The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Four

The Fourth Hell

      Princess Pheoshan felt her eyes open but no sight came from them. She raised her finger and felt the edge of her lower eyelid. She could feel the eyelash row below but not the bottom of the upper eyelid, thus concluded that her eyes were open. For a moment she was afraid that she was blind until she managed to imagine a ball of light next to her. However this immediately went out. She closed her eyes knowing that they were useless in this Dream Hell. This on the contrary was a good idea for when she did she could see things around her!
      She quickly found out that she did this in just the nick of time for she was just about able to get out of the way for an incoming attack of a thick spiked whip! She felt a slight sting of pain as she realized that one of the spikes had skimmed past her thus cutting a chip out of her arm muscle in the process.
      She dared to look up at the creature as she started to realize that what hit her was but one of the creatures twin tails with an odd head that was the other tail. Its legs were like a millipede and the thing had the wings of a bat! As she looked up at the thing that was in front of her it was all too clear that this Dream Hell's Dream Demon had no eyes, thus making it easier by far to see in this Dream Hell, meanwhile she was struggling to keep her eyes closed at the horror that let before her very eyes.
      She imagined her kitana that was whipped out of her hand as quickly as it appeared. She was now forced to dive out and away from the kitana to dodge another hit. As it flew she spotted it's squid like mouth underneath. For a moment she wondered where it's dung came out, that is if it needed to get rid of waste or did the thing consume everything?
      She, again just about managed to dodge another whipping from the Dream Demon as she felt something hit her. Instinctively she opened her eyes to see what it was which proved to be a mistake as she felt something hit her in the stomach! She shut her eyelids already knowing the one of the tails had hit her. She then felt a the other tail hit her from behind giving her no time to recover as the creatures multiple legs hugged her in a locking embrace as she felt herself falling. Then she quickly realized that they were maneuvering her to the Dream Demon's beak-mouth!
      Wincing she decided to let the Dream Demon lead her to its mouth. Then she closed her eyes and imagined her kitana in her hand and then when she spotted that the mouth was underneath her she pushed away but the Dream Demon had an abnormal strength so she knew that she had to cut away its legs. This proved difficult but only when she hit a joint did it become easy.
      She felt herself falling to the side but before she fell out she grabbed a freshly cut stub. The Dream Demon waved and waved, trying to get her off, and letting gravity do its work for it. Knowing this she tightened her grip. Then something else provided her a challenge of holding on to the stub the creatures blood was trickling down her arm and it was burning her.
      She had to bite her lip to help her deal with her pain as she clenched her already tightly gripped hand causing her fingernails to dig into the fleash of her hand nearest the thumb.
      Once she had gotten used to the pain she spotted that as the Dream Demon swung her it adged her towards the mouth, this gave her an idea. She opened up her body and started to swing with the stub as she edged closer and closer to the mouth. She then was within an arms distance away but she knew that this was not the moment. She swung again but again this was not the moment. Only when it swung for the third time did the moment come and as she swung in and the beak-mouth opened she let go.
      "I am cold and hot headed, but now I am patient and I am here for everyone!" She shouted as her kitana pierced the Dream Demon right through the body! She then dragged the blade aside cutting the creature almost in half just to make sure that the thing was dead. Thus ended her time in the fourth Dream Hell and on to the next.


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