Lasta Coop Fay Bound Arc Final Part

 Fall Of The Fay

"Where are we?" Asked Otb.

"Fairyland." Lasta replied, trying to keep herself calm. She did not want either to know just how scared she truly was. She tried to keep as far away from them as she could but she knew that there was no escape. She was going to be tied to these two monsters for as long as Salynara wanted them to. She bit her lip as she tried to think of what will happen and how she could keep herself from getting hurt. She then found Otb was next to her.

"By the way,  you do remember what I said don't you?"


"So you know that if I find out that you're behind this I'm going to kill you." He whispered in her ear.

She closed her eyes in dread as her mind went over what he had put her through.

"Believe me, I ain't. And do you think I'm smart enough to think of something like that?"

"No,  I guess not."

"I don't even know what she's planning or what she wants with us!"

They then looked at her as they came to the border of the Seelie Court.

What does she want here?

Salynara looked at the two.

"I think that we ought to take or rest here." She said.

She then waved her wand as soon the camp was set up. They soon sat down as the firewood arranged itself in the centre of the camp. Then Salynara started to cook their meal. She sat opposite the two as the meal was done. She gave them their portions and they ate. Then Otb handed in his bowl.

"That has got to be the best thing that I have had in my life!" He declared.

"Thank you dear." She said. "Now both of you get some rest."

They nodded and soon Lasta was in her bed. She kept her eyes open as she was afraid that Otb would come in and try and kill her, or torture her in some way thinking that she had some idea what was going on. She was also afraid that he would enact his revenge on her in some way.

She then heard a twig snap.

Oh no! He's coming! He's coming to hurt me and the only thing that I can do is defend myself! Why? Just why?

She then heard the running as she closed her eyes shaking. She covered her head trying to protect it as much as she could. She curled up to keep her vitals protected too. Her shaking became worse as the running came closer and closer. Then she heard him run by her tent and passed it. This made her realise that he was doing what she was doing the night before.

Good. He's not gonna hurt me.

Then she strangely felt her heart go out to him. She wondered if she should go out and help him. No, she had to remind herself who she was thinking about. He was a monster. A monster that had tried to kill her before she was even nine years old! So she let him find out on his own.

She then heard him stop. Then she heard the door of her tent open. She knew that it was him. She felt his hand on her shoulder.

"You awake kid?"

"How can I be asleep?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Why do you need to ask?"

He chuckled lightly, almost warmly.

"So this isn't your plan. Well that makes that fairy your enemy."

"Oh? How could you tell?"

"Simple, no friend of yours would ever nine you to me."

She nodded. She could not stop herself from flinching as his hand rested on her head. He smiled. He knew that she was at his mercy. He then moved it back to her shoulder.

"So you can't get away from me, just as I can't get away from you." He said with a smirk. Her eyes winced.

"Yes!" She said with a high-pitched voice.

"Then that means that you want to be here less than I do."


"Then what're you doing here?'

"I want to go home."

"So,  she is the fairy that cursed you…" he tailed. "Tell me, does it hurt? Knowing that you can't go home?"

Oh you know that it does! She thought but she knew better than to say it out loud. No, she did not want to give him any satisfaction nor any fuel for further torment.

"Shouldn't you go back to your tent? After all, we both need our sleep." She said trying to sound braver than she felt.

He smiled and nodded.

"Yes,  I guess I do."

He then got her in the stomach. She then clutched it in shock and pain.

"Now I can sleep."

He then chuckled as he left. She cried herself to sleep that night.

They were soon awakened an hour before dawn. She quickly rounded them up and smiled noticing the bags under their eyes. She silently cooked their meals and gave them their food and as soon as they ate it they were both alert and awake. After breakfast, they were soon on their way and passed the border. They followed her into the kingdoms of the Seelie Court. She looked around and with a wave of her wand the sky turned black.

"What are you doing?"

"Just setting the mood." She said as she heard the drumming of thunder. She smiled at the two of then looked at the sky. Then she saw the lightning fall and set a hut on fire! Suddenly she saw a family of fairies fleeing their hut. She smiled as they looked at her and ran from her. However she raised her hand then ice shards flew out of her hand and struck them before Lasta could speak. All she could do is scream.

