The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Witch Part Two

 The Witch's House 

They soon arrived at the house. It was beautiful and quaint. It looked like it was made in the Tudor area with a winding stone pathway connecting the gate to the door like a snake. The gate was silver with bars sculpted into thorny vines of roses with rose heads at the top. With the border of the house made up of a rosebush going in a hexagon with an arch going over the single file gate. Its scarlet and crimson heads scattered like stars around the bush with black leaves. Which was particular in the second part of winter.

The front garden was filled with apple and orange trees with poppies covering the ground like a red carpet. She could see that the vines covered all three floors that were very thick and almost covered the thatched roof.

"What a beautiful house!" Jaden and Doctor Stephanie said.


"Well it's just as beautiful inside, just way more creepy." 

"Do you think that those plants are dangerous?"

"No. She's a bit of a tree hugger in that regard."

"So, an eco warrior then?"

"Yes. Too bad that she doesn't care for humans in the same way."

"No! We're nothing but a number to control and a name in her books."

Melinda punched her palm.

"Well there's no time like the present!"

They nodded as Danté opened the gate. They all walked up the pathway and approached the door. He tried to open it but the door stayed where it was! He crouched and looked at the keyhole as Doctor Stephiene did the same.

"What is it?" Matilda asked.

"The keyhole, it can't be picked!" She exclaimed as she straightened out her legs.

The others took their turns looking at it to see that it was true. 

"So the only way in is by force?"

"Seems so."

Melinda looked at the door then knew what to do. She set the door on fire. Only to see that the door was completely unaffected. She put out the fire and the door opened on its own.

"Looks like we're expected."

Danté walked in closely followed by the rest. Then Melinda looked down to her right. She noticed the envelope on the doorstep with browning pages and the wax seal with a knife on and in the centre. 

Dear Melinda Narcissa

"Looks like she's expecting you!" 

Melinda pulled the knife out and took the envelope. She turned it over and was greeted by green wax with a double W in the centre. She broke and pulled out the paper inside.

Melinda Narcissa

I have been expecting you to come and visit since

Mohan's death. Yes, I knew that if you beat him

then you would come here eventually. Honestly, the twins,

the doctor and the nurse, the vampires, the clown and the

 asylum may have given me a great deal of borrowed time, 

however, it has finally run out.

The Book Of Names is yours if you can find it. Enjoy all 

the fun that I have left you. 

Wendy Wonderlust 

"What is it?"

"She's laid down some traps for us. So keep your eyes open."

She looked up and saw the bone hand and spotted that it was pointing up the stairs. 

Not going that way.

They all looked in all of the rooms downstairs and searched in each and everyone of them. None of them has the book. Regardless of how many times they searched and how thoroughly. They looked under every tiny stone and every nook and cranny. Yet there was nothing.

Looks like I'm going to have to climb those stairs after all.

She let out a quick huff. They all walked to the stairs. Then Danté walked up first and they all followed. They walked up and up and up. They climbed and climbed. Yet as they rose higher and higher and higher, they quickly noticed that they should have passed the door of the first floor by now. They looked back to see that they could no longer see the floor behind them.

"What's going on?" Doctor Stephiene asked.

"We're trapped on the stairs. So there must be a trick to get to the first floor. After all, all spells of this nature do."


"You seem to know a lot about this stuff."

Danté was about to respond when he looked at the letter. 

"Mel the note."

Neither walk,

Nor run. 

"What does that mean?'

"We have to travel up the stairs at the right speed."

"Then whatever we do, we can't walk or run."

"What does she expect? Should we crawl?"

"What about jogging?"

"Then we will jog first then crawl later."

They jogged up and soon arrived at the first floor.

She looked down at the letter.

How do you get to Neverland? 

"It's the second door to the right."


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