Strena The Lost Princess Arc Part Two

The Lost Princess

With the girl in one arm, he ran from the pyramid shaped castle throwing what looked like tiny blades that were in the shape of a four pointed star at any and all guards that stood in their way. He was unnaturally fast so they hardly had any time to react. By the time Zaryb was out of the out of the castle none was alive!
He ran through the gate and threw even more of his strange blades at the guards at the wall before they could even raise their spires! As the others on the wall came rushing to their aid, they too, dropped like flies So by the time he got to the village none that worked on the wall were alive.
When he was running in the village none challenged him, for all knew and feared him. So that was the only break that he got, but still, he knew better than to slow down. He soon got to the outer wall. This time he stopped and crouched and jumped far too high that was humanly possible. He reached up and just made it as he pulled himself up the high wall.
There, he threw more and more of his tiny blades. When he ran out he took out his curved sword and sliced their throats and their heads fell in a matter of seconds, before they could even touch him. Soon the only two that were alive were Zaryb and Arielsa. Then he ran and jumped off the wall and over the ditch of daggers below.
The moment he landed he ran smoothly and seamlessly that, when Arielsa opened her eyes she didn't even feel it. She blinked as she could have sworn that she was flying. She wondered why her eyes were following the sand. Then the events that had just happened flooded into her mind, telling her that the nightmare of what had happened to her parents were real.
She felt something warm on her back and hair. Her eyes slid to see that her hair was covered in blood! She let out a loud scream as it dripped off her hair. This scream was so loud that is could have woken up the dead!
She felt a blood soaked hand cover her mouth, getting some blood in it in the process. She could taste the grim metallic flavour. She felt disgust as she remembered that some of that blood belonged to her parents. She felt even more tears burn her cheeks as she remembered that not only were her parents dead but she was now at the mercy of their killer.
She raised her head to see the demonic smile on his lips, but it soon changed slightly, for a moment it looked a lot less demonic but still looked just as terrifying.
“Now, now, don't scream just yet. We haven't got to the part where you'll really need to scream.” he said as he took out two metal cuffs, that looked like the ones that you would have at the end of a chain.
One was red with a thick black stripe going around it, like a ring. In the centre a curved black tear that was interlocked with a white curved tear formed in a circle with a purple circle going around them. The other looked completely identical, though the red rings were black and the black was red.
He then grabbed her by her small arm and pushed the first one on. Then the purple changed colour to yellow and shrank to the size of her wrist. He then had to dislocate his thumb to slide on his. Then his expanded slightly as he relocated it.
She took this moment to run away form him but when she was only a couple of feet away her feet changed course and started to run towards Zaryb! She tried to run the other way but, again when she was the same distance away she ran back to him! She tried again, and again to run away but every time, when she was the same distance she ran back to him!
That was when her eyes dropped to her cuff. That was it! She concluded. With that realisation, she tried to push the thing off her wrist again and again. Her lower hand was bleeding when she realised that she could not get it off she broke down weeping.
She felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Shh, shh, shh! Save your tears, for it's only going to get worse, so save those tears for later.” he said.
“Why? Why are you doing this? Why did you kill mummy and daddy? Why did you do that to them?” she wept.
“I will tell you when you're much older.” he said. “Now, get those tears away and get on my back. Now that you're awake it will be a little easier.”
“It's faster. Now get on.”
He pulled her up, and reluctantly she moved over and gripped his clothes on his back. He then started running, when he did she noticed that he was running so smoothly that it was more like flying. She also noticed that she could only hear the sound of the wind and they were going at a speed that, she knew that not even horses could go. This gave her trouble holding on and she felt herself slipping from his back, but then her cuff glowed and her fingers locked into place.
This told her all she needed to know, that she, from now on, would be have to spend the rest of her days by the side of the monster that butchered her parents, from now on she would have to bare witness to what he does, from now on, she was going to have to grow up under him and from now on, she was he prisoner. She could feel her self trembling and she bowed her head in his back and tried not to make a sound as she cried.
“Are you crying again?” he moaned, but she could not hear him. She did not even want to answer to him. All she wanted, was her mummy and daddy. She wanted to feet their arms around her or for them to wake her up from this nightmare that she had been forced into.
Then he stopped. She flinched as he locked her jaw in his fingers and forced her to look up.
“Look girl!” he said as he forced her to look up to where her eyes met a gigantic ship! It had pitch black fags and black, well polished wood that she had never seen before. Despite her falling in love with its beauty, she could not help but feel a sense of foreboding. Like the moment she stepped aboard it men that bad things would happen to her and, she feared, she would end up doing bad things.
“Now, Arielsa Zuve' you see that ship?” he asked.
She nodded.
“I'd like you to to take a long look at it, for the moment that you take a step in that ship, you will no longer be Arielsa Zuve' any more, no, you will go by another name, a name that you will remember, and if I find out that you have given any other name than that, I will do to them what I did to your parents. Do you understand?”
She bit her lip to stop her from crying and nodded.
“Because I said so.”
She looked back at where her kingdom lay, the kingdom that she should be ruling as queen. Where her parents lay dead, where she should be berrying them. Where she should be safe, playing with her friends and morning with everyone else. She felt her tears fall. She would never be able to berry them, nor would she be able to put flowers at their tomb, or visit them.
“Goodbye, mummy and daddy.” she whispered.
“Can I ever come back here?” she asked, trying not to cry.
“Not even to visit mummy and daddy?” she asked.
She bowed her head as she cried. He then pt a hand on her back and pushed her on to the ship.
“Good riddance.” he said as the door closed behind them.


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