The Anti-Fairy Tales The Princess And The Demon Arc Final Part

The Demon Apple

      It was in the final day of the celebration of the return of Princess Pheoshan when Sythvin took her aside to talk to her in private. She smiled and nodded as he led her down a tall dark hallway made of stone with a blackey pink painted walls. There was a foul off odor like rotten raw meat that clung to the air like glue. Ignoring it she continued clenching the back of her jaw together to prevent herself showing signs of disgust.
      "Thanks by the way... You know for the whole demon thing." She said feeling compelled to do so, but also awkward for doing so.
      He smiled and nodded as if to say you're welcome. She frowned for a moment, then she started to feel uneasy about something in his silence as he led her out of the castle and in to the woods at the south side of the castle. He then stopped at the end where a large wolf with lunar coloured eyes sat.
      "Our friend would love to talk to you." He said as he gestured for her to go on.
      "'Our'?" She asked as she passed and walked across the field.
      "Well, well, well, if it isn't my dear old host the lost little Demon Princess." Spoke the midnight coloured wolf.
      "Wolfox?" Princess Pheoshan spoke almost like breathing.
      "Yes, it is I but make no attempt to escape or fight for we both know that your muscles are not developed enough to do ether of those things.
      "You're not here for revenge are you? I didn't think that you were that pathetic." She jabbed. The Demon King laughed and dug up some of the mud beneath with his claws.
      "Well, that all depends on you. Well, if you want to join us, that is." He proposed. "Trust me, you would want to be on our side when thing boil down to it. If you need a good reason to do so then remember; they locked an evil creature in side you without ether of our consent, they locked us in a black tower and locked your mind away in that Dream Hell without reason. So would you do that? Could you do that to such an innocent little child?"
      The corners of her eyes narrowed like she had eaten something sour and started to walk away to demonstrate her answer. Wolfox raised his whisker eye brow in mild disappointment.
      "Well that was disappointing, now I will have to have my revenge. It has already been set in motion the moment that you set off out of your castle. Well I was going to use you and your body to destroy your kingdom however I still can do it but I would have preferred you to be more willing however it seems not." He explained before coughing up a black apple. Princess Pheoshan gulped as she knew what was about to happen, well could guess that they were going to make her eat that apple and it would not keep any doctor away.
      "Now you shall take a bite from my demon apple and fall back in to the second Dream Hell, there you shall be put through torture after torture and the worst part; it us the fact that whatever happens in any Dream Hell happens to your real body. That means that you could easily die in any of the Dream Hells and if you survive and wake up you could still die recovering from your injuries." He explained.
      Princess Pheoshan cocked her eye brow.
      "And if I refuse?" She asked. The Demon leaned in close invading her personal space in the prosses.
      "Then I will cause hell like you have never seen before as I raze your kingdom down to the ground, and let you live long enough to witness me devouring every man, woman, child or animal that I can get my teeth into and make sure that they all know who is to blame." He threatened without taking a breath. He then licked her cheek.
      Princess Pheoshan closed her eyes to keep them from betraying her anger as she let the fact that he had beaten her sink in. She felt herself slowlove towards the apple and picked it up, her whole body felt alien to her as she did. She raised the apple to her mouth and bit in to it.
      "Good, good girl, now do not fail to remember to eat the whole apple, including the seeds!" He sang as he licked her again and again. She ate and ate, forcing each bite down and passed the lump that was ever more increasing in her throat until the apple was in her stomach.
      Her body collapsed and her mind was yet again locked away in a painful sleep.
End of the Princess And The Demon Arch.
The Anti-Fairy Tales will continue...


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