Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

 Story Seven
Lasta Coop and Her Tooth

Lasta and Lasto Coop were going to turn thirteen in no less then four days so as they sat on the landing both were excited as they both rein-acted the adventure that she had lost her tooth to the evil Morn. It had been two years since she had her last adventure and Lasta had started to breathe easier thinking that her adventures were over now and she had been able to live the live that she had always wanted all this time. A normal one, one without adventures that nobody would believe, without therapists telling her that she was either mad or so troubled that she had invented these 'adventures' to cope with whatever was 'really' happening.
“I wonder why you always have these adventures and not me.” Lasto asked out of the blue.
“I don''t know... Wait, you believe me?” she asked in disbelief.
“'Course, after all, I hear you sometimes...Calling me... I can't describe it, it's like whenever you have your adventures I always feel a tugging feeling in my chest, like I know that you're in danger. Almost like an instinct.” he explained.
“Why haven't you told me?” she asked.
“Dad told me I was just being irrational whenever I would feel these things, and until now I believed him.” he replied. “Probably a psychic link or something.”
Lasta nodded as she hugged her brother. At least she was not the only one who knew now. At least she would have someone to talk to that would not think that she was crazy and maybe later on down the line let other people know by publishing it all in a book and get rich or something... Oh, she could only dream...Oh, if it came true then she would be able to talk to everyone about it and not be called crazy.
She then heard a knock on the door and her silver eye pulsated as she heard a heartbeat sound in her head. She looked aside hoping that this would not lead to yet another adventure. She had just been able to settle with her normal life as it was. She did not have the time or want to go on another adventure!
“Lasta! Who is this man?” shouted her mother with an anger in her voice that was subdued by a tone of politeness. Quickly Lasta ran to her feet and down the flight of stairs only to see none other than King Elric the King La Fey standing in front of the door!
“Your majesty?” she asked.
“Hello Lasta Coop.” he said as if he wanted to get strait to his point with his undying voice of authority.
“Not that I am not honoured by your presence, but what are you doing here?” she asked.
“To tell you how to get your tooth back.” he replied.
“You know where it is?” she exclaimed.
“Yes, which is why I am here. That and to tell you what you need to know to get it back.” he said with a stern, troubled look that one would give when one had been brooding too long. “For it is who currently has your tooth that is the problem.”
“I already know about Morn.” she replied.
“It is in Morn's hand no longer and the one who has it now is worse by far.” he said. “And I do not think that it is wise to have such a conversation outside. I would hardly want for ordinary people to know of the existence of my people, not after they almost caused the extinction of my people just as they did with, what the people of today now call dinosaurs.”
Lasta looked at her mother as if to ask if her could come in with her eyes. Who looked back at her as if slightly confused. Lasta then returned the look with one that told her that the man was safe to put her confusion at ease. Knowing that her intuition had just told her to trust her adopted daughter she nodded and moved aside and gestured that the Fairy King could enter. He nodded to her out of gratitude.
“Thank you Mrs Coop.” he said.
“'Cooper' I'm Lasta's adopted mother, she had her birth mother's last name out of the respect of her last wishes before she died.” she corrected.
When they were all sat. Lasta started by explaining who King Elric was and about the tooth.
“So, who has the tooth?” she asked after concluding everything that she had to.
“A fairy that goes by the name of The Witch of the Unseely.” he replied.
“The what?” Mrs Cooper asked. A frown appeared on King Elric's forehead. He let a sigh out of his mouth as he closed his eyes out of dread. When he opened them again he looked aside out of what looked like shame.
“The Unseely court, they are the evil fairies, some are responsible for nightmares and other damaging things.” he explained.
“And you expect me to let Lasta, my Lasta, to go up against this woman?” she scoffed and if looks could kill, King Elric would be dead.
King Elric curled his lip out of disgust at himself, as desperation entered into his eyes.
“She has her first tooth and that leaves her vulnerable to her spells, one of which has been cast, so only she can retrieve it and she can only do that with your permission however you can not come as the other part of the spell.” he explained suppressing his anger.
“And have you tried to do it yourself or lifted the spell?” she asked.
“Would I be here if I have not?” he snapped. “I hate sending children into danger, if it is not training. Training of which I know that they can handle and her age suggests that we are in her debt after how much she helped out Tooth Fairy.”
Mrs Cooper's look changed as she looked at Lasta as if for the first time. Lasta knew that now there was no denying that her storied were not fabricated and that she had been telling her the truth all this time. Then guilt stung her eyes as she realised that she had not been able to protect her daughter and worse, thought that she was mad. Her eyes rested on her silver eye as she was asking herself why she had not noticed it sooner. She had to look away knowing that regardless of her choice she could not protect her. Only she could.
“Lasta do you wish to go?” she asked trying to keep herself composed.
“No, but I know that I haven't a choice for I know I don't have to tell you why.” Lasta said.
Mrs Cooper closed her eyes out of fear for what she was going to be forced to do, something deep down told her that if she sent her daughter with this man then she would never see her daughter ever again. She knew that ether way she was putting her daughter in danger. She felt her eyes fill with water.
