The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Five

The Fifth Hell

      Pheoshan woke up in the fifth Dream Hell. One more to go...she thought as her body became rebellious to movement. Her eyelids were heavy and her body hurt. So she was forced to take a break. She had been fighting for a long time and going from one Dream Hell to the next giving herself no time to just rest. She had become exhausted and she knew it, and despite her desperation to wake, she knew that she had to take this break for if she did not then she knew that she may not even wake!
      She had just about replenished her strength when she spotted a hand fall down on her, quickly she dodged easily then she spotted another and then another and suddenly like a cloudburst more appeared and this time she knew that she could not dodge. The beating did not stop not even when she could taste iron. She raised her arms above her in defense which was just as useful as a child with a driver's license.
      She thought that this would be the end if it until she felt a hand swiftly grip her arm and like a vegetable pulled her up from the angry mob. Suddenly she was riding on a black stallion and a boy her age was in front of her. One very recognizable boy.
      "Yes, I have only just arrived and it has been very bizarre! All of the other Dream Hells have been destroyed and their Dream Demons are all dead. Care to fill me in to what happened?" He asked. Cockily she shrugged.
      "Well...I did." She replied barely hiding her pride.
      "And the prisoners of four Dream Hells suddenly waking up?" He inquired. Pheoshan nodded with pride.
      "By The Great Being, you can kill demons." He muttered under his breath.
      "What was that?"
      "Nothing!" He called as he imagined a sword with a reverse blade and used the blunt side to whipe some if the angry mob away from them with just one hand!
      "Woah! You were holding back that much in our fight?" She questioned. Coalphyre tried to conceal a smirk as he brushed the other side of the mob away from them. He then gave her a mocking smirk as if to say; when are you going to join in? Taking the hint she imagined two kitanas and like Coalphyre she imagined them with a reverse blade as she plowed through the maddened crowd.
      They then approached a grave yard. Knowing that this was the place to be Coalphyre jumped off and either out of instinct or humor, extended his hand to her. Smirking already knowing that she was going to she jumped off beside him barely touching the hand. Coalphyre laughed to himself.
      "Typical, can you not let me have at least one moment of chivalry?" He laughed. She too let out a laugh which was disguised as a sigh.
      "Do I look like someone to waste chivalry on?" She threw back.
      "Yes." He replied as the angry mob ran to them before she could replay.
      "Look, I have to get the boss so do you think that you could take care of them?" She asked. Coalphyre raised his eyebrow cockily.
      "Of course I can!" He replied as she turned to run. "Oh! And do not forget to give him a good thrashing for me!"
      She ran and ran until she came to a tomb, where she knew that the Dream Demon lay. The black gate opened and then the blackwood door. As soon as she was in she slammed her back against the wall and walked sideways. Getting rid of her kitanas she used her hands to keep herself from falling. She slowed down her breathing and closed her eyes and opened up her hearing as she descended. She hoped that she could hear the Dream Demon but all that she heard was her echoing footsteps.
      Then she heard it before she felt herself slashing beside her as she opened her eyes to see she spotted nothing, but she could have sworn that she had hit something. She soon felt a breeze followed by pain across her forehead. Something warm flowed down like water soon blood was getting in her eyes as she felt something slash across her back then as she felt something slice her hip she dug her kitana into her opponent. Soon followed by a frightful roar.
      She heard something was coming towards her at a great speed, instinctively she turned and then a tail hit the floor as she felt something dig into her sides. She was now in the air and as she felt pressure beside her, she stabbed blindly behind her stabbing it in the nose! It let her go and as she started to fall she imagined herself behind the Dream Demon but when she did she just caught the sight of the Dream Demon.
      It had a dragon-like snout and black crooked horns tipped with red that gave the illusion of blood and its humanoid form was like a human with scales and spikes of it's back. She spotted it's dagger long claws and her fleash hanging from it as it flicked it off. Then it too disappeared. Already knowing where it was going to appear she turned her body and hit the arm of the creature she imagined her bladed to be thinner and sharper and soon she pushed the blade deeper and deeper as she was picked off like a leech. She used this to her advantage as she pierced the wrist almost severing it until she used it as a swing to dive her blade into the creature.
      "I...I..I think..." She stuttered as she tried to find the right words to say. "I am...Vulnerable and insecure which leads me to become aggressive. Now free all of the prisoners here as well as Coalphyre. I must face this last one alone." She recognized as she left to the final Dream Hell.


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