Lasta Coop Final Pre-teen Story

 Lasta Coop
And Santa

Lasta's eyes stung as their sight rested on the see of snow as the flakes spun around her like bladed confetti. Her breath rose in front of her as she could feel the ice settling into her bone marrow. A cold sweat sat on her flesh doing little to help her now uncontrollable shivering. As the storm hit deafening pitches, she lost feeling at the tip of them.
Oh! I'm gonna die! I don't know where I am and I'm gonna die here! She was about to collapse into deep despair until she could feel something hit her head and red dropped to her shoulders. She looked up and spotted black cotton. Her cloak was heavy and warm. She could tell how thick it must be as she pulled it to her.
She then felt two hands gripped her and shoved her on a wooden bench that as she looked up she realised that belonged to a sledge with a golden brace for safety. She looked aside only to see the jolly big guy himself sat beside her! What's going on now?
“Here, have some hot coca!” he said as he forced the mug in her hands. She sniffed the steam up and looked back.
“Thank you!” she muttered as she quietly sipped. Soon she felt the benefits of the heat. “What am I even doing here? I mean I focused on home.”
“To help me probably!” he said apologetically his voice carrying a warmth and kindness.
“Will this help me get home? Or will the curse-No, I'm not cursed.” she asked.
“I can only promise to try my best to get you home once the job is done.” he replied. Lasta nodded.
“So, what's the job?” she asked, taking another sip.
“To rescue my grandson, Jack from the Buggy Man.” he replied. “Do you remember him?”
Lasta nodded and closed her eyes with dread.
“Yeah, I remember him. It was one of the closest time mum came to believe me.” she said. “So, are we going to the place or are we going to stay somewhere first?”
“Yes why?”
“I just wanna get home quicker.” Lasta said. “So why'd he kidnapp your grandson anyway?”
“Because it is Christmas tonight and he wants me to stop me delivering the presents to children. So if I do not rescue him, then I know if I deliver those presents he will surely die.” he explained. “This way he can keep children and adults alike locked in fear and depression, so that they will be more likely to end up in Hell.”
“And you believe in that?”
“Believe it and know it!” he shouted proudly as they came to a dark cave. Santa parked the sleigh and they were off. Lasta looked into the black hole that was the cave and ready or not she took a her step into the darkness following Santa closely. He then looked back at her.
“Now I will go and look for the Buggy Man, while you go and look for Jack.” he said with authority. Lasta nodded and turned to the side.
“And how will I know him? When I find him?” she asked.
“He has white hair like snow and skin that always makes it difficult to determine if he is ill and white-blue eyes.” he replied. “And he has no body temperature and I would go down if I was you. After all he loves putting kids into the dungeon, a lot like my evil twin brother.”
“You have a twin?” she asked.
“Krampus.” he said with a look of dread as the split. She ran to the closest stair-case and, seemingly, flew down the stairs that seemed to spiral on forever until she finally found the bottom where there was, a corner where she spotted another stair-case that was carved out of the ground. She walked to the bannister and closed her ordinary eye and with her silver she could see a rows and rows of cells and in the closest one she saw him.
Quickly she ran over to him and looked at the keyhole and took out one of her hair pins and slid it into the keyhole. It dropped the next moment and the bars opened.
“Where are we going?” asked a familiar voice. She jumped as she spotted immediately the Buggy Man at the top of the stairs blocking their way out. She could feel fear quicken her heart as she looked into his eyes. She could feel him looking at her hand and his smile twitched. “Tell me, for I lost it a while ago, whatever happened to your tooth? Did you get it back?”
“No...” Lasta looked away.
“Did she do something to you?” he prodded. Lasta nodded.
“Yeah, she-she-she-”
“She cursed you didn't she?” he taunted with mock pity. Lasta remained silent as her eyes started to fill with water. The corners of her mouth tensed as she knew that her body was going to betray her. Seeing this caused the Buggy Man to burst out laughing as a tear fell.
“I bet that must have been traumatic. Shame really. I mean it is hardly like you can run back home and cry to your ever worried mother.” he laughed.
“How do you know about my curse!” Lasta shouted before she could stop herself. This too caused him to laugh even more. During this he then fell and behind him was Santa.
“Grandpa!” Jack shouted ran up to him and hugged him. Lasta had to look away out of envy, as they left the cave. They climbed on the sleigh and then Santa looked at Lasta and placed a hand on her head and smiled at her warmly.
“It's okay, birthday girl!” he exclaimed as he gave her her presents as he pulled the reigns and soon they were off. They flew over the houses and soon her eyes rested on her house. Then when she landed her eyes rested on that of her mothers' then her brothers' she lifted her hand to wave. Her eyes welled up with tears as she jumped out of the sleigh just before it touched down and then a light appeared and Lasta was gone!

End of
The Pre-teen Stories

Lasta Coop Will Continue...


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