Adopted or not she is my daughter and all this time I have been letting her down. I'm a complete failure as a mother!
“If she dies...” she growled.
“That would not happen.”
“It could, I'm not eighteen yet.” Lasta corrected.
“Just...Bring her- home safely.” she whispered as she hid her eyes from them. With that King Elric placed her hand on Lasta's shoulder and leaves eclipsed them. The last thing Lasta saw was her mother hiccuping and the chair in front of her wet. She wished that she could comfort her but that would only delay her getting her tooth back. As she got a sinking feeling that she was not going to see her mother for a long time.
When the leaves cleared she was stood in front of an emerald path that sat in what looked like a post apocalyptic landscape that seemed to kill off all light and life that entered. It had dead trees with an absence of leaves that twisted and turned. Some of their branches seemed to merge into one another like twins that were joined by a limb, but unlike them, Lasta knew that this was unnatural.
“This it as far as I can take you, I am afraid. I am sorry, I can never find the right words to describe how much I wish I could go instead of you.” his voice was thick with regret.
“I know, and I know why you could not tell mother the whole truth, that this is a trap that I will have to spring.” she responded as she took her step forward. “This is how things pan out anyway.”
With that she moved on further on the emerald path. She could feel herself growing cold as she shivered spotting a crow on one of the conjoint branches. It had blood red eyes and she knew that they were looking directly at her with a cruel curiosity.
She felt her mouth becoming dry and her stomach growled.
Why did I not grab something to eat before all of this? She though as she spotted a bowl of mint green custard covering a jam roll. It was her favourite pudding, she had often wondered why her school had stopped serving it and had longed for her mother to make it for her.
Wow! My favourite pudding! Lying there...In the middle of the road... This would be the part where her common-sense would have kicked in but her stomach had blinded her to this. She sat down as her mouth watered as the sweet, sticky armours entered her nostrils. She picked up the spoon and as she looked closer at the pudding she spotted that there was no bugs in it. She spotted a line of ants who she would have thought would try to steal some for their queen but no, as they crawled towards her they then changed their direction and circled around her. She looked back and as she gulped she placed the spoon down and got to her feet. She kicked it over like a footballer does a football. It landed on the ants and they all steamed up and disintegrated with a hiss like a dying scream.
This only confirmed that the Witch Fay knew that she was already here and it told her that she knew a great deal about her. Now the question is; how much did she know about her? Did she know everything about me or just enough or both? What about mum? Did she know enough to know that she would be forced to allow this? Does that mean that she was trying to use mum to get at me? If so then how cruel is this woman? Never mind that, what the heck am I getting myself into?
As she approached a castle made of steel bricks and with a set of large double doors that were painted brown with a black demon gargoyle that held a ring in his hand like one would when holding a weight before holding it above their heads. It had crooked seven crooked towers that disobeyed the laws of physics. It had battlements that were pointed and sharp, laced with poison, no doubt.
As Lasta approached the double doors she spotted with utter horror that the paint on the double doors was not paint at all, but long since dried blood! She was about to open the door but as her hand reached out the doors opened, with her heartbeat rivalling that of the speed of sonic as past through the doors. She tried to calm herself by slowing down her breath and trying to imagine something pleasant but knowing that it would not work she opened her eyes.
Ahead of her was a man in the middle of the dark hallway. He was clothed in grey and brown rags that might have looked quite impressive at one point but now their colour and value faded as the man's old eyes filled with tears. His matted hair was grey with white highlights filled with dirt and, Lasta had no doubt, had lice.
“What is wrong sir?” Lasta asked as she approached the old man ignoring her disgust. He looked up at her his eyes maddened by something.
“Get away child!” he cried. Lasta reached out her hand to give him comfort. “No! Don't- Don't touch-”
As soon as she touched him he screamed as a snake tour out of him like a dagger and launched itself at her as another snake came out and another. The old man fell down, blood flowing out of his mouth. Realising what had just happened she ran as the army of snakes slithered after her and as she reached a room she looked back. Only to see the snakes turn to each-other and struck and ate themselves until there was only one left which seemed to grow and then adopted a humanoid form.
“Nothing iss wrong Lassta Coop. Well not with me, but with poor Amry hiss fate wass ssealed the moment that you touched him.” he laughed.
“Who are you and what are you talking about?” she asked.
“Sssnator, ssservant of Sssalynara, the Witch De La Fae.” he introduced bowing as he came in and Lasta could not help but back away as he approached. “And she placed me insside Amry sso that I could lead you here. I was not to come out until you touched him.”
Now he had her backed against the wall and as she shook she looked around for something to help her but as she did it became clear that there was nothing. She could only shake as he wrapped his hand around her neck and slowly raised her in a way that made it far too clear that he was not trying to kill her. She hit his arm again and again as the door closed.
