Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Eight

 The Eighth Victim

Kin was a quiet man. Shy, no, introverted, yes. Many had tried talking to him but all attempts went nowhere. They would talk to him about many things and he would just wonder why they were even talking to him. Then again,  the fact that he did not like talking did nothing to help either.

On the surface, he had such a simple and uncomplicated life, he got up at five, he had breakfast after a walk around the block, then he would arrive at work at nine o'clock on the dot, he would have lunch at twelve on the dot,  he would return to work no left than half and hour later and he would go home at half two, again, on the dot. 

However at home was where all the real interesting things happened, see that was where he would endlessly spend his time reading books of new and old gods and goddesses, myths and legends, archeology and histories around his and every other planet that he could get his hands on. Then after tea he would spend hours writing hypothesis after hypothesis and theory after theory about each and every one. He would even write about his thoughts about them both those who were gods and goddesses and those who claimed to be. 

He soon had enough to collect them all into several different volumes, however, there was just one thing that bothered him above all, that, if published they would change how people would view those gods and goddesses. Then, by extension the world.

But just as he finished putting each paper in order he looked up at the sky. There he saw a new star and there in that chair he died. His body was not found nor did anyone go looking for him. He had no family or friends. For a long time his house was never touched.


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