The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

Part One

It was September the first, nineteen thirty nine, and it was declared World War two had officially started and changed everything for me. Shortly after the announcement father had to go to war and shortly after he left I was told to pack my bags.
“Why, do I need to pack my bags?” I asked.
“I am sending you to Britain.” she replied. “I know someone there that will look after you!”
“What? Why do I need to leave New York? I love it here!” I shouted.
“Because I love you, and I do not think that there would be another chance to get you on another boat. I fear that if you stay here you will end up like little Dig!” she said.
“Who's that?”
“My brother that got blown up in the first war.”
“Are you coming with me? Oh please mother, tell me that you are!” I cried as her face became darkened.
“No, I have a duty to remain here and you have a duty to live.” she snapped clearly harsher than she had intended.
“Fine!” I groaned as I packed the bare minimum. Soon I was on the ship and we were off. First thing that I did was look for a place to sit that gave me a good look at my home as the place started to shrink and shrink. The last thing that I saw was the tops of the skyscrapers before it was nothing but the blue sea. I started to play with my name tag; AQUA AOSHINE. I looked at the other children to see if I had the only name with an alliteration.
Yup! I thought as I tucked my natural white streak behind my ear. It was a bit of trauma hair that I got when I was in a fight when I was five. I looked down to see my blue and green eyes looking back at me. I asked mother why I had different coloured eyes she told me that she and father had an argument about what colour eyes I should have, but they agreed that this would be the best solution and I, as a child believed this.
I spotted people staring at me and one man looked at my name tag but then looked at my pail face and shook his head. I could see another child pointing at me as if I should be noticed, al-though I, at the time did not know why. I just looked back at my reflection until I drifted off.
I woke up early in the morning and it was still dark. I was shivering and my breath became water vapour. I could see that the whole ship was dark and there was not a light on that I could see! This was perfect for me, for I could see the full moon and more stars than I had ever seen in my life. I could not even count them! I let my jaw drop and I gazed up at the tiny dots like snow glowing in the sky!
It seemed like moments later I was being shaken awake by someone who worked on the ship. He smiled as I came round. I wiped my eyes and sheepishly took my luggage and walked to off the ship with a small roll of bred in my hand. Everything became a blur and soon I was sleeping on a noisy train as my saliva painted the window and the cold nursing my forehead.
Soon I woke and walked to the dining car clutching my case. I looked at the prices and I finally understood why my mother had drilled the difference between dollars and dimes and pounds and pence. I opened my purse and I bought a Sunday lunch for five pounds. I then pressed my hands together.
“Dear Lord, thank you for this food and bless the hands that went into making it. In Jesus' name amen!” I said out loud and then dug in like I had never eaten anything in my life. Other than that the train trip was uneventful and soon I was sat in a train stop with my luggage in my hands. Time then became not that important.
Soon a car drove up and parked behind me in the car park. It was a blue ford with a wooden guard painted raven blue. The door opened to reveal a woman dressed in roil blue with a pendent with a blue crystal.
What on Earth is her obsession with blue? I wondered as she climbed up the stairs and walked directly up to me. Her blue eyes hidden in her blue eyeliner and eyeshadow. She smiled with blue lips which made me frown. She held out her hand to me.
“You must be Aqua, I am Berry Blue. Pleased to meet you, finally.” she spoke with a southern British accent. Feeling awkward and reluctant I shook it.
“Yeah...You too...” I muttered feeling like I just wanted to go back home and interrogate my mother to find out why she was sending me to live with such a strange person. She took my luggage and threw it in the open pace that I knew that she knew was not a boot. I then got in without question as she took her seat next to me and we buckled up. Then as soon as we had settled she drove off.
“Soon I will be rid of you blue.” she muttered.
“What?” I asked feeling dread as we flew past hills and fields.
“Nothing, now I do need to warn you, we are going to go up a steep road soon.” she said as she turned left and onto a bumpy single road that suddenly became flat. I soon spotted that it led to an unguarded steep road. She then turned right and started the climb. A strange, exciting panic rose in me as I looked down to see that the car tires were inches away from the edge! We drove higher and higher. Soon we were at a point where if the car nudged left, and over the edge, then I knew that we would not survive the crash! My breathing increased as I bit my lip.
Mom! What on Earth are you thinking? I will surely die if I have to brave this road every time I have to leave this woman's house! Seriously regardless of what you say staying in New York's safer than staying here!
Then we turned right and I spotted a gate painted blue. It had spikes like spires and in between were ones like fish hooks and above in an arch sat two blue bars and between those bars there lay the words; Fortuna Hyacinthum Sicut stellam...
“'My fate is blue, like the star fallen...'” I muttered. “What does that mean?”
“It was written on a piece of parchment that my father received along with a stone that he bought for mother. I think that I will give it to you when you are ready.” she explained. As the trees revealed a mansion that looked part Gothic, medieval and Tudor, Elizabethan. It must have had many rooms for it was almost double the size of he trees in hight and it must have had the same width as a skyscraper!
We parked up and I was about to get my bag but Miss Blue had it in her hands before I even knew that she had left the car. She then pushed down the handle, for back then we did not need to lock our houses. Not to mention I didn't think that any thieves would be so brave to try to make the trek up the road! So I knew that it must have been well guarded.
She gestured for me to go in first which I did.
“Thank you Miss Blue.” I muttered as she closed the door behind me.
“Now let us break the ice a little and play hide and seek.” she said. I looked at her and frowned.
“But I-”
“Come on, I will go first, and yes it will be quite alright if you end up in my bedroom.” she said as she turned around and started counting. Quickly I took my que and backed away and ran up the stairs and then down the hall. I turned left then right and I came to a set of double doors. I flung them open and found a desk to hide under in the library with books every colour of the rainbow! I was going to stay there but I could spot that there was a painting that stuck out further from the wall than the rest.

Overcome by curiosity I crawled to my feet and then took a look and spotted a gap behind and as soon as I pulled I spotted that it was in fact a door! I opened it further and closed it behind me and then was greeted with another library! But the book were only different shades of blue and I spotted one with the shade of blue that Miss Blue was wearing, without knowing why I pulled it and it spun round to reveal a grey room with a single door I closed the bookshelf behind me and then I sat down knowing that Miss Blue would never find me...


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