Lasta Coop Fay Bound Arc Part Five

 Prisoner Of The Fay

She looked at her bracelet and back at her in anger. She just could not believe it!

No, she's lying! She would never do this! She doesn't have the power. I have her by the ropes and she knows it.

No,  she would. She would do this within a heartbeat.

"Why? Entire you doing this?" She shouted.

She smirked.

"There is an old saying,  keep you friends close and your enemies closer." She said as she passed her. "Now we ought to leave this cave. I have work to do."

She then walked on. She found her feet walling after her. She followed her to the closed mouth of the cave. Salynara outstretched her hand and the mouth flicked open. She then walked on.

"Where are we going?"

She laughed mischievously.

"You will see."

They then walked left.

Seeing this as her opening she ran top the right. She ran and ran but then her feet suddenly made a u turn. She found herself running after Salynara. She tried running back to the cave but she was soon heading towards her again. She tried running in every other direction away from Salynara but every time she ran to her. She just could not believe it!

She then looked at the bracelet again. It was somehow responsible for this. She did not know how or went, but this bracelet was keeping her near Salynara like a magnet. Thus she knew that she was never going to get away. Not with the bracelet around her wrist. She knew that she would have to get it off. Somehow she would have to get this bracelet off her. Even if she would have to cut it off.

She looked up at Salynara as she followed her in silence. Almost like a predator, stalking her prey. She, unintentionally, started to walk silently too. She kept her eye on her knowing that she would have to wait until she would pounce on her prey. Then she would demand that she would remove it and break the curse.

It soon became night after a long and silent journey. Salynara waved her black wand and a tent appeared. She then heard something coming towards her. She looked back only to feel a twig hit her in the head. She looked at the girl and smiled as the firewood arranged itself and set alight.

"Come on. Time to eat. Then you will be getting a good night's sleep. After all you may not get a good one for a long time." She said as she put a pot above the fire and soon their dinner was cooked.

She felt her stomach growl as the scent entered her nose. She then gave her some stew. She looked at it with suspicion.

She giggled.

"You need not fear,  after all if you die then so will I. No, you will need your strength and as you are my prisoner, I have to look after you especially at your age."

She cocked her eyebrow as she started to eat. To her surprise, it was actually good. She ate as quietly as possible. She was soon finished. She smiled as she gave her more. They both had three courses. Then with another wave of the wand they all disappeared. 

"Saves time spent on cleaning." She said. "Now, you are tired."

She then went into the tent there she pretended to sleep and once she knew that Salynara was in a deep sleep. She took out her sword and thrust it down to the bracelet. Her sword passed through the bracelet and even her wrist and landed on the floor of the tent. She looked at her wrist and band, both were unharmed. She tried to take it off again by pushing it off but that did not work either.

I'm never gonna escape this witch! 

She looked at it helpless as she started to cry. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see her family again, but as long as this bracelet and curse were on her then she would never ever see them again. She was going to be a prisoner of this fairy witch forever. She hit the ground again and again. She wept gatefold to sleep. Even when she was fast asleep,  she was still crying.

Her eyes opened early in the morning. She could small the ice cold fresh air. She heard the cooing of a bird. She slipped out of the tent. She then ran as far as she could. Then she found herself running back to the camp. She tried running another way. She was soon running back to the camp. She then ran in a circle and started to spiral out but after a while she started to run in.

Thought so.

She looked down at her bracelet. She could not get it off, nor could she cut her hand off either. She could do nothing. She flopped down as she realised that. She took a rest as she opened her map,  just to get her mind off her current powerlessness. She looked around and diverted her thoughts to where they were going.

Why are we going this way… What could she be after?

She soon spotted that there was only one place that she could be after; The Mirror To The Stars And Another Time.

Yes, this must be it! But why would she want to go there? What could she be planning? Does it even matter? I'm gonna find out either way.

She then thought about what Salynara had said.

"You are already awake!" Salynara said interrupting her thoughts. She then looked at her map. "Can see that you have already figured out where we are going. Though I am interested. Have you figured out why?" 

"No." She said. "You gonna tell me?"


They soon had their breakfasts and were on their way. It was halfway through the morning when they arrived. There was a circle of stones that curled inwards line stone claws, pointing to a large mirror the size of a house. The rim was blue with lilac runes that were in a language that she did not know. The mirror itself was made of silver, yet there was something about it, almost uncanny like CGI silver. There were black glass stairs leading to the foot of the mirror that as each step descended it was wider than the one before. Leading to a black glass circle at the base of the mirror. Which made it look as if it was above a deep pool.

"What a beautiful place!"

"Come on!"

She sang as they walked down the stairs. She noticed that at the bottom she spotted that there was a star engraved into the black glass that was surrounded by Roman numerals from one to twelve. She then felt her hand being held as they walked in.


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