Strena The Lost Princess Arc Final Part

New Life

Strena woke, her head was hurting as she looked up at the sun that was high in the sky. She squinted her eyes as it hurt her head even more. Then as she came round she widened her eyes realising what this meant. She quickly reached down to change only to realise that she never took her clothes off!
What was I doing to make me forget even that?She thought as she thought back to the previous night. Nothing. She thought on the day prior.
Well, I remember my first day of training, then I also remember making vows as a bounty hunter, then lodes of people bought me that odd tasting drink and then...nothing!Why can't I remember anything? Never mind that why does my head hurt?
She rubbed her head, hoping that it would help, but it only helped a little. She then turned to her door and walked out the door and down the stairs. As she walked into the room that went immediately silent. She could see that everyone looked at her slightly afraid and they had far too pale faces, even for these pale men and women. She even spotted that all the furniture in the room had been replaced.
“Are-are you sober now?” one asked with a loud voice. This made her head hurt even more.
“N-not so loud sir.” she moaned. “By the way stop looking at me like that. It's scary.”
They all looked at each-other with a suppressed scream.
“Well, you're scary when you're drunk. I mean how did you do all that last night?” one asked.
She frowned and curled her lip out of her frustrated confusion.
“Do what?”
“I told you not to do it.” Zaryb said as he drank.
“Shouldn't have done what?”
“Should-should we tell her?”
“Tell me what?”
“You almost took down the entire tavern last night.” Zaryb sighed as he finished he finished his mug. “Just like you father, destructive when drunk! Plus I did tell them that you're far too young to drink. Let alone getting drunk. Now c'mon, I want you to eat up and we'll be getting you a coat and I want to get a job done before the day's out.”
“Right.” she said.
Soon she dug in and eat as much as possible and was finished soon after. They were about to leave when they said their chant. She shadowed him up the cobble path to a set of shops. She saw shops that sold weapons and clothes, bags and food. Food that she had never seen before. Then a jewellery shop. Then her eyes dropped to a necklace. It had a black chain with five six crimson teeth and a black talon in the centre.
She was about to walk up to it, enchanted by its beauty. But she felt a hand on her back and manoeuvred her to a clothing shop called Red Thread. They went in and she met a plump woman wearing a long, black cotton dress with several layers of parts to it.
“So, Zarry, what can I do for you?” she asked.
“A coat for the girl.” he said pointing to her.
She looked at her.
“Alright love, what coat do you want?” she asked.
She looked at Zaryb and looked at his coral red coat that had golden cuffs with a pattern running down the collar to the tip of the bottom.
“One like that, but with silver where the gold is and with buttons at the front...and a silver ring in a black ring on the back, and inside that a cobra in an eight on it's side.” she said.
He looked down and raised his eyebrow.
She not only was finished within the hour but it fit perfectly. Even-though it was rough, but looked good on her. She gave a twirl.
“Good choice! After all it's well known that the bounty hunter's made by their coat.” she said.
Zaryb paid her and then they left.
“So, you still cling to your past?” he asked as he tapped her back.
“How did you know?” she asked.
“I'll tell you when you're older.” he said.
“So, how long has it been since you killed them?” she asked.
“I would say about two months.” he said as they walked to a farm. “Why?”
“I just don't want to forget that's all.”
“Seems fair, that's what I did when I was in your shoes.” he admitted.
“Wait, your parents were killed too?” she asked.
“Yeah, but I don't need to tell you about that.”
“Zarry! So where're you going this time?” he asked.
“The Kingdom of Dime or Darts.” he said.
“Alright.”he said as he got out a carriage of hay.
“Come along!” Zaryb called as they walked up to the carriage. They then picked her up and jumped up into the hay.
“Lie down.” he said as he lay down.
She nodded and did what he told her. The farmer covered them in hey to conceal them, but he made to be careful that they both could breathe. With that done they set off and Strena felt herself fall asleep as it rocked her. She felt a nudge waking her up. She woke as Zaryb picked her up and swung her on his back. Her hands gripped his coat. Then he ran that inhuman speed and the village that they were in flew past them. Hardly giving he girl any time to see the buildings.
They were soon at the Gothic castle gate. It was being pulled up by a chain. He jumped inhumanly high and then they were in. he looked at the guards and went pale and felt sick as she realised their fate. She berried her head inwards as she heard their dying scream. She felt a shudder run down her as she already felt their blood on her.
When she dared to look all that was left was a line of dead bodies. She then turned back to Zaryb, only to see his sick and demonic smile. The one that had killed her parents. Even further reminding her that this man was a monster.
“What's wrong? It seems as if you're about to puke!” he said in a voice that was darker and deeper than his usual voice. Almost perverted, like it was something else was speaking right now. She pressed her lips together as she closed her eyes, this voice was even scarier than his usual voice.
“That's better!” he sang as he jumped right through two windows and right into a kings' chambers. Then the king of this castle woke with such alarm that he did not call for his guards, he screamed. Then Zaryb took out a small blade and made a shallow cut in his neck. Suddenly he could not speak.
“Shh, shh, shh. Domn't be scared! It won't hurt much.” he taunted as he took out a dagger and gave it to Strena.
The king looked at her and then back at Zaryb in outrage and confusion. He then took out his blade ran to the girl and snatched her gagger. He then pushed the blade into her throat. They stared at each-other but then she felt herself falling and then she saw the arm beside her. He then pulled out her Orion and with one arm tried to kill them both. However the other arm went off.
“Now, kill him.” he said.
“What? No!” she snapped.
He looked up at her with anger.
“Why not?”
“Because his a mute cripple now.”
“Oh? All the more reason to.”
“I don't want to became a killer, nor do I want to hurt him. I'm not doing it!”
“yes you will.”
“No I won't! You can't make me!”
“No, but I will.” he said as she picked up her Orion and took her hands.
“No! Don't!” she begged as she cried.
“Well, you are going to.” he laughed as he forced the blade into his heart. He then forced her eyes open and watch him die.
This caused her to weep freely. She did not even hear the other guard came in. Her weeping dampened their screams. She didn't even notice the new blood mix into with the king's blood on her hands. Her tears even mixed with the blood. By the time that her eyes dried. She was in a blood red room.
“Now, Strena. Time to go home.”
She then raised a fist to him but her. He hit her. Everything went black. She woke up. Her back against the dirt. Seeing stars. She let more tears out. This was her new life.


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