The Anti-Fairy Tales The Princess And The Demon Arc Part Two

The Broken Princess

     Alex Fiststone had finished against her latest challenger and she was cleaning the blood off her face when she was approached by a woman. She was wearing a suit the colour of the day time cloudless sky with a matching skirt. Her tie was loose and light gray like the shade of a white cloud. Her hair was the colour of daffodils and her eyes were the colour of old wood.
      "May I have a try at fighting the Street Queen?" She asked. Alex looked at her with her eyes the colour of wet grass.
      "Sure, only if you have a death sentence for your pride." She remarked as she walked her to the ring. Which was an abandoned factory that was no longer in use. She then turned back to see that the woman was now, somehow in a tracksuit the same colours of her suit! Alex frowned at the oddity but refrained a comment.
      Alex looked at her assessing the strengths and weaknesses of her frame and she knew that this woman was doing the exact same as they started to circle one another clockwise trying to test which one had the best starting position. They again anticlockwise this time they paid close attention to their feet to monitor their walk patterns.
      Then when Alex had done that she waited, patiently, for her opponent to strike and when she did, the woman somehow hit her from behind, giving her no opportunity to dodge or block! Alex then turned and let out a fist to where she knew that the woman's stomach was but the woman was not even there! She could sense that the woman was behind her and she elbowed back but somehow the woman was in front of her! And as difficult for her mind to comprehend somehow disappeared and Alex felt something hit her neck. She was down and incapable of moving.
     "How?" She managed to say. She couldn't have hit me that hard could she? No, but nether should she be able to do half of those things that she did. I mean how did she disappear like that? Alex thought as her eyes dropped to her gang. To her astonishment they were frozen like time had stopped!
      "What have you done to my mates!" She cried. "Just who exactly are you?"
      "Who I am is none of your concern at the moment. What is your concern is the fact that you are not Alex Fiststone, and this world is not real. You are under an enchanted sleep which you must wake up from and that you are in a dark tower. However I am sorry for to wake you up a man will come to break you. He will try to do this three times, first, he will try to break your body, if that does not work then he will attack your will and if that does not work, your heart." She explained as Alex's head began to spin.
      "There is a prince that will try to protect you, however he cannot be trusted." She said as she stood up and walked away unfreezing her friends in the process. Alex was pail and confused.
      Later she was challenged by a boy who seemed about the same age as her. His hair was like it had been carved out of wood and eyes like gray crystals with shadows under his wide eye that were so pail that even a blank page would look gray next to it. He had an odd cold sick handsomeness to him.
      "Alright, I'll fight you. So, what's you're name kid?" She asked.
      "Coalphyre." He replied in a cold sick voice.
      "Interesting name!" She commented. "Wanna put that on the board!"
      "Alright!" Her friend shouted as he started to engrave his name on the old red car along with other names.
      "It is spelt C O A L P H Y R E not C O L E F I R E." He corrected before they could even make the mistake.
      They then started circling one another. Alex spotted that this confused Coalphyre at first but she spotted that he quickly understood what she was doing and then dived in with a predictable punch. Alex raised an eye brow and suppressed a sigh as she took him by the wrist and fling him to the ground. He twisted and used his feet to propel him but as his feet touched the ground he lost balance and fell. Alex decided to help him up letting out the sigh. He pulled himself up with her help and as if drunk his head lolled and he fainted in her arms just as an arrow flew past her skimming her ear.
      She set Coalphyre down gently as she walked over to the arrow. On it was a piece of parchment rolled up into a scroll. Sighing, she pulled the arrow out of the car door. As she looked around she subconsciously unrolled the scroll. She looked back at it when she felt that it was safe to.

To The Demon Princess

     If you are reading this
it means that my attempt
to break your body has
failed, but no matter, no
matter. I still have two
more shots at it.

      For surviving,
I would be pleased
for you to allow me
to reward you

        Your Knight

P.S. Join me tomorrow
after noon, and dare not
be late!

      Coalphyre asked if she was alright as he stirred. She looked up and smiled and nodded as she helped him up. With the one that engraved his name on the car door they walked to the hospital together. Alex made her exuse as she left to go home to ponder over the days events.
      The next day she walked to the place where, whoever wanted to break her, had designated and purposely arrived late. Just to spite them, however the joke was on her for what she saw was the friend that had engraved Coalphyre's name on the car door was tied to a pole. He was pail and unmoving. He was just hanging there like a doll. Then horror stuck as Alex's eyes dropped only to see a dagger in his chest pinning a note in his corpse.
      To The Demon Princess

     How do you like your reward? Aren't I considerate?

         Your Knight

     P.S. I dearly hope that you are broken now!

      Alex screamed at the top of her lungs and shouted for help. She tried to call the police but unusually enough there was no signal. She screamed again as people started to appear. She looked around afraid that they would think that she was the one that did it but none looked at her. None seemed to know that she was there. She ran up to one of them to go and get help but as she approached and hit one of them her fist passed right through her as if she was punching thin air. She could not even feel the woman! Then as if to add oil to the furnace if turmoil the woman walked right through her! Then another and another! It was as if she was not even there!
     "Looks like you're beginning to break." Alex heard Coalphyre say as he came into the light. He had a disappointed look on his face mixed in with screaming dread. "But it is not enough. Shame it seems like I am going to have to break your heart."
     Alex went to punch him as she connected the dots in her mind but her fist would not obay her. She tried to look down to see why but her eyes followed Coalphyre and they could not be deterred. As he approached she tried to move her body, vowing to give him a punch the minute he let her go.
      "Just to let you know that I am very sorry for what I am about to do Princess Pheoshan Wolfhiemstine." He said as he leaned in and kissed her. An electric anger struck her mind. Now he was definitely going to get a punch or twenty. He pulled away and smiled at her.
      "My sister, Phiredoorn did tell you not to trust the prince now did she not?" He said as he pulled out a knife. "Now I am going to have to get my hands dirty as I pierce your heart. Do not worry I and Doorn will come for you. Fear not for you will not be in pain for very long. Once you have died to this world you will wake up after I have kissed you in the real world." He explained as he rammed the dagger as painlessly as possible into her heart and broke it. "Hold on until then will you, okay?"
      She closed her eyes as her dream life as Alex Fitsstone came to an end.


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