The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Vampire Versus Arc Part One

 Night Attack

Melinda and Matilda stood at the entrance of the school. Melinda felt strange looking at the building. Yet she could not believe that she had not been here in a whole two months! Yet despite this,  she had done all that she could to catch up,  but yet she was not quite certain that that would have been enough or if it was all worth it.

The moment that the two stepped in the other children looked at the two. Some looked at them afraid,  others angry or confused. She could hear that they were whispering amongst themselves chipping their hands so that the duo could not see what they were saying. She did not bat an eyelid at this, after all she was used to this.

"Come on." She said as she grabbed her hand and led her to the classroom.

"Are you alright? What they were saying… They were…"

"Just drop it, I used to be at the but of all that in America." She said.

She kept quiet, yet she was stool hurt by what they said.

"Were you lonely there?"

"At first,  but I got used to it."

They then heard thrashers whispering all around them. She, out of curiosity wanted to know what they were saying and why they were looking at the two so intently.

"I don't get it! They're not related, well not by blood, but that still doesn't account for why the two look so much alike? I mean apart from the different shades of blond, they'd be almost identical!"one asked under her breath.

"Yes, I know it's strange. After all, all one needs to do is wear red contatlenzes and a white wig and they'd be identical!" Another said.

"Yeah and wasn't Matilda those creepy twins?"

"Yeah… Hope she's not going to be a problem."

Malinda rolled her eyes, yet stopped when she spotted Vytuatas looking at her out of the window. She saw his twisted smile and those predatorial eyes looking directly at her. She looked away, feeling slightly uncomfortable. She then looked back to see if he was still there, but he was not. She tried to brush the moment out of her mind, justifying it as she was seeing things.

She, during the day, forced herself to focus on her work and at least try to act normal. She spent all her time with Matilda and would spend their break in the library. Where they were not subject to unwanted attention as they went over their homework that their teachers had assigned to them. They soon had done everything that they had been assigned to do by the end of the day. Which would mean that the only thing that they would have to do during the following day is focus on avoiding unwanted attention.

As they reached the end of the day, she noticed just how dark the sky was getting. Matilda shivered as they greeted the cold air. She then turned to Malinda.

"Aren't you cold?"

She frowned.

"No. In fact ever since I…left the hospital I've never felt cold. Not once!" She admitted as she took off her coast and gave it to her. "Here. This'll help."

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you!"

She smiled.

They then stayed to walk out of the gate, she noticed that even though it was four it was very dark. Together they walked on. Yet as they walked she felt the creeping feeling that they were being watched. So she looked back and caught the sight of someone following them.

"What is it?"

"N-nothing." She lied so as to not scare her. "I think we should get home as soon as possible."

She then looked up and noticed that the street lights were already turning on.

"Yeah,  especially after learning about that brother of Dantés'." 

She nodded.

I wonder why he has targeted me? Is it because of the deal that I made with Danté? No,  I don't think that is the case. But if not then what is? 

Matilda looked at her concerned as they walked on, noticing that the sky was getting darker.

"Do you think that he'll be after you?"

"No,  I don't think he will. I know he will."

She nodded.

"Tell me,  is that who you think is following us?"

Her eyes looked at her and widened.

"You mean that you knew?"

"Yes. I didn't want you to worry. Especially after what you've been through." 


But I don't think that it'll stop. No,  I can't help but feel like I'm still at the start.

"But at last I'll have you this time." She said as she smiled. 

After all she knew that she would help her just as much as if the tables were turned. It was strange to have anyone there to help her, age had been so used to the lonely walks back from school with the embarrassment of having the toilet water all over her hair and her face coated with terribly put on makeup whenever the girls were in an especially cruel mood. At least this time it would be different,  at last she would have not only a friend by her side, but a good friend by her side.

She then saw Vytuatas being closer and closer to the pair. She knew that they would have to speed up and stick together in order to get home as soon as possible. She saw that more street lights were starting to go on as the sky became then darker as the sun was very much down. The sky was now a dark shade of blue. She looked at her watch and was surprised that they had been walking only half an hour!

Then they came to the road. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears as they saw the cars coming past them as people were coming home from work. She looked back to see that Vytuatas was close now,  she looked back to the road as she knew that they would have to cross as soon as the opportunity presented itself. After all she knew that the moment that he caught up to them then it would be already too late.

Her head turned back only to see Matilda walking on without her. She soon had crossed the road. She soon looked back as did she soon became pale as a great number of cars went by. They were zooming like a wall. She saw my that look that he was already behind her. She felt a hand on her shoulder to prove her fears right.

"Watch this little one." He whispered in her ear.

He looked at Matilda in the eye. Her eyes became dull like the eyes of a sleepwalker. She then turned around the other way and walked away. She felt her heat sink as she took step after step further and further away from her.


She was now alone with him.

"I am certain that you are aware that I am a master hypnotist." He said.

Now she knew as she felt herself shake that she was alone. After all he could hypnotize people from that far away then… She noticed that the cars that were going to and fro from work or wherever they were coming from or going were doing nothing to help her. Then it occurred to her that this timing was far too precise for this to be anything but planned.

He then let out a laugh.

"I see that you have figured out what most do not." He said as his finger rose higher to the side of her neck. "Ahh! That heartbeat of yours it beats faster than a drum in a heavy metal song, and yet it is so young and stronger than most. Yet it is matched by only one thing…"

He sniffed loudly.

"That scent… It smells so tempting…"

As he came closer to her she tried to move and her brain was screaming for her to move and run as fast as she could from him, but to her horror she could not move a muscle! She was paralysed!

Come on! Come on move! Please move it! Yet she still could not move a single inch.

"Come now, you ought to know by now. It is useless to resist me. So just relax and let me have a taste." He said in her ear.

She tried not to cry as she felt his fans in her neck, yet they sank deeper than Dantés' and as soon as he tasted her blood he almost ripped them out.

"Is that what Danté gets? Oh this is far too good for him!" He said as he let her go. 

She pressed the wound so that she did not lose that much blood. She looked up and saw that the cars were gone and she took this moment to flee as fat as she could. She did not dare look back as she felt the tears rising. She did not stop not even to look left and right on the roads as she charged past them. She then did not stop even when she saw her home. No she sped up and reached the for and opened and closed it. There at the door she broke down crying.

"Mel' are you alright? I don't know what happened I blacked out and next thing I know I'm here-"

She shook her head. 

"Mel'!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her as Danté came in. He looked at her alarmed and pained. He looked at the wound with nothing but guilt.

"Did-did Vytuatas do that?"

She nodded.

He looked away with a sting of grief in his eyes.

"I think that as long as he is here I should pick you two up from school." 

She nodded.

"But first we need to sort that out."


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