The Sorrowful Rebel Victory Of The Rebel Final Part

 A New World 

Wolf Raven's corpse was discovered at one o'clock in the afternoon by one of his maids. She had yellow skin and silver horns and white eyes. She only came to clean up his bed after cleaning all of the other rooms. After all, that was her orders and she preferred to follow them. Especially, after finding out that he was the Emperor. Which meant that she knew that, if he was in the mood, she would not be able to refuse him. However, much to her relief, he had not ordered her to do it again. No, it seemed as of late, he had been saving himself for someone. Whoever it was, she was glad about. After all, it meant that he would not draw his attention to her.

The first thing that she noticed when entering the room, was a door that she never knew was even there! The next, was that it was open. This was followed by the realisation that she had not seen her master all day, and he was not in his room. Knowing that was where he was, she walked in. The first thing that her eyes met was his head looking at her! She let out a scream of horror. Then as her eyes slid to the left she was greeted by the rest of the body. She let out more screams. 

Others raced in to see what the woman was screaming about. That was when their eyes rested on the dead Emperor. They, for a moment, looked at each other wondering what they ought to do. However they all quickly got the word out that the Emperor, Wolf Raven was dead. He was actually dead!

The moment that it reached their ears, the nobles took their own lives to avoid justice. However, they would greet justice once they reached the other end. 

Some could not believe it. Others soon celebrated. Yet others genuinely did not know how to react. Some did not know if they should celebrate. Others wondered if it was moral to celebrate. 

Yet as time wore on, they all came to be used to the fact that Emperor Wolf Raven was dead. It was a strange thing for all of them to let all that sink in. Yet there were those that still did not know what to do. In fact they were almost lost. Yet others were just enjoying their new found freedom. They were no longer under the thumbs of anything and they could do what they want and be what they want.

Then, after a week of debate, Wolf Raven's body was burnt. The whole world watched the cremation on their T.V. screens. They all held a moment of silence. Not for the Emperor but for all those that had died trying to finally put an end to him and his tyranny. All those countless rebellions that were set up and destroyed, just for his own amusement. All those that had their bloodlines destroyed just to stop their genes from being passed onto the next generation. All those that had been killed just for his amusement. 

However the one thing that will always remain a mystery was the one that finally killed him. They could never find the one that killed and finally freed the world from him. Almost as if the person disappeared from the face of the world and none ever will. However some theorised that it was none other than Sorrowful. Even though none had the proof to back it up… 

Loc's Adventures

Will Continue In

The Nine Dragons


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