The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Three

The Third Hell

      Pheoshan again woke up in the next Dream Hell. The sight that greeted her filled her with nostalgia for it looked a lot like the obr that she grew up in. The difference that told her that she was not in that one was the whole place was covered in nothing but rubble and debris. With bricks and metal out at increasingly dangerous angles.
      She then spotted something that caught her eye. It was a rusty man with wheels like clockwork on their knees and feet. Had Pheoshan grew up in her own world she would have not recognized them to be steam punk robots.
She was about to walk up to them to ask which one knew where the Dream Demon lay, but, to her alarm, she felt her knees involuntary bend and slam on to the ground below. She then started to move forwards to the direction that she wanted. Her head fell forwards to see what was going on and she was shocked to see that she was now a robot!
She followed the other robots as she, what could only call, wheeled on. For her, it seemed odd and alien to move like this but at the same time, perfectly natural, as if she had been doing this her whole life! When she looked around her her robotic head moved just as smoothly as if she was a brand new robot! Well she, in that Dream Hell, was a new robot, but the sounds that her body made in this Dream Hell was nothing but mildly irritating.
"Hey!" She shouted to get the attention of another robot. They looked at her with their rusted lightbulb of eyes.
"Do you know why we're all robots?" She asked.
"Beep! Meep! Beep! Keep!" They replied but oddly enough, Pheoshan understood this, as if this robot's language was a second language!
"So this is the work of this Dream Hell's Dream Demon? So do you know where he is?" She asked.
"Meep. Bleep, beep, meep, meep. Bleep meep beep." It replied. Pheoshan nodded with her robotic head but was over-exaggerated for the limitations of the robotic form.
"Thank you." She said as she left them to do what it was they were doing.
She wheeled to a construction site that the robot had told her was an old factory that was sat beside a mine, this was where he, or she told her to go. She wheeled to the doors of the mine and opened the bars welded rectangles for doors. When they both were open she wheeled in and pressed the button to the lowest floor in the mines and closed her eyes by putto g out the light in her lightbulb eyes.
She tried to imagine herself human again but when she opened them again she was still a robot, but as she looked down she spotted that it was not as robotic as the other body. This one was white with a more humanoid form that looked more like armor than robotics. The only thing that she had to remind herself that she was still a robot was the noise that her body made. As she imagined a kitans in her hand she looked down to see that her hand had changed into a slim silver blade that looked like it could cut through anything with ease.
She waited patiently for the doors to open and when they did she ran. She spotted that her weight had increased, but then again she was in a robotic body thus as mush to be expected. She just hoped that it would not get in her way when she was fighting.
The Dream Demon was ahead deep into the mine. He was a gigantic thing that had the body of a round Victorian furnace with coal and fire in its stomach for fuel and a thimble head with iron nails holding it together. The arms and legs were made of metal with rubber tubes over like skin and had a robotic claw for a hand. On it's face, where the eyes were, were two clockwork pieces as if to substitute.
She charged at the thing and with a bizarre springiness jumped and imagined a rocket jet pack and as the thing's slow movements tried to hit her she was able to dodge out of the way and cut into the rubber but her hand-blade became wedged in the metal beneath. She placed her feet on the arm and tried to pull it out but as much as she yanked she could not pull it out and then as if to make matters worse she spotted that the other claw had started to close in on her. The light in her eyes decreased in fear as she pulled and pulled as the claw came closer and closer slowly as if the creature was taunting her. She pulled and then the moment came when her heart would sink it had her by her hips! They then pulled at her, slightly weak at the first two times but then it pulled and pain entered her as she felt her wrist being pulled and then her blade-hand came free.
She had no time to be happy for she looked to her left and spotted that the furnace was getting closer and closer. The temperature rose and rose as the guard opened but then she had an idea. If she could imagine a blade for a hand why not a super sharp blade that could cut through metal without a sweat? She wondered as she did just that and then she cut the guard and all the conence of the furnace fell out in a laver fall. Well it could not be called a waterfall now can it?
Then the creature fell on to the pool of lava and Pheoshan was free from the claw. She then ran to it and raised her blade-hand above her head.
"I'm not too bright when the real world is concerned, but in here, I know I am in my element. Now I am here to free everyone!" She spoke with authority as she brought the blade down thus ending her time in this Dream Hell!


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