She then spotted that she was going for another family. She ran to her and gripped her arm.

"Stop it! Just stop it!" She shouted. She flicked her off her arm and shot more ice shards at them. "No! Please don't do this! Please just stop!"

Salynara just laughed at her.

"Oh, but Lasta, I have but started!" She sang. She then waved her wand and gasmask appeared on all their faces. She tried to pull it off but she could not. She knew what was about to happen before it did. With a wave of her wand green and purple has left the tip. Then with the other hand the gas spread. She tried to run up to her to stop her but Otb stopped her. Soon they were surrounded by the thick gas that became pink and spread like a cloud. She then heard the coughing and then came the screaming. This followed by the crying. She rushed over to Salynara.

"Stop this! Stop this please! They're innocent! They have nothing to do with this!"

"I know. Now come along!" She sang.

She moved on and all she could do was cry as her legs forced her on. She then used her hand to spread the cloud out further and follow them. Lasta wished with all her heart that her mother was with her. She was so scared that she wished that she could hide. She did not want to see what she was seeing. It was too horrific.

Then Otb came up close to her.

"What's wrong? Can't handle all this?" He taunted.

"H-how c-can you?"

He raised his eyebrow in agreement.

"Can't argue with that." He said he put an arm around her. She suddenly felt the dread build as she tried to move herself away from him. However he pulled her back in closer to him. So all she could do was walk with him knowing that he was going to hurt her at any moment.

"After all, we both know that right now, all you want is comfort." He said. "You're just a kid after all. You shouldn't be getting involved in all of this. You should be going to school and phasing with your friends and family. So why do you do it?"

"Because it's the right thing to do."

"True,  but that's just like you. Always doing the right thing regardless of the reward." He said.

"Sometimes there are."

"Sometimes yes,  but I have learnt a lot about you in jail. Both you and that future of yours. I heard that we have many. None of which I want to have."

She looked at him confused.


"None that I'd be willing to go on." He said as he looked at his bracelet. "It seemed with this it makes sense. Not to mention it also means that we will be in this situation for a long time. I see that you don't like that."

"What do you think?"

He nodded as they left the town.

"Oh, and you're welcome!"

"For what?"

"For distracting you."

She looked back and felt a moment of relief which was interrupted by a punch in the gut. She clutched it and continued on her way.

"Next time thank me." He called pulling away from her.

Then they soon came to the gates of the castle. Salynara looked back at the kingdoms, now covered with the pink poison gas. She smiled satisfied. She then let the cloud disappear leaving nothing but fire and death. Lasta had to close her eyes as she started to cry. She felt line time had stood still. She was suddenly in hell and she knew it. With a wave of her wand the gas masks vanished. Then she pulled Lasta in then pulled out a dagger and pushed it to her throat. She put away her wand and then pulled up and gripped her arm and slashed it. She screamed as the pain stung her. They looked at her and then opened the gate. They tried to pull Lasta away buy Salynara slit their throats. This caused more to appear. They were dead before anyone could do anything. Knowing that none could do anything they had no chance they opened the door and ran at her. With a flick of their wand tiny black glass shards flung at them and hit all their throats. She then pushed her through the door. Lasta was sniffing as she tried to stop herself from crying.

Within the castle Salynara killed every fairy that she could see. None could challenge her. Lasta could do nothing but cry and clutch her arm. She was forced to go onwards. She was going to get hurt and there was nothing that she could do about it. She gaited this hopelessness and helplessness.

"Bet that hurt." Otb tainted.

She tried to move away from him but she was clutched in the arms of the monster of the one that was responsible for all of this. Yet he came close to her and Salynara let go of her. He looked at the wound.

"Makes everything that you've been through look like a paper cut." He said as he groped her arm. He then pulled it closer to him. Her other hand went to it but he hit it away. "It won't kill you but it will leave a scar. It seems that she knows what she's doing. I'm impressed!"

"Please let me go." She tried to yank it away, but his grip was too strong. 

