The Which Within The Books Of Grasharlo Arc Part Two

 The Second Book

It was two days after the first mission when she was sent on the next part of the mission. She was in the office looking at Ringer. 

"Are you tested up?" He asked.

"Yeah. I must admit that I hope that this one's easier. N-not that I'm complaining!" She admitted.

He let her words pass, though his eyes did tell her that he was mentally scrutinizing them.

"Anyway,  we will be sending you to Suze` located in the Jungle Plaines." He said. "Here she learnt a fair few things there and it was one of the many places that she could do whatever it was she wanted unchallenged. Here's your map, it will help you. However, as you will notice it is not that far off from the pyramid that you were held in when you spent your time with the Sunburners." 

Loc nodded as she stroked the black star in between her eyebrows.

"Right." She said as she remembered the star that she gave birth to.

Mortyamikira...I wonder what damage you're doing? I hope not too much damage….

"So be ready in an hour alright?"

"Sir yes sir!" She said.

The whole hour played out like the first. She was soon on the air yot before she knew it. She looked at her map as her mind went over what she should expect when she got there. Would she have to fight another knight? Two knights? Three? 

Oh, I hope not. She thought. I don't think that I could two of those things.

She then looked out of the window. The sky was turning a pale pink and then a pale purple,  like lavender.

Wait, how fast are we going? She wondered as the sky became a golden yellow. You know, on second thought, it doesn't matter.

She soon saw a pyramid that looked a lot like the one that she stayed in when she was with the Sunburners. The only difference was the fact that this one was hidden in the interwoven and overgrown trees and vines. She wondered how she was going to get in as she was slightly afraid that the wild overgrowth would block the entrance, or make the entrance impossible to find. 

When they landed it was a good walk away. She then turned and went to the door. The first thing that hit her was the damp moist heat. As she walked out she started to sweat. The bamp atmosphere only made it worse. She suddenly felt glad that her hair was short, she knew that with the long hair would have only made it worse.

She looked up at the pyramid and she was surprised at how small it was compared to the Sunburners pyramid. She walked up to it and brushed her damp long out of her eyes. She jumped over a root as she saw snakes slithering around. She then felt something land on her neck. She hit it and looked at it and saw a dead bug that she had never seen before. 

So, different places have different bugs and wildlife. Interesting. She thought as she heard the croak of toads and frogs and she could hear crickets. But I guess some things stay the same.

She soon saw the entrance, fortunately the entrance was clear. So she walked up and as she saw that there was nothing anywhere near the entrance she knew that there was something wrong. So she picked up a stone and she threw it at the entrance. The stone disintegrated before her very eyes!

Now how am I going to get in? She thought.

Just walk through.

She frowned as she wondered where that thought came from.

Just walk through.

She thought again.

No,  if I do then I'll disintegrate just like that stone!

Just walk through.

She huffed as she put her finger to the entrance. To her astonishment it did not disintegrate! 

What? Why did I not...Must be because I'm one third of Grasharlo. She concluded.

She walked in and looked at the map. She noticed that there were three main levels and a fourth which was strictly a bedroom. She climbed the stairs deducing that if the book was anywhere it would be there. When she got there she noticed that the bed and everything was coated in dust and cobwebs. 

How long ago since she was here? She wondered as she moved around the room. She saw a few books on the shelves, though she knew that none of them was the book that she was looking for, but she put them into her bag all the same. They may not be the book that she was looking for, but she had a gut feeling that they would come in handy later on. She then looked around the place and found nothing of value, however she knew that this place would be better off if Ringer cleared this place up. 

She then walked out and then walked down to the top level. She explored the level and she then, after scouting the level,  saw a book guarded by a sphinx statue. She walked up to it and then the wings of the sphinx spread out stopped her from going on. 

Oh no.

She looked at it as she felt her heart drop as she could tell that she was going to have to fight this thing.

How the Demon Realm am I going to be able to fight that thing?!

She then looked down to meet her eyes.

"Tell me child, I can sense the Dark Lady in you but the presence of another?" She asked.

"That is a long story."

"Alright. Then child why are you here?"

"I'm here for that book." She said as she pointed to the book.

She nodded.

"Alright, you can get it however you must answer my riddle first. This truth will prove that the Dark Lady lives within you. 

"I have truthfully families two, 

However the blood shines through, 

The water tried, 

And failed to hide, 

This truth every single bit

This truth, what is it?" She said.

She frowned as she ran through the riddle a few times in her head a few times. She dissected every single line like a morgue operator dissects a corpse to find out how it died. 

How does someone have two families, and what has blood and water have to do with this? And what is this truth? She then realised what she could be talking about. But that's...that's impossible! But yet it makes far too much sense!

"Grasharlo was not their daughter, she was adopted! Grasharlo was adopted!" She exclaimed.

The sphinx, for a moment,  was unmoving but she nodded.

"The answer is correct." She said as her wings tucked away. She took the book and then left the pyramid. She felt cold and she knew that she had a lot to think about as the revelation that Grasharlo was adopted made her think about a lot.

If her parents were not her parents, then who's daughter was she?

Well whoever her parents were they, judging by that line that that sphinx said, were anything but good.


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