The Anti-Fairy Tales The Princess And The Demon Arc Part Four

The Demon Departs

      When Princess Pheoshan opened her eyes for the first time all she wanted to do was kill Prince Coalphyre for what he had done to her, however when she saw him standing over her looking so concerned about her all she could do was give him a punch with all the strength that she had in her body.
      "Yes, I deserve that!" He said as if to say 'typical' to her. Her lip curled as she gave him the evils but her anger was quenched. He wiped the blood away with his sleeve.
      "Anyway, we have no time to waste." He said as Pheoshan tried to pull herself up and stand, but as she took her first, real, step she fell. Fortunately, before she hurt herself, Prince Coalphyre caught her. "Here, I will carry you and do not argue you are not strong enough yet to walk on your own. You will be able to later as we go on and your muscles develop but for now you must let me and my sister carry you. Ideally we would have you return home and have you greet your parents and let you develop those muscles on your own, but we have got to get that Demon King out of you first."
      "What Demon King?" She asked letting him pick her up.
      "The Demon King Wolfox Akishine', Wolfoxspelt with a w not a v by the way." He explained as he started walking. "He was never meant to have entered you but he did and these past thirteen years we have been trying to find a way to both wake you up and get that Demon King out of you."
      Prince Coalphyre kicked down the door and carefully navigated the debris making sure not to drop Princess Pheoshan. He then found it was easier to get out than it was to journey in. Then again most journeys can be like that. When they were at the red door Prince Coalphyre gently placed her down and unlocked the door.
      "You locked us in?" She mocked.
      "It was to ensure that I would not leave here without you. I even told my sister not to let me leave here without you." He replied as he opened the door. He outstretched his arm to her. Knowing stubbornness would be useless she took it and he helped walk her to his stallion.
      Phiredoor approached and kneeled before her.
      "Princess Pheoshan, it is an honor to see you awake in the real world." She exclaimed taking her hand and placed her knuckles in the center of her forehand. She then moved on and readied the other smassagedand they were off.
      They traveled long and hard, not even stopping for a second, when Prince Coalphyre knew that the stallions could no longer travel without at least resting did they stop. Phyredoor helped Princess Pheoshan off the shattered horse and Prince Coalphyre went off to gather some firewood and water. Phyredoor then helped Princess Pheoshan practice walking and supported her as she did. Even-though her muscles hurt as she did she continued until the pain of her task got to her. Then Phyredoor massaged her calves and thighs.
      Then Prince Coalphyre retuned with a dead rabbit in his hands and Phyredoor gutted it as he took out a stove. He filled part of it with the water that he collected and then the remnants of the rabbit was dropped into it. Then once that had been cooked they ate, however Princess Pheoshan only had a small portion for if she had a normal one with her under developed stomach it would kill her, but she still felt hurt by not having one.
      Then when they were all fed up and the stallions had their share they moved on. It was not until the sun was far below the horizon that they set up camp.
      "That's odd!" She said suddenly.
      "What is?" Phyredoor and Prince Coalphyre asked in unison.
      "The sky, it's changing from blue to dark purple." She explained.
      "Yes, in that Dream Hell it was not like here it reminds me of tales of the world without the Rainbow Sky." Prince Coalphyre explained.
      "What's a Dream Hell?" She asked.
      "Let us all hope that you never shall find that out." He replied sleepily as they fell asleep. They continued on until nightfall. They stopped outside a small cottage hidden in the overgrowth of the surrounding forest. Only the light in the clouded windows that barely made it out from all the mud and dust told you that it was there.
      There was movement from the inside and a creek of a door then an old but black haired man came out. His crystal baby blue eyes were sunken deep into his skull and flesh hung tightly from his bones making it easy to see his skull.
      "Prince Coalphyre and his bastard half sister! And whom might you be?" He asked.
      "She is the Princess Pheoshan the one you placed the Demon King Wolfox Akishine in. Now I would like for you to get him out of her." He said. He nodded and held her hand.
      "Come, child." He said as he helped her off the stallion and ley her down on the floor.
      "Monster in the heart, Demon now depart, shine now unseen future star, send him so ever far!" He casted.
      Suddenly Princess Pheoshan felt pain inside her body like as if something was tearing up and forcing itself out of her. She found herself coughing as she started to scream out in pain. Then the pain intensified to such a point that she saw nothing but the blackness of her eyelids and when she came too, she spotted that the man was gone and could sense that the demon was too. She felt an odd peaceful light sensation in her chest.
     Then Prince Coalphyre steadied her and she realized that she was riding the stallion they provided for her. She spotted high chalk white walls coming up ahead. They were riding towards a black wood gate where it was above a river. When the gates dropped they acted like a bridge.
      At the gate to greet them stood her parents and younger brother followed by a whole month of celebration.


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