"Just let me look at it."

She felt a lump in her throat as he did. He was going to make it worse and hurt more. He then looked up.

"Looks like we're here." He said.

"Otb dear, could you do me a favour and keep the girl in your grip?" She said. "And ensure that she does not look away for one moment."

He looked at her pleasantly surprised and then looked at her horrified face and smiled. He stroked her arm slowly, implying what he would do if she did.

"And Lasta, if you do not look away then I will heal that arm of yours maybe replace you from my curse."

Her eyes swelled as she felt a hint of hope rose within her and she looked at her surprised. She thought about her mother and father and brother too. Oh how she longed to see them again. To cry and sleep in the warmth of her arms. Then tell them all that she had been through and just to get help from them.

Otb pulled her in and put one hand on her shoulder as he kept his grip on her arm. She opened the doors and their eyes tested on King Elic and Queen Elrica on their thrones.

"What is the meaning of this?"

His eyes widened with shock as he looked at Lasta.

"How dare you-"

"Says the one who sent her after me? Now, now, now, how can you flame the moral high ground?" 

"Oh please we both know I had no choice, after all, we both know that it is difficult to get hold of her as an adult."

She smiled.

"Yes, I am aware. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you might be the reason why that is?"

His eyes widened notably. He then looked down in shame. Then he looked up at her almost admitting that what she was saying was true.

"That would make sense." He muttered.

"Anyway, enough of this, Otb, keep her from getting involved." She said. "Now enough talking."

She then looked at Queen Elrica. She ran over to her. Seeing that she was her target King Elric pulled out his sword and rushed between them. She took out her dagger and smirked. She flicked his sword out of the way and then sparks flew as she drew it to his throat but he flung his head back. He drew his blade up to her hip. She jumped and flung out her wings and drew another blade and threw it at Queen Elrica. Then King Elirc blocked the blade as he flew between them. She smiled as she started to fly higher. She then flew higher and higher. He followed her.

What is she doing? What is she gonna do? Lasta wondered.

Soon they were at the roof which was the height of a flat complex with ten floors! She then stopped. King Elric then flew after her. He flung his blade after her, She blocked and his blade fell and dug deep into the stone. He then took out another blade and aimed for her heart. He flung it at her but, again she blocked it with a swing. This left him right open, she flew over to him and raised her dagger he drew his arms in to keep his heart safe. Yet when she dragged it down too high. He did not realise what she was going to do until she took hold of him and then looked at him and smirked. She then let go. He tried to fly but he could not. He looked at his wing only to see that she had cut it off! He hit the ground hard. His body was in a bloody pool. 

She then landed in front of him.

"Still alive?" She asked. "Then enjoy the final moments of your life. However you need not worry,  you will soon join your wife."

"Please, do not! Please not her!"

She giggled as she walked up to Queen Elrica. 

"You better give a good show for the girl. And your husband."

"You will never get away with this!"

"On please, keep your generic words to yourself."

She then charged at get and then threw a series of small blades at her as she ran in front of Lasta. This stopped her.

"P-please do not kill her. Kill me not her. Just leave her alone!" King Elric pleaded.

"Lasta did you not say words like those?"

"Yes." She said.

"Did that stop me?"


She laughed as she ran to Queen Elrica and flung dagger after dagger at her. She tried to block each one but like stopping raindrops she could not block ask of then and one hit. She then waved her wand and then the curtains flung at her. She took out a dagger and ripped them up. Yet as they did they spun around her like a flower. Then they came closer and closer to her. Soon they were wrapping themselves around her like bandages. She tried to cut each and every one. She tried to use her magic to turn them all into butterflies. Yet Salynara then turned them into a swarm of Aisian giant hornets then raced to her and stung every part of her. She fell down dead and then finished off the fairy king.

Lasta looked at it shocked.

"Did she look away?" She asked.


"Good girl." She said as she stroked the wound and it sealed itself without a scar to be seen. "However as for your curse. I will remove that when it suits me. Alright?"

She nodded yet she could not look at her.

"Now onwards."

"Thank you." She said robotically.


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