The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Witch Part Four

 The Lace Of The Witch 

Melinda turned around and walked through the door. She stepped out onto the front door's carpet. She was in the hallway again. She shook her head and turned around and walked out only to be back in the hallway. She did this again and again. Then she started to jog out. Only to be back in the hallway again. She tried to run but this didn't work.

She looked down at the letter again for any kind of answer.

Good fortune be with you

in getting out of my 

house, Melinda Narcissa! 

Thought so.

She walked to the opposite end of the house and saw a door in the kitchen that led to the back garden. She ran to it and opened it. She ran through it and was soon looking at the door to the kitchen! She walked in and came out to the kitchen. She did this again and again until she knew that she could not get out of the house that way. 

She let out a frustrated huff. 

She ran out and into the living room and opened the window. She climbed through it. She dropped and then landed on the leather sofa. She rolled off it and onto the wooden floor which was in front of the window. She went through it again and again and again but it was useless. 

She looked up and looked at a painting by the door. It was of the man that she saw before her parents death. He had blond hair which looked almost white. He had crimson eyes like her. In fact she noticed that she looked almost like Matilda and her, yet she was far too frustrated to pay any attention to that.

Come on!

She then tried this with all of the windows of the downstairs to no avail. She ran to the stairs. She jogged up to the first floor. She ran to the nearest room. She opened the window in that room. She then jumped out. She then fell and, for a moment, felt hope before the ground vanished beneath her. Soon she saw the floor of the room that she jumped out and collapsed as she landed. She rolled to the side as she got to her feet

She has to take a moment to calm down. She tried all of the windows to the same effect. She then jogged down the stairs. She ran to the nearest room that had no room next to that one. 

She spotted a table in the room. She picked it up and threw it at the wall. She picked it up and threw it again and again and again. Yet she did not make a dent in the wall. By this time the table had been destroyed.

She then looked around the room to see a fireplace. She scrambled up and pushed herself up. She climbed and climbed and climbed, yet she was still not getting anywhere. She looked up and spotted a small square of night at the top ahead of her. She kept her eyes up as she climbed on and on and on and regardless of how long it fast she climbed the square stayed the same size. She looked down to see that there was a pile of ash beneath her. She climbed back down and got out.

Not that way.

She then looked back at the wall. She looked all around and spotted a hammer. She picked it up and hit the wall. She hit it again and again. Soon she was able to chip a brick. She smiled as she hit the wall again and again and again. She was able to smash chip after chip after chip, causing crack after crash. She soon felt her arms starting to ache, yet she continued hammering at the wall. Then she felt hope rise as she saw a hole. Then she felt energy rise within her as she hammered and hammered. The hole became bigger and bigger and bigger. Soon the hole was big enough for her to fit through.

She quickly dived in, only to land in the rubble and rolled onto the wooden floor boards. She then looked up to see that the wall and table had been restored like she had never destroyed them.

I'm never getting out of here!

No! Check the letter, maybe she left something.

She looked down at it. She noticed that the writing had changed again.

I can see that you now know that

you can not leave here unless I want


If you wish to leave come to the top

floor to the room that is the farthest

away from the stairs. 

Looks like that is where I have to get to next. 


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