She spotted a woman at the door. She had cold beauty and her face was the colour of untouched snow and eyes like deep, clean water. Her lips were the same as her face with only a grey tint. Her hair looked like water in her night with a blue shine and clothed in an elegant black and red garment that made her look deathly thin. Her ears pointed and stretched out pointing behind her where she wore a pair of crystal earrings in the shape of an elongated tear.
“Snator, lay her down on the table.” she said with an authority that made Lasta freeze up with fear, but at the same time, it was calm which got to her. As she felt herself fall to a table in front that she did not see before. She saw Salynara walk over to her before she did anything she raised her hands above her and closed her eyes.
“I command all body parts,
Other than brain, lungs and heart,
Stop all movement
Until the order is sent.”
Suddenly Lasta could not move and lost all feeling. She knew that she was not going to get away from this. She was at Salynara's mercy and she could do nothing. She tried to move her limbs but nothing. She tried again and again to no avail. Now her breath had synchronised with her heartbeat.
What is she going to do? Is she going to kill me? Oh! She is! She's gonna kill me! She's gonna kill me! But I don't want to die! I have to get out I have to run away. I have to find a way to break this spell!
“Now, Lasta Coop, tell me why you have come.” she said. Lasta tried to open her mouth but she knew that it was useless. “Oh!” she laughed as she touched her throat with her index and then her lips. Suddenly feeling came out from them and she could move her lips.
“To get my tooth back and destroy it and go home.” she replied. Salynara laughed lightly as she started to play with her hair in a way that made her eyelids feel heavy. Soon she was fighting to keep awake. It was all too clear what she was trying to do. Lasta felt herself tearing up as tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.
“Now, now, now. It's okay to be wrong. For you are here because I was able to control you so that you would come. I only involved your mother to get you to admit to yourself why you had no choice but to come and, hm, hm, to get to you. Then there was that desert that I used to help you know just how much I know about you.” she explained knowing that she was nothing but confirming what she had already deduced. “In-fact I must admit that I am quite impressed at what you have done and barely a teenager never the less! So what I was thinking, is why do you not forsake all that is good and your past and become my appreciate?”
“And if I refuse?”
“Then you will never go home ever again.” she said, as if she was stating a fact.
“You-you're not gonna kill me are you?” she asked letting her fear escape.
“No, worse, I will cut you off from your home.” she replied as she placed her tooth down within an inch from her pinky finger, again twisting the knife. Lasta looked away knowing that ether way it was all too clear that her feeling of not coming back home was true. Ether way she was going to have to accept whatever consequences she was going to have with whatever choice she made.
I am going to have to do this the way mother would want me to.
“Then I'm never gonna go home ether way after all you'll never let me go home for fear of me not coming back.” she replied her voice was filled with acceptance for whatever was going to happen.
“So this is your final answer then?” she asked.
“Yes, I will not do it! Not on my life! Is that what you want to hear?” she snapped.
“Exactly.” she said as took up the tooth and a knife and slowly let it drop to the girl's flash and cut deeply into her hand. Lasta cried out with pain as she twisted the blade. Soon she was sobbing. Smiling she then took it out and then let the blood drip and coat the tooth. She closed her eyes as she closed her hand and when her eyes opened her eyes were crimson.
“Forever you will rome,
By this tooth you are cut from home,
I seal away this curse,
By destruction make it worse,
Of first tooth lost,
Will be the cost,
Once this tooth of yours is gone,
You cannot return by self or anyone!”
With that her eyes turned back to normal. Suddenly Lasta was crying again in pain as the gash burnt and throbbing. She suddenly felt her self regain control of part of her body by which time Salynara just looked her in the eye and engulfed her tooth in black flame. She could only watch as the tooth became ash, and the ash became nothing. Then the pain in her hand flamed up like as if the was in fire soon she was looking at the floor saliva and snot streamed and mixed with her tears as she gripped her hand tightly.
“What do you want from me? Why me? Why don't you just leave me alone?” she wept drenching her hair as her forehead rubbed against the stone cold floor. As she looked back at her hand which had no blood nor burn. Now it had a jet black X spanning from the base of her index finger to the top of her wrist.
“I will never leave you alone and do you want to know the worst part?” she asked as she knelt down with both knees together. She then leaned over her and whispered into her ear. “You will never know why.”
Lasta looked back at her and then hit her she then hit Snator and ran. She ran to the doors and out of the gates. She just ran and ran until she was back in the Kingdom of King Elric. She ran past everyone and then she burst in to his room. Her eyes filled with tears.
“So, did you get your tooth?” he asked as he turned around to see her. His eyes widened as he knelt down. “What happened?”
She tried to say but all she could do was collapse into his arms.


When she woke up she looked at her hand and then found that she was clean. She was greeted by a fairy that led her to King Elric. There she explained what had happened and showed him her hand. He looked at it with a stern look on his face.
“And, honestly, all I want to do is just go home and be left alone.” she concluded. As he nodded he waved his hand and she was eclipsed in grass blades and leaves.

The next thing that she saw was an orange sky with two half moons, one was purple and the other green. The neon silver grass waved in the breeze as she could smell new and unfamiliar armours entered her nose. It was all too clear that she was not on Earth!


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