The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Part Two
A Whole New World

I could not tell you just how long I hid there, I soon started to lose track of time. I was about to come out of my hiding place until I spotted that somehow there was a darkened blue glow around me. Frowning I looked around, wondering where the glow came from until my eyes dropped to the door and spotted that it was coming from there. Curiously, the light bent in a swirly pattern like stardust in a nebular.
I spotted that there were words above the door, again in Latin; Haeream illud devorat,
Quibus tangere ...
“'Enchanted it devours, those who touch...'?” I said out loud.
Wonder what that means...I thought as I took one step after another before I knew it I felt my hand grip something and my wrist twisted. I moved past the door frame. I felt my feet rest on a metal step on a spiralling staircase. The blue light seemed to become brighter and brighter the further down the staircase I descended. I could see that the staircase was a blue metal and as my hand slid down the bannister I could feel it changing under my finger tips, soon I was not feeling metal at all, but crystal.
When I was at the bottom I was greeted with a crystal blue door that seemed to be carved like wood, even had the make up as it. The bricks were also made of the same blue crystal as the door. Then I looked in the centre of the door next to the door nob and there was a plaque and on it was yet another message in Latin; 'Horruit fraudibus irretitus, Fugit falsa in terra …' but before I could translate it in my head I was passed through the door.
“Aqua?!” I heard Miss Blue call. I was about to shout but my mouth could not move and soon I was closing the door. Then the edges glowed blue and sealed itself up with the arching door frame! I was trapped and I knew it, but I felt an unnatural frightful peace as I turned around and walked down a blue crystal hall to another door with another plaque with another Latin message on it; Manere aeternum; In stellam ..
I walked past the door and found myself in a small room filled with the blue crystal where the blue light had originated from. I could see the the swirls were thickening and I felt my body move closer and closer to an uneven and jagged blue rock. My whole body was being pulled to the rock.
“Aqua...” I heard Mrs Blue call. I wanted to cry out but my mouth again was unmoving as the panic broke the piece that I was feeling.
HELP! I'm here! Please find me! PLEASE! What is happening? What is happening? Why can't I scream out! WHY CAN'T I?
I could hear the beat of my heart in my ear and silenced screams choked at my throat. I could see my vision became like water. I could feel myself shaking as the swirls wrapped themselves around me and forced my shaking hand to the surface of the rock. Then the rock started growing around my hand. I tried to pull it out as the growth raced up my arm.
What is this? What is happening? I'm gonna die! I was evacuated to go to a safe place and I'm gonna die in this 'safe place'! What was mom thinking?
Soon my entire arm was in the blue rock and then it spread across my body! I could not breathe and my rapid breathing was doing nothing to help me. Soon I was wheezing and coughing as the rest of my body became cocooned in the rock and my body glowed like a spark in an electric light bulb I had to close my eyes.
Then I felt myself falling. I could breathe. Light was blinding my closed eyes. I dared to open them again and white greeted my eyes. I looked down and found that I was in mid air and my hair was in the air. I felt a breeze greet my face as I looked at a dot in the horizon. I could see it getting bigger and bigger and soon it dawned on me; I was falling!
My jaw opened as I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I realised that I was free to move again! I could control myself again! I then started to laugh as I realized that if I was falling then I was going to die the moment that I was to collide with the surface of where I was falling to. I was now free and I was going to die! How very absurd!
I then saw the dot was now a big sphere and I felt my falling becoming slower and slower. Then I found myself not colliding with the ground beneath my feet but being rested on it, like a mother placing down her child.
Found myself placing my hand on grass as I sat up. Strange, I don't remember there being grass here before... I looked down as I gazed at the grass. I had to stroke it several times, just to see if it was real. How is this happening? No, what is happening? Where am I? I wondered as I smoothly climbed to my feet, my jaw dropping at the vastness of this new world!

“'Dorothy we are not in Kansas any more'!”


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