Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Ten

 The Tenth Victim

Burron was a successful businessman, his secret was that he believed in himself and that he could do it and that he did not need to pull anyone down that was more competent to do so. He believed that regardless of who you were if you worked hard enough and was patient then you too could be as successful as he was.

Those who worked for him were paid well and they treated everyone like family. They knew in their hearts that Burron cared for them and would, every now and then shower them with gifts. Then, when he saw that one of his workers was going through a ruff time he would help them any way that he could. People were always envious of all of those who worked there.

Everyone that tried to take him down found that there was nothing that they could find to take him down. They did everything even they tried to use the news to speed lies about him and called him and those who supported him names and made those, who didn't work for him fired from their jobs and some succeeded. 

Over a long time the corrupt ended up behind bars and the planet entered a golden age that the news, try as they might to blind people to this, could not deny. This golden age was short lived though, for one random day he was found dead. When they checked the camera they soon found that he died when he looked at a new star in the sky.

This soon led to a new and dark era, an era of where people could take what they wanted even if it was not theirs to take without meeting any justice. The era of lawlessness where the only ones that ended up behind bars were people who did not fall of think in line to what the new evil leaders wanted, evil leaders that offered up children up for sacrifices to their evil false good detained for destruction...


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