The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Two

The Second Hell

      Pheoshan woke up in the Second of the Six Dream Hells that she would have to go through in order to wake up again. One down five to go! She thought as she noticed the unbearable heat. She could feel that her mouth was dry without one drop of saliva inside. The sun there was like a furnace cooking her alive. There seemed that there was not a drop of condensed water vapour to be found that could shield her from the harmful rays of the merciless sun. She could feel that even the dry sand beneath her was just as hot as the sun.
      She quickly sat up and imagined a metal bottle of water and grabbed it. She unwound the lid of the bottle and as she drank the water it started to get hotter and hotter. Soon she had to stop as it climbed to boiling temperature! She then threw it away out of spite.
      She got up and started walking aimlessly just hoping that, out of sheer dumb luck, that she would find the place that the Dream Demon of this Dream Hell was dwelling. She could feel that the dessert was getting hotter and hotter the longer she stayed out in the open. It was getting to the point that she could swear that the sand was starting to turn into glass! She tried to blow on herself to cool herself down but that did nothing. She could feel that her mouth was getting so dry that she knew that she was either going to throw up or faint out of dehydration.
      In this maddened state of mind she spotted a cave in the distance. It's probably an illusion or hallucination brought about by the heat and the...Dehydration! Yeah that was the word! Her mind told her but as she got closer and closer she saw that it grew bigger and bigger. You know, I don't think that either illustrations or hallucinations act like that. She concluded. What if it is a cave like your eyes are seeing?
      Knowing that she had nothing to lose she headed straight to it. Soon she was at the mouth and as she looked up, she could not believe just how big the cave was and how deep it dug into the land. She then stepped in. Yup! This cave is real alright! She thought as she immediately felt relieved to be out of the lethal heat of the sun.
      Curious to where the cave lead she walked and walked until she looked back and found that some how she was still at the mouth of the cave! Huffing to herself she continued until what seemed like hours only to find that she had not moved at all in the cave. Was her mind playing tricks on her? Had the heat done something to her mind and brainwave patterns that gave her the illusion that she had moved when in truth she did not?
      No, this must be the work of the Dream Demon of this Dream Hell, as well as the heat outside. Pheoshan thought to herself. Well that means that there must be a way to get into the cave to meet this foe standing between me and my freedom! She deduced. 'Foe' have you listened to yourself?
      Slapping herself she gave one thing a try; she closed her eyes and imagined herself in the Dream Demon's layer, but by the looks of things there was still away to go. She was about to walk on until her vision blurred and she then fainted out of exhaustion. She had used up far too much of her energy.
      "Pheo! Pheo!" She heard the voice of her mother. She sounded frightened she thought as it faded as she regained consciousness. This time she was shivering it must be night in the Dream Hell. She concluded as she walked deeper into the cave wondering if there was anybody else that had made it in this far, she also wondered who the voice belonged to but then she remembered that it was the voice of her mother's! How could she have forgotten that? Was this Dream Hell getting to her?
      She then came to some old eroded stairs ahead of her leading down further. Beside her she spotted that there was another staircase, but this one was on a different level as if it was bigger than the one that she was on and when she could see the flat of the staircase she could see a foot as long as her body!
      This must have been the foot of this Dream Hell's Dream Demon. Pheoshan's eyebrow raised as she came to the conclusion that if there was anybody else here then if they too wanted to fight off this Dream Demon then that foot alone would deter even the most bravest of men or women!
      I am not like most bravest of men or women! She told herself. I grew up not only in one of these but with the Demon King Wolfox himself! This was all she needed to think to herself to get herself into a less afraid state of mind. She knew any other would have proven fatal.
      She thought about taking a rest as she reached the bottom only for her to see the gigantic mess of an insect with a golden brown exoskeleton. This must have been this Dream Hell's Dream Demon. It was breathing beep but then it released like a huff that sounded like a soft snore.
      Letting a silent sigh escape her lips. She now had one advantage; the creature was asleep and, back when she was Alex Fistone, she lernt how to be light and quick on her feet. That was how she earned her title of Street Queen in her Dream Hell, well back then she did not even know that she was even in a Dream Hell! Controlling her breath she imagined her katana and the head rolled.
      "I am afraid of heights and I am here to free everyone from here!" She demanded as the Dream Hell faded when the head ran out of blood.


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