The Anti-Fairy Tails The Princess and The Demon Arc Part Three

The Princess Awakens

      Prince Coalphyre and Phiredoor woke up back in the real world after Coalpyre had opened the door out of the dreamworld that Princess Pheoshan had been trapped in. Ordinarily they would have celebrated, however, now was not the time for celebration for they could not delay. Prince Coalphyre pulled out the map he had stolen from King Artah and Queen Shophanna when he visited his father's grave last. His map told him where the Dark Tower where Princess Pheoshan lay.
      They quickly analysed it and knew where to go. They passed a place known as the Forest Of Death and followed the trail to keep them safe as the forest ended. They spotted the Dark Tower ahead. It was made of black glass with crimson windows and emerald slates on the single circular crooked roof. Leaching onto it's walls was a poisonous purple rose vine with dark green vines.
      As they approached they spotted a small red door almost hidden for it was so small. Already noticing that Phiredoor was far too tall he turned to her.
      "I must go on alone." He said he rested a hand on her as she opened her mouth to protest. "You must guard the entrance. Let none in and do not let me leave without Princess Pheoshan."
      "Don't you mean the Demon Princess?" Phiredoor laughed.
      "No, that is what her enemies call her." He replied. Phiredoor nodded.
      "Well may the Great Being be with you!" She said as the Prince opened the door with his stolen key. He then walked through the door and locked it to prevent anyone else from getting in.
      He turned around to see that he was in a bare room that looked oddly light with untrodden stone cobbles and dusty walls. In the center was a long mirror with an intact silver ivy pattern that seemed as if the silver had somehow platted itself in place.
      He then walked to the center and looked at himself in the mirror. He knew what to do, for he had acquired the answer from a drunken Sythvin.
      "Mirror, mirror in this room, give me passage to Princess doom!" He said remembering that people can only speak to mirrors in rhyme.
      "My prince, my prince, art thou sure? For she maybe evil to her core!" The mirror asked
      "Mirror, mirror, the choice is mine! Thus I shall pay my own fine." He replied.
      "My prince, my prince, as you will discover, may you be friend, foe or lover, be there three, then ahead there she be." The mirror explained.
      He nodded and ran into the mirror. He found himself in a room made of solid one hundred carrot gold. Ahead of him was a silver door with a keyhole in. He looked around for the key and spotted that there was a gold string with golden keys. Remembering the answer that he got from the drunken Sythvin he started to scratch each of the keys until he found what he was looking for. An iron key with a gold plaiting hung at the end and he took it off the string and then picked off all of the gold plaiting, as Sythvin had instructed. He then slid it through for the next test.
      He entered a bare room with an uneven wooden flooring and bare brick walls. Then he spotted that there was something moving something sharp and shiny. To his dread he quickly realized that they were knives! Shakeing but kepping as calm as possible he observed the knives. His grandfather had always told him that these enchantments had patterns. So he waited until he was certain that he knew the pattern before he continued.
      He counted and knew that he would have to walk out the words DWELL IN SLUMBER as he did the door to the next room opened.
      Inside was a mighty dragon as black as coal and eyes of embers. She woke up and he gripped his sword. He drew it and ran up to her. She released a line of fire and he dodged it. He continued until he was underneath her where her stomach was and slashed. She roared and scratched him to her tail with her right hind leg. Then whipped him with the tip making sure to get the arrow of her tail in. He retaliated by digging his sword into the centre of their arrow and rolled out of the way as he spliced the back if her hind legs. She roared and flew out of the window and into the mirror and smashed out of the window of the tower barely escaping with her life.
      Panting he took a small break to calm himself down. He needed to slow his heartbeat so that he did not lose more blood than he needed to. When he felt better he opened the door to the next room. There he saw Princess Pheoshan asleep on a stone slab like a prisoner rather than what a princess aught to be sleeping on.
      He walked up to her ant took her hand in his. He checked to make sure that she had not been bound up or chained to the stone slab. He smiled a little spotting there was none. The confidence of Sythvin, he must have thought that slumber was quite enough to keep her from escaping.
      "Now it's time for you to wake." He sighed filled with dread as he leaned in and kissed her, the princess that should never wake, the broken princess opened her eyes the sorcerer's spell broke... As well as Coalphyre's nose!
      "Yeah I guess that I deserve that!" He said nursing her punch!


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