sixth age of legends by a witch of another world."

"And who-who is it for?"

"You will soon see in a short amount of time." She said. "From now on,  there will be no escape from me."


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