The Blue Rock And I Re-enter The Blue Rock Arc The Final Part

The Second goodbye

Me and Sir Elishun collected the bodies and made our way back to King Nekoterra. I felt defeated and hollow the whole way back. I felt tired too, I could feel myself nodding off several times while I was walking. We had to get some sleep, which, for me, was deep. I can't remember what I dreamed about but, whatever it was had me waking up screaming with a cold sweat all over. Sir Elishun hugged me tightly and when we couldn't sleep any more we ate our breakfast and went on our way.
We were greeted by King Nekoterra. He looked at us with sorrow and compassion. He didn't ask me any questions, he just rapped his arms around me and waited for me to tell him when I knew that I was ready.
We placed them each on a stone table and underneath them we placed logs underneath the tables. Then we stood around them. I felt compelled to say something, after al I knew that, as their friend, it was my duty.
“S-sir Whittenni, I-I'm sorry.” I started to cry. “I-I f-failed you. J-just l-like I-I failed the t-wins, just l-like I f-failed m-my f-father. I-I s-should have s-saved h-im, I-I- sh-should've s-saved y-you!”
I could not continue. I just broke down and I didn't even know when my knees collided with the ground beneath it. I wept and wept. I didn't pay any attention to what was around me, I didn't even realise that when I stopped none other but me and Sir Elishun and King Nekoterra.
My eyes were bloodshot and puffy. My cheeks were crimson and saw. I felt hollow. I couldn't even feel my heart beating in my chest. Nothing mattered to me. I didn't even feel hungry, though my stomach had never felt emptier.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see King Nekoteerra. He gave me a sympathetic look.
“It's time for you to go home.” he said.
I nodded.
“By the way, Emerald told me that she had brothers....”
“You shall face them, when the time comes, but, for now, you need to go home. Get some rest and cheer up.” he said.
I nodded, I couldn't argue to that.
“Then goodbye, Your Majesty. Goodbye Elishun.” I said.
I then turned to the ashes on the table.
“Goodbye Sir Whittenni.” I said more to myself.
Soon I was out and woke up in a pile of mud. I looked up and spotted that I was looking directly at mum and Aunt Blue. I had never been so happy to see them, however looking in their eyes, it was all too clear that they knew what was going on.
“It is nineteen sixty three.” mum told me.
I nodded. We had a lot of explaining to do...


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