Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Six

 The Sixth Victim

Hocchjar was the loudest boy in the world. He was so loud in fact that all the other children and the adults told him that all of the cosmos could hear him! This caused a great deal of change to his parents who could not shut him up! They tried everything, from beating the boy until he could hardly feel anything, to bribing him with all of their earnings. But alas, they did not work.

They sometimes prayed to Siliacio, the Parent, the goddess of their planet, to shut him up,  however hard they did he just would not shut up. Soon they were praying that she would take his voice away. This too did not work. They wondered whether or not they were wasting their time.

All attempts were never fruitful. Even the other had tried to shut him up. They first tried bullying the boy,  but seeing that that did not work they tried to tell their teachers and parents, only to find out that Hocchjar had already told them, very loudly. This meant that they would always get into trouble. They soon gave up.

The other adults tried things to shut him up too, they tried punishment after punishment. Seeing that that did not work they tried, like his parents to use bribe after bribe, and,  just like with his parents, this did not work. In fact this encouraged him further so he became louder. Soon the whole village had so many headaches that they became I'll from the stews that Hocchjar brought. It was so bad that they would have thrown him out if he was not a child!

Then one night he looked up at a new star and the village whole up to nothing but silence. They soon were all weeping as they found the boy dead...


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